It was all because of this .
WORLD temporarily FREED from BURDEN of TWITTER!
Twitter is broken for an unknown number of its 500-million-strong userbase. The site's over-capacity Fail Whale is greeting many people who are trying to access the site, while others are finding the service to be extremely slow. A spokeswoman at the privately-held company confirmed to The Register (by email) that there was …
Thursday 31st January 2013 16:24 GMT M.D.
But will the recovery really happen
...or will large parts of the (predominantly Western) World grind to a halt, while millions of businesses stop functioning as their wild-eyed workers feverishly pinch 'refresh' on an endless quest to communicate a few words of rubbish to the rest of the Tribe?
Is this what the Mayans were really warning us about?!
Thursday 31st January 2013 18:19 GMT Anonymous Coward
I like Twitter
There, I said it.
Feels a bit like admitting you like towie here on El Reg, or that you find BBC's weather girl, Carol Kirkwood, attractive. ... oh shit ...
However, I do hate 99.99% of the people that use twitter, as they are generally self serving wankers of the first order (or worse, marketing types) (or even worse, politicians)
Thursday 31st January 2013 19:36 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Why ...
Why exactly?
Care to explain why anyone who uses Twitter is a Twat?
I work with some exceptionally intelligent and friendly people. Complete geeks, full on code hackers.
They all use twitter.
Not a lot, but they use it.
People who dismiss Twitter with idiotic statements like yours really are just first class Trolls.
Thursday 31st January 2013 19:50 GMT NukEvil
Re: Why ...
Hey, guess what? I DON'T use Twitter. I'm exceptionally intelligent and friendly. I'm a complete geek and a "full on code hacker", as you incorrectly put it. I only access the Twitter website whenever someone posts a link and says "hey look at this". And then I usually regret clicking on said link after reading whatever is behind it.
True, whenever important events happen, I'm sure the Twits (Is that what you call posts made on Twitter?) are relevant to whatever is happening at the moment. However, I find that giving the average person a medium in which he or she will have something to say often translates into that person having NOTHING to say, and saying it anyways. It's happened on just about every single content-aggregate website that allows its users to write to a public database, and will continue to happen until our species annihilates itself. In this case, however, the name of the site itself can lend to some colorful suggestions of names for its users. You should probably lighten up a bit.
Thursday 31st January 2013 20:47 GMT heyrick
Re: Why ...
"I'm sure the Twits (Is that what you call posts made on Twitter?)" - long 'iiii', "tweets". It's a play on words of that blue bird. I wouldn't be suprised if group postings (if it can even be done) wasn't known as "chirping".
"However, I find that giving the average person a medium in which he or she will have something to say often translates into that person having NOTHING to say, and saying it anyways." - you mean like
BBS messageboardsFidoNetUsenetchatroomsforumsnews/blog article comment sections? People have a tendency to spew drivel given half an opportunity, myself included.Perhaps the biggest wonder is why people think that somebody is reading.Perhaps the biggest wonder is why somebody is reading.If you've read this, congratulations, that's thirty seconds of your life (and about 25 heartbeats) you'll have wasted. Waste another few seconds - click on green if you think this message has at least been mildly amusing if not exactly enriching...or click on red if the only response you have now is "screw you dumbass". Your call!
Friday 1st February 2013 08:31 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Why ...
And the problem with that is what exactly?
Why shouldn't people say what they want?
They may have nothing to say to YOU, but they may have something to say to the people that follow their tweets, like their friends, family, co-workers.
This obviously annoys some folks who post here on El Reg - I find it ironic your telling me to lighten up, when it's you who gets annoyed.
I've been posting comments on El Reg for years now and tend to get more thumbs up than down - except on this matter.
I wouldn't call it a personal crusade, but it just annoys the hell out of me when I see otherwise intelligent people dismissing twitter as being crap at every opportunity they get, so I reply.
... and I get thumbed down every single time ... :)
The entire web is filled with millions of pages of crap content, Twitter is just an easy target...
Friday 1st February 2013 11:07 GMT Intractable Potsherd
Re: Why ... Why not?
Maybe I didn't use it right when I was persuaded to open an account, but I just don't see what Twitter is for. All I would get was notifications in my inbox that someoneconnected with my area of interest (e.g. Gary Slapper) had retweeted something from someone else. Big deal! Also, the format didn't allow for sufficient detail - I'd have to trail off and find the real information somewhere else: not useful.
Twitter seems like the tool of choice for attention-deficient attention-seekers, hence I do refer to its users as Twats.