Many ... are feeling little love for the US government at the moment
Got that right!
This ill-feeling towards things American even affects backpackers safety with people really upset even attacking US citizens and corporations.
Perhaps if the US pulled it's horns in, stopped droning people and acted positively like a global citizen should, the US profile would reduce along with attacks.
Operating torture centres like Guantanamo should doesn't endear the US to anyone, nor does illegal rendition, or demanding the production of people to answer charges in the US rather than in the country in which the 'crime' was committed.
These bastards have even ordered Canadians to be removed from direct Canada <> Canada flights, flights that never landed at a US airport. Why does it need ALL the flight manifests for ALL flights from Bangkok, even for flights terminating in the region?
Why does it need to track money movements, internationally, of all people. If money travels from the UK to Greece or Thailand, what the hell business is it of the US? All the res systems that have computers in the US are on-line, in real time as are credit card transactions and hotel reservations - world-wide.
Why does the US need military bases in the UK, or anywhere in Europe? There are literally thousands of mini-bases in numerous countries that aren't well known.
Their DEA and FBI types swagger around guest countries, advertising their presence to all and sundry, seemingly ignoring the niceties of diplomacy. The Australian national police also have offices in many Asian countries but they show respect to their host countries maintaining a low, non-disruptive profile.
Why is the new US Embassy in London so large? The number of real diplomats are few in number but the security related people are massive. And Britain is a friendly country?
Obama shed tears for children killed in December, yet he routinely authorises attacks on children, women and men who have absolutely no links to this phantom war on terrorism. These were crocodile tears, IMO. His idea of 'colloquial damage' can be measured in miles/kilometres.
So when the US stops doing the World Cop stunt, lowers it's profile and stops saying it is the best perhaps they will suffer fewer attacks. And be more popular.