back to article Meet قلب, the programming language that uses Arabic script

Programmers often talk about writing "beautiful code," but computer scientist Ramsey Nasser has taken that idea to new lengths by developing the first programming language that uses Arabic script for its source code. The language is called قلب – roughly pronounced "alb," after the Arabic word for "heart" – and as Nasser …


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  1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Come back APL

    All is forgiven....

    1. Alphabet Soup 1

      Re: Come back APL

      There are three things a man must do before his life is done.

      Write two lines in APL - and make the buggers run.

      (anyone else remember Stan Kelly-Bootle's "Devil's DP Dictionary"?)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      The point of this is?

      Beautify coding, god it is tedious enough without adding chintz to the page. It's just a translation after all.

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

        Greppy Python's "The Search For the Holy Code"

        god it is tedious enough without adding chintz to the page

        "Go back to web development, which will forever stay your lot, peasant!!"

        (Rides away, in search of Penrose Tilings)

      2. JeffyPooh

        Re: The point of this is?

        "It's just a translation after all."

        Thank you. You saved me the effort of typing in those exact words.

        {checks calendar, discovers it's 2013} I would have thought that development environments would have had language switches by now. Being so perfectly trivial and obvious. Every time I scratch the surface I discover yet again how primitive you humans really are. I think you need more than seven billion just to finish up the obvious loose ends.

        Will someone translate (port) this new language to English script? It might take a day or two.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: The point of this is?

        No actually - this is called genius become mentally ill and knows to much but cannot function.

        Assemble 100 different written languages, from every century, going back 1000 years. Substitute ONE letter from the english code, with one letter from one of the languages, and go back to the previous centuries set, and get one letter from the second language, and so on, and then repeat back the cycle through the centuries and languages, and when get to the first million characters of your code., tell me what the 497,227th letter stands for.

        Idiot comment - but I would like to have an enormous capacity far beyond the human capacity.

        I'd also like a 50,000 year life span too...


    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Come back APL

      APL a language was, with syntax worse than JOSS

      And everywhere that language went, it caused financial loss.

      (the use of APL was blamed, in part, for 1980s hedge fund failures, because its use of matrices in the restricted memory of the day meant that people simply didn't sum enough of the outlying cases and so failed to estimate correctly the probability of loss - or so the books, including the one by Bookstaber, tell me)

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

        Re: Come back APL

        > the use of APL was blamed, in part, for 1980s hedge fund failures

        1) Build rickety financial shite that you only pretend to understand (because "PhD in maths", natch)

        2) Crash like the fat-arsed pretentious prick that you are, taking people's pension schemes with you

        3) ???

        4) "It was the programming language! Honestly!"

        1. John Smith 19 Gold badge
          Thumb Up

          Re: Come back APL

          "1) Build rickety financial shite that you only pretend to understand (because "PhD in maths", natch)

          2) Crash like the fat-arsed pretentious prick that you are, taking people's pension schemes with you

          3) ???

          4) "It was the programming language! Honestly!""

          This does sound like it meets Occams razor quite well.

      2. John Smith 19 Gold badge


        "(the use of APL was blamed, in part, for 1980s hedge fund failures, because its use of matrices in the restricted memory of the day meant that people simply didn't sum enough of the outlying cases and so failed to estimate correctly the probability of loss - or so the books, including the one by Bookstaber, tell me)"

        Note that is down to the implementation not the language itself.

        A criticism that could be leveled at any language used in this application. APL, due to its terseness might have been more memory efficient, so allowing larger ranges to be considered.

        Not an APL fanbois, just looking to see fairness. I still think that a bunch of coked up ar**heads making the decisions seems more plausible than a poor language implementation, but that's just me.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: @ribosome

          No, according to Bookstaber the problem was in between implementation and design.

          The issue was that at the time APL was an interpreted language. As a result, it was efficient if one if its terse constructs was able to manipulate a lot of data in one hit, but not if loops were needed. This meant that it slowed down dramatically if a range of values had to be calculated that required more than the available memory space.

          I am prepared to concede that hedge fund traders, despite their PhDs in maths, failed to realise that they shouldn't have been doing it that way.But 6/6 hindsight is given to all of us.

  2. Andus McCoatover

    us keyboards

    meet bins.

  3. Captain Save-a-ho

    Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

    And the world will STILL yawn.

    Coat, please...

    1. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      Re: Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

      Why next?KLingon programming already exists.

      * Specifications are for the weak and timid!!

      * This machine is a piece of GAGH! I need dual Pentium processors if I am to do battle with this code.

      * You cannot really apprecaite Dilbert unless you've read it in the original Klingon.

