Gag - Cough..... Scratch arse....
This -
"According to The Australian, the group will exist outside Telstra’s normal bureaucracy, and will be briefed to identify acquisition targets as well as develop its own apps. ®"
Telstra - deserves to go bankrupt.
As much as "We the Great Land of the Aussie" - our corporations are generally run by real shit heads.
This has to exist OUTSIDE of Telstra's NORMAL bureaurcacy - because there is NO fucking way known that anything could get done within it.
Jesus - fuck.
The idiots bought out a phone book, with the super fine chinese postage stamp sized manual print....
The font is SOOOOOOOO small that it's on average about 0.6mm or perhaps even 0.7mm high.....
So the dumb fucks who thought "What a great idea it is to put out a phone book that NO ONE can read!" well in fine grey font, on a grey add, half way down on page 32 of the phone book, they offered to send out page magnifiers, to anyone who requested them....
Just call this number.... and wait up to SIX WEEKS for it to arrive.
An A5 sized Frenezle Lense? Nope... not a fucking chance.
And it turns out to be a small credit card sized Frenzel lense....
It took six hours of phone calls and huge fights and all sorts of bullshit to SPEAK to a REAL PERSON, so I did not have deal with some arse fuck recorded message....
I asked for 4 of them - one for each member of the house hold....
They send ONE tiny 5c page magnifier..... the lense wasn't even optically correct.
This is just Telstra, at every step of the fucking way - throughout the entire organisation.
Wall to wall bullshit.