Re: Resistance is futile
@Patrick R - 'increase' means it has, like every other non-superconductor, resistance. Irrespective of what that is, there will be a voltage across that resistance if current is flowing through it (i.e. it's not driving an infinite input impedance). If the cross sectional area is reduced - which it must be if the volume remains constant and the length increases - then the resistance, which is proportional to area and inversely proportional to length, will increase.
When the resistance increases, the power dissipated in the cable (remember P=IV?) will increase also. You might like to consider the case of a fuse blowing: it dies because it can no longer dissipate the power it is required to and it melts - this cable, which is already fluid, will simply heat until it boils. At which point you have a flexible plastic container around hot metal vapour.
This is electronics 101. While I may have exaggerated for effect, you can guarantee that the amount of metal used will be no more than the makers can get away with, which will render it more, not less, likely to accidental overload.