      * Indentation?! I will show you how to indent when I indent your skull!

      * What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software 'releases'. Our software escapes, leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake!

      * Klingon function calls do not have "parameters" - they have "arguments"- and they ALWAYS WIN THEM.

      * Debugging? Klingons do not debug. Our software does not coddle the weak.

      * I have challenged the entire Quality Assurance team to a Bat-Leh contest! They will not concern us again.

      * A TRUE Klingon warrior does not comment his code.

      * By filing this bug report you have challenged the honor of my family. Prepare to die!

      * You question the worthiness of my code? I should kill you where you stand!

      * Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!

      1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

        Re: Re: Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

        ".....* A TRUE Klingon warrior does not comment his code......" I have definitely previously worked with undercover Klingon programmers!

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

        I now understand ("Specifications are for the weak and timid") that I have indeed worked in the past for Klingons.

      3. El_Fev
        Thumb Up

        Re: Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

        Once in a while there is a Post on these forums that makes this site worth the trouble, you sir are a genius, stand up and take a bow , You have won at life :)

      4. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        Re: Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

        "Why next?KLingon programming already exists."

        There is a truly terrible simplicity about this concept.

        The more wrong it seems the more right you know it is.

      5. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        Re: Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

        "Why next?KLingon programming already exists.

        * Specifications are for the weak and timid!!

        * This machine is a piece of GAGH! I need dual Pentium processors if I am to do battle with this code.

        * You cannot really apprecaite Dilbert unless you've read it in the original Klingon.

        * Indentation?! I will show you how to indent when I indent your skull!

        * What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software 'releases'. Our software escapes, leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake!

        * Klingon function calls do not have "parameters" - they have "arguments"- and they ALWAYS WIN THEM.

        * Debugging? Klingons do not debug. Our software does not coddle the weak.

        * I have challenged the entire Quality Assurance team to a Bat-Leh contest! They will not concern us again.

        * A TRUE Klingon warrior does not comment his code.

        * By filing this bug report you have challenged the honor of my family. Prepare to die!

        * You question the worthiness of my code? I should kill you where you stand!

        * Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!"


      6. Naughtyhorse

        Re: Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

        I thought the first 2 words were a new kind of loop


        great idea

    2. Graham Dawson

      Re: Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

      Elvish? Klingon? Old hat. Go look up FiM++ if you want real crazy.

      Also, I feel I should long point that Arabic odds disconnect from OPs complained-about languages in that it is not constructed, but add-on actual, living tongue.

      1. mickey mouse the fith

        Re: Next stop: A language based on either Elvish or Klingon

        "Elvish? Klingon? Old hat. Go look up FiM++ if you want real crazy"

        Na, the cow language is tops (, check this out.....

        generate fibonacci sequence





        [[ main loop ]]


        [[ print first number ]]


        [[ temp copy of first number ]]







        [[ store second number off in the first position now ]]





        [[ move back to temp number ]]



        [[ use temp to add to first and store in second in loop ]]










  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A great way for terrorists to obfuscate their code.

    1. Steve I


      ...ship their source code?

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

        Re: Terrorists...

        The NSA will go bonkers. Now they need ANOTHER building.

    2. Anonymous Coward


      @AC Do you think the compiled byte code is Arabic too? Dumb ass.

      Show some respect, Arabic has given more to computing than most cultures.

      1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

        Re: Terrorists?

        ".......Arabic has given more to computing than most cultures." Like what? As has been pointed out, the vast majority of so-called Arab scientific achievements were simply recycled from the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Indians, Chinese, Phoenicians, etc., etc., in fact from just about everyone except Arabs.

        1. BlueGreen

          Re: Terrorists? (@Matt Bryant)



          1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            Re: Terrorists? (@Matt Bryant)

            The concept of zero?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Terrorists? (@Matt Bryant)

              Mocha :D

        2. Dr Paul Taylor
          Thumb Down

          historical ignorance

          I suggest that you read the excellent book Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science by Jim Al-Khalili.

        3. This post has been deleted by its author

        4. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Terrorists?

          Steve "Jandali" Jobs.

          His biological father was a Syrian teacher.

        5. Naughtyhorse

          Re: Terrorists?

          ass hat

          you could try wiki-ing this sort of thing before making _even_more_ of_a_twat than usual of yourself.

          how do you ever expect to learn anything if you know it all to start with?

        6. Steve I

          Re: Terrorists?

          ".......Arabic has given more to computing than most cultures." Like what?

          Those funny squiggles we use to count things? you know, numbers?

      2. JaitcH

        Re: Terrorists? Arabic? Respect?

