Re: we've got murderous nutters in the UK too
evilGav1 , I agree , I'm glad to say 99.9999% of people with guns "don't go off on one". ( as you put it ) , and banning guns is a form of censorship. It is also censoring something that can be deadly, unlike the films and magazines that Mary Whitehouse used to campaign about. I also wouldn't censor the video games this article was originally about either.
What do you propose we do about incidents like Hungerford,Dunblane, Sandyhook ? Nothing ? Are these the price we have to pay ? Or do we have gun control ? I don't see trying to identify these nutters before hand as ever likely to work. You aren't ever going to stop the lone nutcase going off on one, and easy access to guns is always going to make their rampage worse for more people.
For me it is a simple choice, personal freedom to have guns or the freedom for people not to live in fear of nutters with guns, and I support gun control.
Yes that limits my freedom to have a gun , and I have used someone else's gun over a firing range some years ago (before Dunblane got them banned) , and it was fun firing a Magnum .44 and saying go ahead make my day to the bottle of water I shot. I also inherited an air rifle which I haven't used in years. If you want to shoot some paper targets at 20 yards a .22 air rifle with max energy of 12 ft lbs that is only really deadly to very small animals seems fine to me. I don't see how you need high velocity percussion cap .3 of an inch shells designed to cause maximum damage and kill for hitting some paper targets, not over a short range at least, and I personally wouldn't want to kill animals for sport, not unless you're going to eat them. (by the way I am not a vegetarian )
It isn't just due to incidents like Hungerford, Dunblane, Sandybrook that I like gun control, I also like gun control because therefore most of our Police can be unarmed. If there is free and easy access to guns and everyone has one, then the Police are all going to have them, otherwise it would be unfair on them. Then the bad guys and the Police would all probably get a lot more trigger happy, there would be an escalation of risk, and a lot more collateral damage would ensue, more dead people and heartache for the people involved.
The system we have in the UK where you have to have a good reason, and limiting the type of weapon to only those that can be justified seems reasonably fair to me. I don't want just anyone to be able to get a gun, especially an easily concealable handgun ( that is a completely pointless weapon for hunting animals at any sort of distance ) like they seem to be able to do in the US.
As I say , I like gun control, and to be able to walk around realising that the chances I'm going to meet a nutter with a gun are much less, although they might have a knife, which are and always will be easy to get hold of.