I can see it as a between-rows blunt instrument. Using it to "prepare a veggie patch before planting" would also fry earthworms; beneficent micro-organisms and all the stuff that makes soil soil. Can't see that ever working.
Reg readers frustrated by the never-ending presence of weeds in their veggie patches may find salvation in the next few years in the form of a microwave device that can pick out garden invaders and blast them into mulch. The device is the brainchild of Australia's Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation , which …
Seeds don't contain much water because they have evolved to survive in a dormant state. I recommend you do a bit of testing with microwaves on seeds to compare their resistance referenced to seedlings. While you're at it, do a cost estimate for raising worms on a scale suitable for a thousand acres (or even just a few hundred), then add the fuel cost of running a tractor for the amount of time that would take. Don't forget the salary for the guy who tends the worms and distributes them. Oh, and what building that isn't already in use do we use for the worms?
What you have said is like suggesting you run a computer on a higher voltage to get more power out of it. BTW: have you spent much time in agriculture?
For the sake of argument, let's say that all the action is in the top three inches of soil and also for the sake of the same argument that the microwave can both get that far down and be targeted.
You need a machine that can scan 3" down; identify things down to pretty well virus level; and in realtime target and destroy the nasties while being bounced around on something being dragged behind a tractor. If we had that kind of shit; we could lay cancer sufferers down in the furrows and sort them out in the same pass.
Not saying it's impossible; just saying that it may well not happen in 2013.
Isn't very portable. You need probably 3HP of engine just to power the microwave horns, and a bit more to move it all along. If you DO decide to plug it in, make sure your home service isn't limited to 1.5kW (see yesterdays story) and don't plug it into a USA domestic outlet as they are only good for 1800 watts or so (at the outlet, less at the other end of the cord).
Alternatives that might work are playing music, as I've heard it does effect the growth of plants, I just don't remember which way it does it.
Otherwise, zap away. Don't forget you shouldn't look at the microwave emitter as it can cook your eyes if you aren't careful!
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Alternatives that might work are playing music, as I've heard it does effect the growth of plants, I just don't remember which way it does it.
I hear that classical is the best for making them flourish. Something like Agadoo or The Birdy Song should be enough to quickly eradicate even the most pernicious nettle patch... but wouldn't it be difficult to confine between the rows? You could turn your entire garden into a wasteland as well as exposing yourself and your neighbours to mortal risk. Just imagine your ear defenders came loose!
Yes, in a domestic environment it does seem kind of dangerous doesn't it?
Of course on a farm where the living things are be-spiked, be-hooved and/or large and cross all the time and the machinary all seems to involve Spinning-Blades-of-Death (tm) and/or Crushing-Wheels-of-Misfortune (tm) it probably doesn't add much to the overall risk levels. Not forgetting the Unpleasant-Pit-of-Sh... well, anyway, you get the picture
I see this being of greater benefit in a commercial environment, reduction of pesticide usage.
2kW from a tractor engine (may need a bigger alternator) is not a major challenge.
Secondly, if it were for home use, getting 2kW out of batteries for the few minutes it's used wouldn't be a major issue. May need a capacitor or 2, as the article states it only needs to operate for 1 second on each weed.
Getting it CE marked however would be an interesting challenge.
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I can (sort of) see the potential appeal to farmers: If you're trundling around in a tractor anyway then what's a few extra kW here and there?.. and offset by agrochem savings too. ...and I suppose exploding wildlife on the spot could be kinder than dousing it with some Nazi nerve toxin and leaving the survivors to creep off to get cancer... but...
A home version??!?! lmao
Other than...
1. Providing young boys with an excellent new way to do unthinkable things to wildlife and pets
2. Doing wonderful things for the utility corporations' bottom line
3. Providing A&E staff with a whole new class of amusing "the fuckwit had assploded his foot!" anecdotes
...how is this better than a hoe?
Probably not. I'm sure some of them will claim that this is worse because a few stray microwaves will get into the leaves of the food crop and cause horrible mutations making it worse for you than pesticide laced or GMO crops, or worse will mutate insect larvae creating giant mutant aphids able to eat an entire corn plant in a single mouthful. See, the B flick is already writing itself...
There is a certain segment of the green movement that isn't interested in any form of technology to solve the problems of other solutions technology has come up with. Because technology hasn't been 100% good it should not be considered any sort of solution. So when it comes to curbing the worse abuses of factory farming or fossil fuel wastage, they believe the only proper solution is that society be brought back to an 19th century form of existence. Luddites in new garb, essentially.
At least I don't know what else to consider people who think wind power is bad because it kills birds, solar power is bad because it shades habitat, hydro power is bad because it hurts fish, wave power is bad because it disturbs sea life, biofuels are bad because, well, I can't really remember but I'm sure they had a good reason why it has no place and we shouldn't go beyond horse power and whale oil for lighting. Oh wait, scratch that, whale oil is also bad.
They've been using flames commercially to weed between rows in fields on large farms for years now. The trick is to get the timing and duration just right. The actual crops are bigger and absorb less heat, and the weeds are only allowed to grow to a small size, and are thus tender and immature, and very vulnerable. It is this mass and hardness differentiation that allows the heat to only kill weeds and not crops. I don't see the use of microwaves to be materially different. As for the power requirements, the flame technique is used on equipment attached to a tractor. Getting a few extra kilowatts from an 80hp (possibly much more) tractor is not a big deal.
' you don't need to detonate the plant, merely heat it enough'
True but there are advantages to detonating the plant: -
1. It gives a clear visual indication that the plant has absorbed sufficient microwave radation to kill it.
2. It's probably quite funny for the first few goes.
I am wondering if the beam is accurate enough to fire horizontally at a certain height (say 3 inches). It could then be situated where it has a clear view of the whole lawn mounted on a rotating platform.
It would probably only need a few minutes a day, but might mean the grass has perpetual brown tips though.
I have a slightly more industrial flame thrower for the garden. Complete waste of time as yes, you kill the top part of the plant but the root is still alive and regrows.
In the end I went to roundup, far more effective, costs less and due to its chemical makeup turns to nitrogen so its not a problem around food.
I don't see the microwave idea really taking off
Agreed. Something like this wouldn't be in consumers hands for more than a week before some old dear looks closely at the emitter to see if it's working and burns their face off.
While microwave radiation seems better for the environment than many of the herbicidal chemicals it does look a bit dangerous for domestic use. Better to stick with a tough pair of gardening gloves a trowel and a fork.