        Why respect? Many don't respect others.

        Still, it will give NSA and GCHQ to figure out. Not as good as a Gerber file with comments redacted.

    3. nuked

      "A great way for terrorists to obfuscate their code."


      1. DN4


        please check your irony detectors. They seem to be broken seriously.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Not really

        at the height of the post 9/11 hysteria, when TPTB were introducing RIPA an PATRIOT, quite a few people pointed out that if the bad guys *really* wanted to communicate in secret, they'd be best faxing each other in Arabic, given the number of people the west has who could actually read it that way.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Not really

          There was a similar problem in the 50/60s in the USA. Anybody who could translate secret Russian messages was obviously a commie and so couldn't have clearance to see secret Russian messages.

          Even the BBC used to blacklist reporters who spoke Russian/Chinese -as potential security risks. In one famous case, including an historian with a PhD in medieval chinese

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Don't worry, it'll stop working several times a day so you can go and pray.

    5. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      re: A great way for terrorists to obfuscate their code.

      You think the IRA will bother to learn Arabic?

      Official suppliers of domestic terrorism to her majesty for more than a century.

      1. dssf

        Re: re: A great way for terrorists to obfuscate their code.

        Well, the IRA might delight in infusing Arabic with Gaelic, Welsh, and limerics.... With mandatory use of the fax tone as punctuation and pause indicators...

        Wait... I think the NSA is with Section 31 to arrest me before this post completes...

  5. Andrew Moore

    So... replacement for quote marks in arabic.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So...

      A excerpt from a list of publisher's queries re spelling, and T. E. Lawrence's answers;

      Query: "Slip [galley sheet] 20. Nuri, Emir of the Ruwalla, belongs to the 'chief family of the Rualla'. On Slip 23 'Rualla horse', and Slip 38, 'killed one Rueli'. In all later slips 'Rualla'."

      Answer: "should have also used Ruwala and Ruala." .

      Query: "Slip 47. Jedha, the she-camel, was Jedhah on Slip 40." .

      Answer: "she was a splendid beast." .

      Query: "Slip 78. Sherif Abd el Mayin of Slip 68 becomes el Main, el Mayein, el Muein, el Mayin, and el Muyein." .

      Answer: "Good egg. I call this really ingenious."

      1. SkippyBing

        Re: So...

        For reasons that are too tedious to go into, I once had to assist* in applying for US study visas for 50 members of the Iraqi Navy. Due to there being no proscribed method for translating between Arabic and Latin script it was a rare day when I found they'd written their own names the same way on more than one form, or on occasion the same form.

        *When I say assist I pretty much mean do, from their successful travel to and from the USA I can only conclude it doesn't matter if you make up ~75% of the information on the forms.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    > are built with commands based on English words, such as "function," "for," "if," "loop," and so on.

    If you can't remember a dozen words (or symbols) then you are probably never going to make it as a programmer anyway. Some of us old timers had to learn the hex codes for several different processors.

    1. ian 22

      Learnt hex codes AND entered them into memory using switches on the front panel! Doesn't mean I would return to those dark days, or inflict them on the younglings.

      Arrr, when I were a lad we lived in a hole in the road and ate gravel. Cold gravel.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        > Doesn't mean I would return to those dark days,

        Neither would I, but memory and abstract thought, which includes the ability to assign concepts to symbols, are essential.

      2. Anthony Hegedus Silver badge

        ... and we loved it!

    2. Chemist

      "Some of us old timers had to learn the hex codes for several different processors."

      What worries me as I get older is that hex codes (7E JMP on a 6809)are starting to be the only thing I remember !

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "If you can't remember a dozen words (or symbols)"

      Fair enough (and those of us who are real old timers learnt octal, not hex codes...) but it isn't a dozen or so.

      If you use a left to right language based on the Roman alphabet you can create understandable function names no problem, but right to left languages do present a bit of a problem. I expect someone will tel me they have a C compiler that accepts mixed Arabic and Roman for C, because some people will do anything, but it is hardly mainstream. The program on which I currently work has thousands of descriptive function names, whereas remembering a couple of hundred opcodes compared to having all those in a foreign language you don't know is easy in comparison

    4. Ken Hagan Gold badge

      You don't need a new language for this

      If you can't write a pre-processor to convert text from your chosen language into the character set expected by your compiler then you aren't a real programmer.

      C++ makes it particularly easy because it allows a huge range of Unicode characters in variable names. (This ought to be true for any serious language, but I imagine there are exceptions.) In fact, *your* pre-processor would only have to translate the half-dozen tokens used by the C++ pre-processor and you could then use a header file with some well-chosen #defines for all the keywords of the actual language. Since this replacement doesn't actually change line-numbers, compiler error messages would still point to the right place and source-level debugging would still work.

