back to article Curiosity gives Martian rock its first scrub down

NASA's Curiosity rover has been bringing a little spit and polish to the Martian surface by using its Dust Removal Tool for the first time to scrub a nearby rock. The spot NASA chose to clean up is a rock in the Yellowknife Bay area of Mars' Gale Crater dubbed "Ekwir_1." The rock needs to be clear of debris so that the Alpha …


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  1. G Mac

    Wire brush and...

    What, no Dettol involved?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      What about the sign to the left of the photo, 'keep off the grass'?

  2. tony2heads

    Now we just have to scrub the rest of the planet!

  3. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    Cillit Bang!

    And the dust is gone!

  4. It wasnt me

    Bets on them......

    ....... drilling in 5 cm and hitting oil ?


    1. 0laf Silver badge
      Black Helicopters

      Re: Bets on them......

      USA suddenly mounts an armed expedition to 'liberate' the Martians from ....The forces of tyranny / Axis of evil / terrorists [insert perpetual war option of choice].

  5. 0laf Silver badge

    Go on do a smiley face, you know you want to!

  6. Crisp


    You've missed a bit...

  7. Blofeld's Cat


    At 3.6 cm in, the drill bit jams and snaps off, leaving a broken piece 1.2 cm long in the hole.

    Curiosity then pauses for a week while the mission crew decide whether to:

    • A) Load a new drill bit, select a new target location, clean the new section of rock and try again
    • B) Cut the end off the rawlplug and use a shorter screw.

    It has the large hammer and some bent screws in one pocket.

    1. Silverburn

      Re: Prediction...

      At 3.6 cm in, the drill bit jams and snaps off, leaving a broken piece 1.2 cm long in the hole.

      Aaah, good to see NASA shop at B&Q too.

  8. Another User

    Circular structures on the cleaned surface

    There are some circular structures visible which have only a few mm in diameter. These remind me of burrows in a sand bed created by some marine creatures. If the concrete like material was pelted with small meteorites then there would not have been a significant atmosphere. I am curious about the kind of material seen here and some explanation. Hopefully NASA gives us soon a follow-up.

    1. Atonnis

      Re: Circular structures on the cleaned surface

      Soooo.....those aren't just brush marks from the (supposedly) circular wire brush they just used to clean the area?

      1. Another User

        Re: Circular structures on the cleaned surface

        Your answer may sound witty but lacks substance. The picture shows the size of a cm. The circular wire brush marks are easily discernible. They are an order of magnitude larger than the circular structures I was referring to.

        NASA took an additional close-up image of the area. Most certainly they do not want to check if it is really clean now.

        Those among the readers (not those who downvoted me) might be interested to see if the structures match the impact of tiny meteorites (images of the space shuttle window available). Others could be tiny gas bubbles.

        1. Another User

          Re: Circular structures on the cleaned surface

          This is a great site where one can search for interesting features on Mars:

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hammering drill...

    ... is this the point where the rover shakes itself to pieces?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward



  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Rock cleaning

    Rock cleaning - in preparation for a visit by the queen?

    1. Michael Dunn

      Re: Rock cleaning

      "Rock cleaning - in preparation for a visit by the queen?" Nah, they'd have you paint it white, for that like the little regular-sized lumps of coal alomg the edges of all the paths at HM Correctional Establishment, Colchester.

      White Humbrol in the pocket.

  11. SirDigalot

    I bet the rock

    has "mars" printed all the way through it...

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