Two thirds of the country ?
Two thirds of which country ?
The Israeli government, via state-owned electricity utility Israel Electric Corp (IEC), is taking tentative steps towards deploying a gigabit-capable fibre-to-the-home network it hopes will cover two-thirds of the country. Having tasked IEC with managing the rollout earlier this year, the government has now announced that …
".....No one wants to be associated with a terrorist state....." No, the fibre is going nowhere near Iran. Oh, you're one of those anti-semite numpties that likes to equate self-protection (as enshrined in international laws such as UN Article 51 - "....Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of collective or individual self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.....") with terrorism, such as Hamas launching unguided rockets at civillian targets, or the PLO sending suicide bombers into pizza resteraunts.
Ah well, jokes on you seeing as it is very likely your home country not only wants to work with Israel due to their technological apabilities, but already spends your taxes on Israeli products. In fact, your PC is probably running with Israeli-designed parts, your phone with Israeli software - best you just go live in a tent in the desert if you want to avoid anything from Israel:
Get a clue. Criticising actions the repugnant actions of Israel does not make one an anti-Semite (and don't forget the the Semites are a larger group than just Jews). I we criticise the USA, we are not automatically anti-American. If we criticise China, we are not automatically anti-Chinise. If we...
I know a lot of good stuff comes out of Israel and the Israelis I have met have been decent; but this does not change the fact that Israel as a country does not seem to want peace and instead wishes to expand until what remains of Palestine is gone. The Germans also created many technological innovation during the second World War; but that does not mean we had to accept the Nazis.
Shame there are so many reflexive, know nothing anti-Semites that see any article regarding Israel and have to start posting their deranged bile.
"....Israel as a country does not seem to want peace ...." So Israel maling peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt is not wanting peace? So Israel withdrawing settlers from the Sinai and Gaza Strip was not wanting peace? Get a clue you ignoramous. The Fakeistinians had there chance in 1948 when the Israelis accepted the UN partition plan and got the legal state of Israel, but the Arabs threw their chance away because the Jews not having a state was more important to them than the Fakeistinian Arabs having one. Guess it's just so painful for you lot to see Israelis having a developed country with real technical achievements, whilst the Fakeistinians huddle in self-made ghettos and consider copying WW2 rockets a technological triumph. Enjoy!
Ignorant, bile-filled comments like yours show why the state of Israel is so universally popular.
"The Fakestinians had there (sic) chance in 1948 when the Israelis accepted the UN partition plan..."
Fuck off, arsehole. The people of Palestine were forcibly ejected from their own country to please a ghastly collection of international do-gooders, hoping to (a) publicly make up for the activities of The Austrian, and (b) less publicly, hoping to expel the Jews from Europe by giving them somewhere to go.
These days, similar behaviour is described as ethnic cleansing, and is a crime against humanity. On the basis of the behaviour of the state of Israel, I do hope the Iranians develop a decent nuclear arsenal, and then the Middle East can see some balance of power.
Quite laughable that some pompous prick like you can mock the Palestinians "huddled in self made ghettos". Previous people to utter such hate-filled garbage wore very smart black uniforms. Anything in your closet that you'd like to share with the rest of us?
Right on cue! And too ashamed of his own dribbling to even use a nickname - what a loser.
"Fuck off, arsehole....." Not much of a surprise that you lead with such a convincing and eloquent argument, but probably about the limits of your capabilities. Go get an education, you perfect example of mindless failure.
".....The people of Palestine were forcibly ejected from their own country....." Which "people" of Palestine? There were Palestinian Arab Muslims, Palestinian Arab Christians, Palestinian Maronite Christians, Palestinian Orthodox Christians, Palestinian Jews, Arab Negev Bedouin and even non-Palestinians (Egyptians, Turkish, Armenians and Greeks) living in the area of the Palestine Mandate prior to the 1948 UN Partition Plan. What a surprise a complete moron like yourself wouldn't have a clue about any other group than the Fakeistinians. Fail! And do you mean the Arabs that were exhorted to get out of the way of the invading Arab armies so they could murder Jews more efficiently? The ones that were told by their Arab leaders that if they stayed they would be accused of being accomplices to the Jews? The majority of the Fakeistinians willingly left their homes expecting to come back and loot those of their murdered Jewish neighbours, it's just you're too ill-educated to know that.
".....These days, similar behaviour is described as ethnic cleansing...." Strange, but in Israel Arabs can own land and vote, whereas in the PNA they are banned by law from owning land and are usually killed if not given an armed guard. And that's despite there being historic and continuous Jewish residence in many areas the PNA wants to cleanse of Jews. What was that you were saying about ethnic cleansing, you complete and utter knobcheese? You are a glaring example of the spoonfed morons that jump to support any trendy "cause" without having a clue about either the historical facts or current realities. Do yourself a favour and go do a LOT more learning before you embarrass yourself any more. You obviously have no historic knowledge, no political education, and probably don't even have the foggiest about fibre technology, so do this forum a favour and go have sexual relations with a goat.
I refer to Israel being defined as a terrorist state in at least 2 Amnesty International Annual reports - and who I view as a relatively impartial organisation.