      Remember to write another translator for the reverse direction, so that you can import other people's code.

      Translating the comments is "left as an exercise for the reader". For most code, simply removing them is probably the best bet, even if they were written in your own language.

      1. John 62

        Re: You don't need a new language for this

        Exactly, if your code needs comments, consider re-writing it.

        Anyway, this type of translation could be done along with the code-tidy macros. (sometimes I wonder how people who use visual studio can get their code so badly formatted when it does it for you when you type the closing brace)

    5. Naughtyhorse

      hex codes for several different processors...

      so that must have been like programing in a foreign language then......

  7. Notas Badoff

    Not the revolution you were looking for

    This is all so wrong - a street performance artist rather than an artist with any insight into the subject matter.

    We've already got more than one computer language per week for 50 years. Now you want to compound that by my Scheiß vs. your merde ? بذاءة!

    "As a result, all of the most popular programming languages, libraries, and APIs in use today are built with commands based on English words, such as "function," "for," "if," "loop," and so on. That can make learning programming especially difficult for students whose native language doesn't even use the Latin alphabet, for whom the keywords are little more than abstract symbols."

    They're keywords, they represent abstractions. It does not matter what symbols you use as long as they succinctly represent the idea. Does using "如果" really change anything? How about "assuming"?

    Oh, look, "إفعل" is "do", "إذا" is "if", "حدد" is "set" (see qlb/qlb.js), "قول" is "say" (qlb/primitives.js), etc. Not a revolution here I think.

    The only possible hook this argument might have is that the first education in a new area should be as 'comfortable' as possible for the student. That's why introductory texts are in native languages? However, nothing you can do will make learning programming less difficult for the majority of people.

    ""If we are going to really push for coding literacy, which I do; if we are going to push to teach code around the world, then we have to be aware of what the cultural biases are and what it means for someone who doesn't share that background to be expected to be able to reason in those languages," Nasser says."

    Examples would be helpful, as this looks like drawing pictures with waving flashlights in the dark.

    I fail to understand how computer languages are based on human languages to such an extent that this is a worry. The only things essential are consistency and sequentiality. Is this some hangup over SVO vs. SOV or abverb/verb and adjective/noun ordering? Hey, does he know about Forth?

    "What makes قلب unique, however, is that it allows Nasser to write programs that are not only functional, but also visually pleasing. By varying the lengths of the lines that connect the Arabic letters that make up the language's commands, Nasser can reshape the appearance of his code without altering its function, producing programs that are both practical and artistic."

    ORLY? Okay, maybe not Python, but you can alter the appearance, the layout of code in many languages at will. That is, if you are perverse enough. "That's ART" you fool!" Ah, my mistake, I thought it was supposed to be readable.

    Strangely, looks like code to me, just with Arabic symbols. Sorry, I'm unconvinced.

    Conway in qlb

    Fibonacci in qlb

    1. AustinTX

      Re: Not the revolution you were looking for

      I chuckled at the thought of an alternate version that refuses to compile if it isn't also readable as valid holy scripture... I think this idea has appeared in science fiction before. IIRC, the object was to design a perfect program, that was also a prayer, which would result in either a simulation representing a religious utopia, or the actual alteration of reality itself...

      1. fpoole

        Re: Not the revolution you were looking for

        I believe you might be referring to Arthur C. Clarke's "The Nine Billion Names Of God"

    2. g e

      Re: Not the revolution you were looking for

      At least 'for', 'loop', 'while', etc don't force most people to learn a new alphabet as well as remember the syntax...

      Someone has too much time on their hands, or needs a girlfriend.

      1. JDC

        Re: Not the revolution you were looking for

        "At least 'for', 'loop', 'while', etc don't force most people to learn a new alphabet as well as remember the syntax..."

        Except of course they do, if you're Russian, Egyptian, Chinese, ...

        1. Naughtyhorse

          Re: Not the revolution you were looking for...Russian, Egyptian, Chinese, ...

          yeah, but thats not like a lot of people or anything!

    3. Andus McCoatover

      Re: Not the revolution you were looking for

      من منكم تستحق هذه الكلمـــــــــــــــــــاتى:؟!

      Now, that's what I call a "line" of code....

      (No idea what it means...)

      1. vonBureck

        Re: Not the revolution you were looking for

        Google Translate says: You deserve this Alkellmaty:?!

        Made me shiver, to be honest.

