back to article Indonesian hackers protest hacker's arrest ... by hacking

Hackers have been hard at work in Indonesia, defacing web sites left right and center in protest at the treatment of a local hacker who defaced the president’s web site earlier this month and could now face a 12 year jail term. Internet café worker Wildan Yani Ashari, 22, was cuffed by police last Friday just over a fortnight …


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  1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

    Improve website security?

    Let's just pretend for a sec that the hackers do want to improve security, haven't they heard the Indonesian answer to drugs eradication is to eradicate any dealers or smugglers caught? "Hey, I'm a hacker and I want to improve website security!" BANG!

    1. Gray Ham
      Thumb Down

      Re: Improve website security?

      Why is this relevant? Wildan is not charged with drug trafficking, he is charged with two offences relating to hacking. At most, he can get 7 years in jail.

      Or are you just another bule who likes slagging off the Indonesian legal system?

      1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

        Re: Improve website security?

        ".....Or are you just another bule who likes slagging off the Indonesian legal system?" Not really, more pointing out the unlikelyhood of self-admitted criminals (and that's what the hackers will be considered as) being welcomed with open arms by a legal system based on zero tolerance.

        1. Gray Ham

          Re: Improve website security?

          Agreed, penalties (and prisons) can be pretty harsh up there ... I don't envy the young man, even with 7 years it's not going to be pleasant. That said, Indo judges can and do exercise discretion in sentencing - we'll have to see how this plays out.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Story in British English, headline in US English

    In British English when we 'protest' something we are speaking in support of it, hence 'protesting one's innocence'. The Reg is a British publication, so your headline ought to say that the hackers are protesting 'at', 'about' or 'against' the arrest in question: at the moment it implies that they are in favour of it.

    1. Robert Helpmann??

      Re: Story in British English, headline in US English

      Yes, that is British usage (note the North American entry).

      "Such shame El Reg has been reduced to using semi-literate American hacks!" he protested.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    12 years is appropriate

    In Japan it's a mandatory 10 years for hacking and hopefully the rest of the world will adopt this mandatory, minimum punishment for hackers and the same 2 yr. mandatory jail time that Japan has for pirates. While it won't eliminate hacking or piracy, it will get a lot of scum off the streets and in prison where they belong. In addition to the large mandatory fines that go along with the punishment, the crims should all be made to pay for their prosecution and incarceration costs.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    More crims to bite the dust

    If at first you are a clown, then you go to prison.

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