As to the reality, since when is using white phosphorous on civilians, deliberately shooting to kill at children, and shelling families and children on beaches "self protection"?
".....Amnesty International Annual reports...." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No seriously, Amnesty International!?!?!? Tragic fail! I thought they went bust funding excessive payoffs to their luvvie management team in 2009? It obviously cut their travel budget as they managed to write 39 "damning" reports on Israel in the same period as they only managed to write 7 "critical" reports about the massacres occuring in the Second Sudananese Civil War. Just to try and give a measure of the flagrant bias that displayed, the Second Sudanese Civil War accounted for two million deaths and four million people "displaced" (that's a fancy word for "made refugees". Please note no-one at Amnesty International thought to call on the UN to create a dedicated UN agency like UNWRA to care for those 4m refugees, despite AI thinking the UNWRA organisation for only 600,000 Fakeisitinian refugees has been a great success. Please also note the 2m killed figure far exceeds the fatalities on both sides in all the wars Israel has been involved in since 1948. But apparently it just wasn't as worthy of attention as bashing Israel. The events in Sudan probably skipped your notice too seeing as it wasn't being spoonfed to you.
Sorry, but AI dropped even the pretence of impartiality when it started letting propagandists like Abdel Bari Atwan speak at their events. That's the same guy that crowed the 9/11 attacks were "the end of the US Empire", and that Saddam Hussein could "go to the gallows with his head held high" despite Saddam having been responsible for such crimes as the gassing of the Kurds at Halabja. I'll mention those two events as they might prick your conscience a bit more than just reminding you that Atwan has previosuly praised terror attacks on Israelis and has said he would dance in Trafalgur Square (he's based in London because even the Arab nations won't let him live in the Mid East) if the Iraninas dropped a nuke missile on Tel Aviv. Nice chums your AI buddies have.
".....deliberately shooting to kill at children, and shelling families and children on beaches "self protection"?" I'm laughing at your tragic inability to apply the same criticism to Hamas rockets fired deliberately at Israeli civillians inside the legal country of Israel, and often timed to deliberately kill Israeli kids on their way to schools. Your pathetic blindness must be an embarrassemnt to your family.
Amnesty international are certainly a more reliable and respected organisation than the Israeli government. Most of the Israeli leaders have been self confessed terrrorists.
I am not clear how you think what an organisation like Hamas does, justifies terrorist actions against a whole population by a state? (Although to be fair, Hamas doesnt have any long range weapons that can be used with much degree of discrimination as to what the actual target will be.)
"Amnesty international are certainly a more reliable and respected organisation than the Israeli government....." So you can't counter any of the points raised - this is my surprised face, not!
"......Most of the Israeli leaders have been self confessed terrrorists....." What a stupid statement. ALL of the self-declared Fakeistinian leaders are terrorists, you can't get the job without having a pedigree in killing Jews. The fact the Fakeistinians voted for Hamas, who rejected any form of peace with Israel and called for its complete destruction as part of their charter and election manifesto, shows that the ordinary Fakeistinian in his Arab-imposed ghetto wants a leader that puts killing Jews as his number one priority.
".....So you are less concerned about the rockets that land on the illegally occupied parts of Palestine....." There is no such country as Palestine, try again. There is also no "illegally occupied" area unless you mean the Jewish homes in the PNA and Gaza Strip areas that the Arabs drove Jewish families out of in 1948. Maybe you mean the areas where Hamas rockets, aimed at Israel, fall short and kill Gazans? Don't worry, Hamas has a habit of recycling the kids they kill as prime-time propaganda for numpties like you (
Just because the Sudan is bad, does not mean Israel is also not bad. There isn't some finite amount of badness that can exist in the world, us humans have an infinite supply.
The Palestinians have committed acts that are repugnant. This is without question. And so has Israel, this is also without question. Recognising that Israel has committed such acts does not make one an anti-Semite, it makes one a realist.
I am sorry if people who do not view Israel with your pious view offend you.
"Just because the Sudan is bad, does not mean Israel is also not bad......" The issue is more the selectivity of those like AI that pretend their anti-semitism is actually compassion. Of course, the fact that bashing Israel is popular with and garners plenty of donations from Arab countries has nothing at all to do with their outlook (ooh, look - a flying pig!).....
That's why fibre is so good, just like copper before it, as long as you put plenty down you can keep increasing speeds as the network demands. 1Gbps today, 10Gbps in the future, 100Gbps after that.
Also 1Gbps is still very fast, it's fast enough to stream 17 HD videos at maximum bluray data rates. I'm not saying people won't need more in the future but I doubt that symmetrical gigabit connections will be common place even in 7 years time.
As IEC’s chairman, Yiftach Ron-Tal, put it, the venture will “put Israel on a par with developed countries.”
Mr. Ron-Tal, I think you'll find you need more than FTTH to be accepted as a developed country.
All the same, I suppose even illegal settlers need more bandwidth.
Go Israel. Good to see you've got no other pressing matters to attend to...