        1. LionelB Silver badge

          Re: Not the revolution you were looking for

          "Google Translate says: You deserve this Alkellmaty:?!

          Made me shiver, to be honest."

          عدل بذرة (الكون-المقبل) ... [from konway.qlb, line 51]

          Justice seed (the universe - next)


    4. Joe Carter

      Re: Not the revolution you were looking for

      Just click the Google translate button if you're using Chrome and most of the code converts to English.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re-invent the wheel

    The Japanese make all the best electronics. I wonder is it Japanese writing script that ensures their products are reliable. Maybe they have re-invented Kirchhoff laws or replaced nand gate symbols with Japanese script.

    Just a thought?

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Re-invent the wheel

      Nah, that ain't the reason:

      SONY. Because Caucasians are just too damn tall.

      Seriously though, there is marked difference between the West and Japan in the culture mental arithmetic, and notation may play a small part in that- so there may be a grain of truth in your hypothesis. Manufacturing is a different matter, but post WII it was influenced by an American manufacturing engineer (JIT, philosophy of perpetual improvement), as well as their own traditions.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Re-invent the wheel

        To quote my tutor in manufacturing technology,

        "British and American operational researchers wrote books on how to improve manufacturing. They were read in the UK, the US, and Japan. The difference was that the Japanese, not being privy to what went on in Western factories, believed them."

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Re-invent the wheel

        "an American manufacturing engineer (JIT, philosophy of perpetual improvement)"

        I presume we're talking about W Edwards Deming (RIP)?

        For folk who've not benefited from Deming's insights yet, the Wikipedia article is a decent start. But don't expect your corporate-sponsored "continuous improvement" drones to talk about his ideas, even if they've heard of him, because much of what he says is not convenient for traditional Western management.

  9. Bill-end

    New western programming language to stop using Arabic Numerals.



    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: New western programming language to stop using Arabic Numerals.

      Bit of history for you.

      The number system was invented in India and was referred to as Hindu Numerals by the Persians. The Europeans then got them from the Persians and called them Arabic Numerals.

      The actual European representation of the numerals (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) didn't happen until the late 15th century when they were used in printing presses.

    2. WraithCadmus

      Re: New western programming language to stop using Arabic Numerals.

      So what do I pass to exit to show correct termination of my script?

      1. Rob Carriere

        Re: New western programming language to stop using Arabic Numerals.

        RETURN I - I

      2. Bill-end

        Re: New western programming language to stop using Arabic Numerals.


        Hmm. that is tricky. "X - X" ?

        1. LionelB Silver badge

          Re: New western programming language to stop using Arabic Numerals.

          No, no, it's just I. Roman numerals are 1-offset - like IVORTRAN LXXVII.

  10. This post has been deleted by its author

  11. Jamie Jones Silver badge

    Am I missing something?

    Whilst rarely seen in computer fonts (especially programs), our Roman letters can be written in "joined up writing", as most people do when writing with a pen.. Nothing stopping you making these 'joins' longer or shorter to fit some style.

    Still if you want code to also be artistic, don't forget the source code for that Fujitsu web page that had the html indented to look like the landscape as seen from Tokyo (I think)...

    1. Naughtyhorse

      Re: Am I missing something?

      but arabic script (as with handwritten latin script) uses subtly different symbols depending on the location of the character within the word or the preceding/following characters

  12. Spoddyhalfwit

    قلب surely is pronounced as qalb?

    1. dogged

      The gutteral consonant is often dropped in standard Egyption pronunciation, leaving the word itself sounding more like (forgive my transliteration) "aowlb".

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "The gutteral consonant is often dropped in standard [Egyptian Arabic]"

        Ok, thanks for that. I had assumed the reported could not read Arabic and made a mistake.

        [ I have a passing familiarity with Arabic. I can read it and often make sense of it through extrapolation from another Semitic language. I love the way Modern Standard Arabic sounds though, especially when spoken by an educated speaker. ]

  13. ChrisInAStrangeLand

    I'm going to pronounce it as "squiggle".

    1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Re: pronounce it as "squiggle".

      Remembering Prince's little snit with his record label, how about "The computer scientist formerly known as Knuth"?

      1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: pronounce it as "squiggle".

        The artist formerly known as Prince,

        While on stage, used to posture and mince.

        Then just for a giggle,

        Changed his name to a squiggle.

        And nobody's heard of him since.

        [stolen from I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue]

  14. John Savard


    I think that putting the basic commands of a computer language in Arabic - or Thai, or Armenian, or French - is a perfectly legitimate idea. Really, to be neutral, the Latin equivalents of "if", "then", "goto" and so on should be the standard.

