back to article Waiter! There's a phone in my soup

Salvation is in sight for iPhone addicts who find they can't put their handsets down long enough to eat lunch, thanks to New York company Miso Soup Designs' “Anti-Loneliness Ramen Bowl.” The bowl's design is simple: a slot in rim is just the right size for an iPhone and hides its button but leaves the screen free for swiping. …


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  1. MrT

    Splash proof cover needed...

    ...for soup fans who use iPhones and Twitter, for the times when those new 6-second videos hit the mark. Apart from looking like a tiny toilet, the next move could be to fit a subwoofer in the base and what the soup rock to the beat.

    1. Martin Budden Silver badge

      Re: Splash proof cover needed...

      Rock to the beat, you say? Might I humbly suggest the following....

      The Noodle Doodle Man

  2. rahul

    NERD Alert!

    Any one want to fit a rechargable battery to the bottom that can provide power as a phone charger as well as a soup warmer?

    1. JC_

      Re: NERD Alert!

      Battery? Surely a thermocouple - noodle powered iPhone :)

  3. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    I've watched it carefully

    but I can't see any mention of mobile phone insertion in the definitive work on the search for the perfect noodle: Tampopo.

    1. Andrew Moore

      Re: I've watched it carefully

      An excellent film, worthy of a rewatch.

      Also the reason why I kept giggling at my Spanish teacher when she was teaching me the word for 'neither'.

  4. JaitcH

    First time I've heard ...

    an iThingy used a handle.

    Perfect application. Now we need an App that can smell the steam and signal when it is cool enough not burn your mouth.

  5. lawndart


    Will any steam/vapour set the excess moisture sensor off and invalidate the warranty?

  6. Blofeld's Cat


    "Miso Soup Designs' Anti-Loneliness Ramen Bowl"

    Is somebody channelling the spirit of Douglas Adams?

    <-- You're never alone with the FSM.

  7. Ralph B


    > A venn diagram describing the population sharing an iPhone and ramen obsession probably has only a slim oval at its centre

    That'd be "a slim vesica piscis", surely?

    1. Minophis

      Re: Oval?

      While versica piscis is an acceptable generic term for the shape, when used correctly it refers to the shape between two overlaping circles of the same diameter overlapping by where each circle has its centre on the perimiter of the other. The name for the biconvex shape between any two circle overlapping by any amount is simply a 'lens'.

  8. NorthernCoder


    It could be used for breakfast cereals or porridge as well, getting your morning pick-me-up dose of FaceSpace, Twoots, El Reg etc. [Sic and sic]

  9. frog

    scale it up...

    perfect fit for your local gents...

    1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

      Re: scale it up...

      Or add an iPhone dock to these:

    2. Schultz


      from soup bowl to pissoir in 9 comments.

      Keep up the good work, commentards!

  10. The Alpha Klutz


    if you are a loser, what you need to do is eat them out of a saucepan while on the PC. putting it in an iPhone bowl isn't any better but it is highly pretentious so actually its worse.

  11. John Angelico

    Just don't recommend one to our bogan PM ...

    ...who will instantly hyper-ventilate about a hyper-bowl!

  12. Ben Rosenthal

    That bowl is the last thing in the world that you need, if you really wish to end your loneliness.....also it's the wrong orientation if I want to read some kindle books with my soup.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      fixed that for you

      "An iPhone is the last thing in the world that you need, if you really wish to end your loneliness"

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Design fail...

    Since most Ramen eaters (drinkers?) have a serious tendency to slurp directly from the bowl, I think the ergonomics of this item have not been fully considered...

    I predict a line of people with iPhone-shaped indentations in their foreheads...

  14. Pete the not so great

    Next product..

    The iRinal, pee and chat at the same time (not that it stops some people already)

  15. Tony Armstrong

    Cereal Interface?

    If you were eating conflakes out of this iBowl, would that qualify as a Cereal Interface?

  16. Anonymous Coward

    Bet the official version with have to be iCrippled, so it only works with iSpoons and iChopsticks.

    Also, watch for Apple changing the shape of the next iPhones lower case - so that you have to buy a new iBowl.

    Never mind, this is the perfect gift for the iDrone in your life.

    iGoing now.


  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    More iShite.

    Honestly, what a bunch of wankers. We all know that iFolk are sad followers, but this takes things to new depths.

  18. John Tserkezis

    The reason the bowl only caters for an iPhone... that iPhone owners are the only ones stupid enough to buy this crap.

  19. Stratman

    Stop the World, I want to get off.

    See above.

  20. George Nacht

    The shape of the bowl...

    ...reminds me of laboratory mortar, rather than anything kitchenware-related. Will using an iPhone as pestle void the warranty?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The shape of the bowl...

      ...reminds me of laboratory mortar, rather than anything kitchenware-related. Will using an iPhone as pestle void the warranty?

      The bowl looks fairly solid so I doubt an iPhone will damage it so unlikely that you'd need to invoke the warranty!

    2. TeeCee Gold badge

      Re: The shape of the bowl...

      Don't do it. The vessel with the pestle has the potion with the poison.....

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: The shape of the bowl...

        Waiter, I'd like to change my order to the chalice with the palace, please.

        1. Michael Dunn

          Re: The shape of the bowl...

          or the flagon with the dragon....

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: The shape of the bowl...

            You had better be careful about the flagon. The vessel may be a wiser choice.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Patented Apple me thinks.

    Cant be arsed to go thru the millions long list of US patent office.

    Do these guys have good lawyers?

  22. ejmfoley


    If you can't put down your phone long enough to eat a bowl of soup, you're addicted and need help. Are there 12 step programs for mobile devices yet?

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