At least Israel has decided to fund and implement future proof fibre, and not pump the long paid for, legacy, rotten, rusty, copper, owned by an incumbent that must appease shareholders first, everyone else after that. UK Plc doing nothing about it - BDUK is a farce in its current form.
The UK market has decided that it doesn't value high speed broadband enough to actually pay for it to be delivered. There are plenty of organisations capable of doing the work technically, none can make it pay commercially. If the market won't deliver it privately, why should taxpayers fund it publicly? If we really wanted it right now as a nation, we'd be paying for it. We're not.
After all, Israel is less than one tenth the land mass of the UK but with a higher population density, so stringing fibre the length of such a small country is hardly the same level of challenge as cabling even the UK, let alone the massively greater areas of the US or Canada. Having said that, hats off to them if they get it done as it would be a considerable technical achievement and put them well ahead of the UK. I suppose winners have high-speed fibre as well as Apache choppers and F-15s....
"I suppose winners have high-speed fibre as well as Apache choppers and F-15s...."
You forget the last bit: "...and their entire defence budget paid by gormless Amercican taxpayers"
But as a rule, demographics usually triumph, and there are what, 8 million Israelis? And there's around 360 million Arabic peoples. And the Arabic populations are growing far faster than Israel. How's this going to pan out, as the Arabs (slowly) grow out of their predilection for dictators and feudalism?
".....and their entire defence budget paid by gormless Amercican taxpayers....." Fail! Per-head the Fakeistinians get more aid than any other people in the World, and what have they achieved with it? Nothing! Meanwhile, Israel has a proper economy, technology exported to many countries in the West and East, and better rights than any Arab country.
"....And there's around 360 million Arabic peoples....." Who seem incapable of creating any technology without paying for it from the West or East, or just stealing and copying it. And those Arabs all have such developed economies with such technologically capable industries - oh, actually, they don't! Without Western tech, especially in computing, they're helpless.
"..... And there's around 360 million Arabic peoples.....grow out of their predilection for dictators and feudalism?" LOL! What a joke! Please go look at Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, the PNA - all crippled by rampant tribalism, Islamism, corruption, inefficiency, and happilly replacing one generation of dictators with a new set. The demographics have always been against Israel and it still has seen off every attack by the Arabs. You also forget that far more Arabs have been killed by other Arabs since 1948 than by Israel because they Arabs are so good at petty bickering and murderous violence towards each other. You're smoking more than the usual hookapipe contents if you're still praying to Allah for Nasserite pan-Arab nationalism. Fail of the Fifties!
In fact Israel is the biggest recipient of foreign aid in the world:
Many of said dictators / undemocratic governements of course are / were heavily supported by US funding leveraged by the Pro Isreali lobby in that country...
"In fact Israel is the biggest recipient of foreign aid in the world....." Your own link says nothing of the type. You might have been correct if you'd said Israel had received the largest amount per-head of DIRECT aid from the US since 1948, but that would ignore the aid from the US that goes to the UN and then to the Palestinians, the moneys sent to Palestine from other Arab nations, and the moeny sent to the Palestinians by the EU, China and Russia, both directly and indirectly via the UN. As an economic bribe for the Oslo Accords alone the US committed to $2.4bn over five years for the PNA (most of which disappeared in the corrupt Fatah mechanisms of the PNA) - Israel didn't receive a similar pat on the back. Seeing as Abbas has torn up the Oslo Accords, one has to wonder if the US will be asking for the cash back.
In fact, your link points out the crash in the Fakeistinian economy post-2000 at the start of the Second Intifada. What caused the Second Intifada? Arafat did when he walked away from Camp David without even pausing to negotiate the offer from Israel, instead Arafat thought it was a better idea to plunge "his people" into another rediculously self-destructive conflict with Israel. Result - one trashed Fakeistinian economy, driven from 90% employment (largely based on working WITH Israelis) to such a low level that Iran's proxy, Hamas, was able to seize control in the Gaza Strip. Arafat's Second Infantile Tantrum simply ensured the rise of Hamas and the decline of Fatah, reduced "his people" to living on handouts, and ensured the peace process was set back another ten years.
Quit shrieking spoonfed soundbites and go do a bit of reading, you might learn something.
Indeed, having just checked, it is arguable that the largest receivers of aid from the US since WW2 has been Europe. In 1948 alone, when Israel was first lobbying for a few million dollars, the Marshal Plan started giving $12.4bn over four years to Europe. And that's direct aid, ignoring military aid or UN grants.
"Last time i checked, Europe was a whole continent, not a country....". LOL, wriggle, wriggle. Europe would have to have been made up of one million countries to have driven down the level of funding to that received by Israel in the '40s. Do you want to pretend there are one million countries in Europe, just for comedy value?
".....As stated israel is the largest receiver of foreign subsidies compared to other countries in terms of $ value....." Wrong, it is not, and not by a massive margin. Indeed, the Fakeistinians have UNWRA, a whole UN institution, devoted to nothing more than keeping as many of them as "refugees" as possible, a unique institution despite the whole Fakeistinian issue being of very minor numbers compared to any number of other conflicts since WW2. I'm betting your "careful" analysis forgets to mention that the US is the largest contributor to UNWRA by a massive margin.