    However, while an attractive appearance of formatted programs is a good thing, there are high-quality Arabic typefaces that implement a feature called "kashida" properly, with graceful curved extensions to the joins between letters. Presumably, a programming language works with ordinary fonts, to I am a bit concerned that this aesthetic feature will not succeed.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Kashida

      Neutral language? Latin? The vengeful ghosts of the Persians and the Germans will prove you wrong. As for the Chinese and the Russians, they didn't even notice the Roman Empire.

      That's what is wrong with Esperanto - it is an "international" language which assumes that everybody either knows Latin or speaks a Romance language.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "..the most popular programming languages, libraries, and APIs in use today are built with commands based on English words, such as "function," "for," "if," "loop," and so on. That can make learning programming especially difficult for students whose native language doesn't even use the Latin alphabet.."

    It's not just Johny Foreigner that's inconvenienced. Anyone who speaks and writes "proper" English has to try and develop the habit of mis-spelling words like "colour" and "centre" when using them in the context of writing code. I mentally read the 'Merkin versions as "coll-OR" and "sen-TER" when coding to try and force my wee brain to differentiate but, even then I do still occassionally stick an accidental "colour" or "centre" in my code, as a result of decades of accumulated muscle memory trying to spell things correctly. .

    1. Suricou Raven

      I went the other way. I learned to program first on an old DOS machine running quickbasic that I got second-hand, and picked up American spelling from there. My english teacher constantly marked my spelling as incorrect, resulting in a battle of wills that lasted for years: I refused to change my spellings, arguing that spelling is a consensus and the US, with it's much greater population, was now the greater authority on english spelling.

      1. Katie Saucey

        @Suricou Raven, you owe your english teacher an apology.

        You seem to have forgotten about the English (first or second) language speakers of the Commonwealth nations, as well as all of the English speakers in the EU (just guessing but I doubt that too many Europeans use the American spellings), I think you're out numbered.

        As for the "art" in this article, I present "Hello World" as art (some help from google translate of course).

        # تشمل <iostream>

        باستخدام مساحة الأمراض المنقولة جنسيا؛

        باطلة الرئيسي ()


        محكمة << "أهلا بالعالم!" << ENDL؛ محكمة << "أنا فنان أكثر من رائع!" << ENDL؛}

        1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

          Re: @Suricou Raven, you owe your english teacher an apology.

          The code above may well result in a Fatwa against you, how will you know??

          1. Katie Saucey

            Re: @Suricou Raven, you owe your english teacher an apology.

            well... to accommodate the latests god google


            / .. \

            / / \\.. \、

            | // .____ 丶 ヽ

            | ./ \ \ ヽ|

            ヽ/ /::..,,,,,. ,,,,,,.::.\ ヽ|

            ヽ!!l::.”⌒`.:i i::’⌒`ヾ.!!|iiiヽ../

            ;〈..⊂・⊃| |:⊂・⊃.:::〉iii/

            \!!, …//| |ヾ\…..:,;;iii/

            `lir…. /(,,∪,,)\…Yiiii/


            ;;llllllllllilllllllllilllllii; \

            /;llllllllllllllllllllllllll;ヽ |\

            _/ヽ ,;lllllllllllllllllllllll; | |…..|\_

            ::::;| ヽヽ,illlllllllllllllllllllll!゙.| |::::::|::

            Apparently that's the guy, can I haves virgins now?

            Boffins, cause I read it on the internets.

        2. Sime

          Re: @Suricou Raven, you owe your english teacher an apology.

          If you run the code through Translate a few more times, along the same lines as

          would you eventually end up with the code for Microsoft Windows or some such I wonder?

        3. SolidSnake

          Re: @Suricou Raven, you owe your english teacher an apology.

          باستخدام مساحة الأمراض المنقولة جنسيا؛

          translates to: using the area of sexual transmitted diseases

        4. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: @Suricou Raven, you owe your english teacher an apology.

          You seem to have a problem - your # and {} are at the wrong ends of the lines, as is your <iostream> and your <<ENDL...

          1. Katie Saucey
            Thumb Up

            Re: @Suricou Raven, you owe your english teacher an apology.

            Yeah, I noticed the right-left problem. But I'm as lazy as the next one, so my "google translate" stands....until I get 9/11'ed that it.

  16. Roadkill

    It's probably too much to ask

    ...but I would have definitely appreciated it had he cleaned the dirt from under his fingernails prior to recording that segment.

    It's really quite revolting.

  17. frank ly

    Comments from Chinese coders please?

