Re: Lenovo Thinkpads are not IBM Thinkpads
I cannot speak for the newer lenovo's but the X60s & X61s's are rock solid.
Case in point - my daughter dropped BOTH of them down the stairs - from the top, yet they work fine.
I've dropped them off the coach many times, no issues. My son is a disaster zone and manages to drop things when you tell him to be careful - yet they still work flawlessly.
My daughter dropped my ibook ONCE, it died horrifically - the screen came off completely, parts across the floor - this was the same drop that the thinkpads endured with hardly a scratch.
As for Dells, I can only speak of their business range, but I am very happy with my latitude, only complaint is the screen is too big for my liking - but feck me the battery lasts long... I managed en entire day of almost constant use. That's bloody amazing for a laptop.