back to article Cheaper, slimmer Google Nexus 7 rumored for Q1 2013

Google may be readying a revamped model of the middle sibling in its Nexus line of Android devices for as early as the first quarter of 2013, if the supply-chain snoops at Taiwanese tech news site DigiTimes are correct. Sources in the tech manufacturing sector are whispering that the Chocolate Factory and its manufacturing …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

    Oh classic Google. The sheeple buy their nexus and within months we have leaks reporting a slimmer better model coming soon. Or is this a calculated leak to stop the share price from sliding ?

    Works both ways Fandroids

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

      I like what you did, so I don't know whether to upvote you for your joke, or downvote because I'm a fandroid.

      Anyway, the difference is when Apple do it, the sheeple lose many hundreds of pounds/dollars buying the next new shinyshiny. My Nexus, buy a new one and just chuck the old one, give it to a homeless person, whatever, it was cheap.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

        iPads will hold their value though so when a new one comes out you can still get roughly 60% value on the old one. Very few Android products can say the same if any

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          "iPads will hold their value though so when a new one comes out you can still get roughly 60% value on the old one"

          That's because the old one is basically the same as the new one.

        2. csumpi

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          "iPads will hold their value though so when a new one comes out you can still get roughly 60% value on the old one".

          60%, maybe in your dreams. But let's play along with the 60% imaginary number. Let's say you paid $500 for your ipad (plus some more for the magical cover, idyllic power supply, fairy dusted usb cable and whatever else). According to you, you can recover $300 (minus all the poetic accessories), so you are out $200. That's the price of a nexus 7, and if you wanted a new one, you could've given it to some poor kid to save you the hassle of dealing with craigslist scammers and actually would've made the poor kid happy.

        3. Mark .

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          If a product holds its value, it's a sign that there isn't much progress being made in the newer models.

          I wish I knew these tactics back in the last days of the Amiga - "£2000 for an Amiga 4000? Actually that's much cheaper than your Mac, because it keeps its value longer".

        4. Eddy Ito

          @AC 21:17

          "you can still get roughly 60% value on the old one"

          That only applies as long as the market isn't saturated. The only way it's sustainable is if new buyers are made at a rate that doesn't exceed the supply of used iPads. Where the saturation point is, I don't know but I imagine if the mini proves more popular than the full size one it won't be long before there is a glut of iPads. At that point, the price will drop precipitously. It's likely another reason Apple seems to have "supply problems", wouldn't want the market falling out from underneath that profit margin after all.

          1. Dana W

            Re: @AC 21:17

            My three year old Macs STILL sell for at lest 50% of original cost.

            1. Dana W

              Re: @AC 21:17

              Another thumbs down. Truth hurts huh?

            2. JaitcH

              Re: @AC 21:17

              Your three year old Mac only sells because Fanbois are less than smart - as witnessed by antennagate, and are too slow to negotiate a better price.

              1. Dana W

                Re: @AC 21:17

                They sell because a three year old Mac still has another three years in it easily unless you really like videogames. A three year old Dell if its made it that far is usually falling to bits, case creaking, hinges loose, paint gone off the keys, fans going bad, ect.

                The only reason I updated the last one is Warcraft updated its graphics to the point where it was effecting running heroics. "and I had people badgering me to buy my old one" when is the last time people begged you to sell them your three year old PC laptop?

            3. Dana W

              Re: @AC 21:17

              Truth hurts huh?

        5. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          % cat


          echo "My ${product} is far better than your ${product2} because ${product} has ${feature_of_dubious_value} whereas everyone knows that owners of ${product2} perform ${sexual_act} with ${unsuspecting_animal} and ${product2} ${invective}. Let's see what ${short_product2_name}bois have to say about that or will they just go and cry to mummy?"

      2. Dana W

        Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

        When I got my iPad Mini I sold my Nexus 7 to my ex. We are both happy.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          Different platform preferences were indicative of deeper incompatibilities?

    2. Comments are attributed to your handle

      Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

      1. This "upgrade" is not forced on consumers since newer releases of Android will still run on older phones. Not so with iPhones.

      2. $99 < ($199 || $299 || $399)

      2.5. If the $99 rumor is not true, then it'll still be a helluva lot cheaper to upgrade storage (via SD card)

      0/10 must troll harder

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

        Good luck upgrading storage on your nexus device using an SD card

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          You can use USB OTG, try that with an ipad.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          "Good luck upgrading storage on your nexus device using an SD card"

          I had a choice and chose an Android phone with upgradable storage. Good luck choosing an iOS device with upgradable storage.

        3. Geoff Campbell Silver badge

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          Piece of piss. 99p USB OTG cable, £1.99 SD card reader if you really insist on using SD cards, but a USB stick or disk will plug straight in.


          1. Ian 55

            Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

            Oh noes, I paid 40p too much for my cable :)

      2. albaleo

        Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

        "since newer releases of Android will still run on older phones. Not so with iPhones."

        All right. Enough. That sounds like the comment I expect from a Dixon's employee.