    Can any Chinese programmers/coders tell us about their early learning experiences of coding in English? Was it a confusing experience and did they wish they could use Chinese characters instead? Has a Chinese character coding tool been developed?

    As others have already said, the words 'if', 'then', 'else', 'for', ...etc are symbols with a rigidly defined meaning and could be replaced by any other combination of symbols to make code that does exactly the same thing.

    1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

      Re: Comments from Chinese coders please?

      ".....Has a Chinese character coding tool been developed?....." A friend from uni wrote his own C compiler in Chinese in his final year. It still used the standard English phrases, just the equivalent Chinese character set. He even wrote a script to convert source code files in English into Chinese chars, just so we could see what our programs looked like. A bit pointless in the long run, I suppose, but a bit amusing at the time.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What bollocks

    Have you watched the video? The guy's a complete idiot.

    "The first programming language which is a conceptual artpiece" Yeah. Much in the same way this comment of mine on El Reg is one. Oh look I just farted, make it two.

    "The language can express any kind of computation" ...unlike any other Turing-complete programming language. I love the way he then proceeds to demonstrate Hello World... on a REPL. YAWN!

    "A big part of قلب was, could you really build a language that doesn't use the latin alphabet?" Wow, a tough challenge. Worthy of Turing award, to be sure.

    Why did you give this clown any space on the Register?

    1. hplasm

      Re: What bollocks

      "Oh look I just farted, make it two."

      Only another 13 minutes of fame left, then.

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I think it's cool.

    Went to an Italian Aerospace company to sort out some integration issues and was surprised to find that even the comments in their code were written in English.

    It is understandable how code came to use English, but no reason there can't be ports for others who use different alphabets etc

    1. dogged

      Try France. Until you've tried to sort out somebody else's (they tell you) C++, actually taken a look and discovered VB written in French, you haven't seen real horror.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        French coding

        I once had to work with a Thomson-developed RTOS for which we had documented source (and we needed it). The comments were written in a mixture of English and French. The English comments were the usual standard of 1980s documentation, i.e. they were formally correct and told you nothing of any use. The French comments were often rather amusing, and frequently referred to a "tas de merde", which was good to know when you were wondering what the hell something actually did.

    2. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Round here we use a liberal mix of English, Spanish and Catalan. Choice seems to depend as much on that particular coder's own political beliefs more than anything else.

      But let's not talk about the efficiency gains made by having to search through the codebase three different times for something...

  20. rcorrect
    Thumb Up

    First programming language that is a conceptual art piece

    Doesn't that honor go to the Brainf*ck programming language? Guess that depends on what you consider to be "art"

    1. Not That Andrew

      Re: First programming language that is a conceptual art piece

      Not to forget Piet , Chef or any other esoteric programming language.

      1. rcorrect

        Re: First programming language that is a conceptual art piece

        Piet looks really cool. It even has a 99 Bottles of Beer program! Cheers man!

  21. batfastad


    Couldn't you just have a translation stage before a compiler which maps keywords in different languages to English equivalents to if, for, echo etc? Variables and class names you could just leave in the native script/language. So long as they're consistent throughout the program it shouldn't matter. Needs the programming language to allow multibyte characters in variable/class names, but that could be one solution if this is really causing problems.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Translate?

      "a translation stage before a compiler which maps keywords in different languages to English equivalents to if, for, echo etc? "

      You mean a bit like a preprocessor? K+R C does part of it, more flexible and less well known macro processors do more.

      "Why" is an entirely different question.

    2. Suricou Raven

      Re: Translate?

      Good for the languages own keywords. Not good for the many libraries that use english-language function names. A problem that قلب also fails to solve.

      Does embedding a right-to-left language word in a left-to-right language sentence like that cause arabic speakers annoyance?

  22. Jon Press

    I don't suppose...

    ... it will be much used for writing Christmas carols.

  23. xnfec

    Computer Languages

    I recall reading in an article about the early days of computer science there was some discussion of whether english was the best language for code. A team lead by Grace Hopper was tasked with studying the problem and they found that english was the best.

    The interesting thing about this will be if it becomes possible to write programs that could not exist in the languages current today.

    1. ian 22

      Re: Computer Languages

      RE: "programs that could not exist in the languages current today".

      Language creation follows certain well-defined rules, and much like the plethora of algebras created before those rules were understood, many new ones are destined to fall by the wayside.

      However, I do wonder if new language creation rules might not flow out of cultural differences, such as cultures with number systems like "one, two, many", or those that do not distinguish between past, present, and future. A language created by such a culture might be particularly useful in a multiprocessing environment. However, developers using that language might need to learn to speak Hopi (a particularly difficult language). A fitting revenge for all of the English-based programming languages we've inflicted on the non-English speaking world.

      1. Richard 12 Silver badge

        Re: Computer Languages

        Multiprogramming still needs a concept of past and future - or at least "before operation is done" and "after operation is done".

        Discarding the idea of the "present" might help avoid race conditions though - a variable has no value "now", only a value before doing X and after doing X.

        No idea how you'd express that though, and my head may asplode.

        1. M Gale

          Re: Computer Languages

          class MyValue{


          MyValue(int initVal){

          startVal = initVal;



          operator=(int newVal){

          endVal = newVal;


          int get_val(){

          if (endVal){

          return endVal;


          return initVal;



          int get_initval(){return initVal;);

          int get_endVal(){return endVal;};


          int startVal;

          int endVal;


          ...I got bored. Haven't even tested it. It's up to you to override things to support more than just ints.

  24. LosD

    "But Nasser had another reason for developing قلب, too – namely, that the Euro-centric nature of most programming languages puts people from other regions at a disadvantage when learning computation and software development."

    The difference here is that all regions know Latin script, at least to some degree.

    If this idea ever became successful (which I highly doubt, luckily), the only thing that would come from this, is even more of a divide, with each region using their own script, for no good reason.

    1. Alex.Red

      Babylon should be destroyed?

      I am Russian and when I started learning programming I was amazed that people agreed to use the same letters for that.

      But now some man comes and says that this is wrong and everybody should use their own language because it is easier...

      In my opinion the following is also easier:

      - not to learn programming;

      - not to learn math;

      - not to learn how to write in foreign language;

      - or better not to learn your own language writing.

      Having said that in my opinion all the above is not right since only smart and hard work makes you even smarter.

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Forth compilers have allowed source input in Unicode for probably 15 years now, so accented variable names or basically any left-to-right script, Latin or otherwise, has been valid for years.

    Right-to-left is a relatively minor change on top of that.

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And the first programme written is...

    ...goodbye world which cause the computer to comite suicide?

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: And the first programme written is...

      I think that's the "72 virgins.exe"

  27. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Sounds like a great project in that it could make it a bit easier for Arabic-speaking kids to learn the basics of coding (read what he is quoted as saying in the article, about cultural biases). I do wish him luck in this endeavour.

  28. mephistodan

    Looks like he wasn't around..

    ... when I was programming in Arabic BASIC on a yamaha msx ax170 and sx370 back in the 1980s

    Talking about making it easier for other cultures is all cool and nice but trying to pause it as art is self wanking did he get this idea from his hair stylist?

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And so the Islamification of the UK continues...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Your post makes me want this article to be posted on the daily mail site so that I can spend the afternoon laughing at the comments... And despairing about the mentality of some people...

  30. Tyson Key
    Thumb Up

    Yet another Japanese-based programming language...

    There's always Puroderu/プロデル ( - which seems to pack a nice collection of methods/features into its standard library - including a "Guguru"/ググる method for doing Web searches (according to

  31. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    "not only functional, but also visually pleasing."

    Sadly the inverse problem of writing non functional and ugly code is remarkably easy to carry out.

    As an old teacher put it "You can write FORTRAN" in any language.

  32. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    who says source code can't be artistic with current language constructs?

  33. Anonymous John

    It's not hard

    10 "مرحبا العالم" طباعة

  34. JonnyBravo
    IT Angle

    I haven't looked through all the comments...

    ... to see if anyone else has mentioned this, but I take issue with the assertion that this is "the first programming language that is a conceptual art piece".

    The curious may wish to have a look at this venerable collection of languages that in many cases are conceptual art pieces:

    Furthermore, they tend to go a bit further than just assigning an ungrounded (for most of us) symbol set to well-worn functional programming elements.

  35. Robinson
    Thumb Down


    Christ. Since when has Lisp long-since been a favourite of computer scientists? I find it utterly loathsome!

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: Lisp

      That's probably because you are not a computer scientist. Or you are one, but sadly of Generation Twitter.

  36. Antony Shepherd

    Every program has to have a bug, because only Allah is perfect.

  37. TeeCee Gold badge

    Makes perfect sense.

    This meets the first rule of code for real programmers:

    If it was f***ing hard to write, it should be f***ing hard to read.

  38. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    "* Our users will know fear and cower before our software!....

    Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!"

    An early draft of Ballmers Windows 9 presentation to the faithful?

  39. LionelB Silver badge


    Spanish language version of the old DOS text-based user interface header (Unix equivalent: ncurses.h). In debug mode prepends the string "ya estás jodido" to all error messages.

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