        I don't have an iPhone. (I have a nexus S) But my daughter just updated her 2-year old iPhone to iOS6 (or whatever the latest version is). She said it was easy.

        1. Comments are attributed to your handle

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          I was generalizing the iPhone experience. Older models have been all but abandoned by Apple, by design.

          1. Giles Jones Gold badge

            Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

            After about 2-3 years FFS.

          2. Dana W

            Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

            If your phone is 3-4 years old, yes. I get a new phone every two years, which is pretty common.

            How many people are still using an iPhone 3?

            Many Android phones don't get updates at ALL unless the manufacturer pushes out updates.

        2. Jon Green

          Re: "my daughter just updated her 2-year old iPhone to iOS6...She said it was easy"

          Not sure what your point is here. When I got my Nexus 7 online, I was offered an OS upgrade. One tap later, plus a reboot, and the OS was upgraded. It literally couldn't have been easier without a telepathic interface. And I'm sure that Google's working on that. ("You only have to think of a product, and we'll deliver five pre-qualified sellers!")

          1. Dana W

            Re: "my daughter just updated her 2-year old iPhone to iOS6...She said it was easy"

            Yes, but that is specific to GOOGLE'S product line, the other manufacturers are not following suit.

            That's why I originally bought a Nexus 7, actual updates. Go talk to the other device makers who think an "android update" means a new device.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

        Erm, Apple phones have some of the longest support periods. The 3GS is still supported by the latest OS (albeit lacking some features), that's a phone that's over three years old. Try finding a supported Android phone that old.

      4. Mike Moyle

        Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

        @ Comments are attributed to your handle

        "1. This "upgrade" is not forced on consumers since newer releases of Android will still run on older phones. Not so with iPhones."

        Are there a lot of two year old phones that happily run Jelly Bean? (I'm asking because I honestly don't know.) Only my two year old iPod Touch is swinging right along on iOS 6.0.1, so I'm not sure where you got your info that older Apple hardware can't run the latest OS.

        Explain please?

        1. Keith_C

          Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

          Nexus S is 2 years old and runs Jelly Bean.

    3. Mark .

      Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

      Not really. I've never seen people making those comments of the Apple stories. The problem is when the media concentrate on endless vapourware and rumourware only about Apple all the time. The Register doing it for many companies is less a problem. (Alternatively, perhaps it would be nice to focus on actual news rather than vapourware, but I don't see what that's got to do with your moaning about "fandroids".)

    4. Ammaross Danan

      Re: lets just modify a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

      So, you bought a Nexus 7 for $199. A new, slimmer one comes out just a while later that is thinner, sexier, etc for $199. You buy it, now you're out $400 total, but have TWO tablets now. And you're roughly out the same price getting just the single low-speced iPad would have cost (iPad Mini is selling around $350 for the low-storage model).

    5. JaitcH
      Thumb Down

      Re: ... a typical Fandroid commentard on an iPad article

      If, what you allege, happens, Google would be emulating Apple.

      Funny how so many Fanbois are cowards and hide behind the Anonymous user name, although their need is understood.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I see what they did here

    Start a rumor of a better Nexus 7 coming along soon to try and stem the flood of Nexus 7 purchses. (Try getting one, are out of stock most places).

    1. Dana W

      Re: I see what they did here

      So are iPad Minis. Its a big year for small Tablets.

      1. Dana W

        Re: I see what they did here

        Again, thumbed down for not hating Apple. Lets hear it for Fandroids.

        Its true, the iPad mini is selling like mad here. Its a Big year for small tablets. That's good for everyone.

    2. Shrimpling

      Re: I see what they did here

      Perhaps the Thursday before Christmas was a bit late to be looking...

      I ordered a Nexus 7 from the Google play store on Friday 14th and I arrived the following Monday

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Race to the bottom. Bad quality, poor reliability, no manual or charger (some people buy these things for their older family members), bad after market support (pray it doesn't have a fault) etc.. etc..

    This will backfire in the long run.

    1. csumpi

      "no manual"

      Because it just works. What do you need a manual for? How to tap an icon?

    2. David Barrett


      Manual seriously?

      Its the 21st century there is no paper manual but there is one in the form of an eBook preinstalled on the nexus.

      Id guess alot of people buy these to get away from printed books, what's the point of printing a manual?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Nobody wants a manual, there is a charger in the box, and the aftermarket support is great.

      My Nexus7 had a fault. I phoned Play Devices support, was on the phone 5 minutes, 2 days later a courier arrived with a replacement and a bag to send the old one back in, all free of course, including the freephone call.

      My "local" Apple store is 80 miles away (160 mile round trip). I far prefer Google support.

    4. Jon Green

      Or alternatively, ...

      ...from experience: excellent quality, total reliability to date, manual unnecessary (it's pretty instinctive stuff), and the charger's in the packaging along with a data/charging lead.

      If you've got backfiring problems, my advice is: lay off the sprouts.

    5. Leo Davidson

      Charger and manual are included.

      The N7 comes with a charger (standard small USB), unless something changed in the few months since I got mine.

      There is an electronic manual in the Google Books app, which you cannot miss because the widget, showing the book cover, is on the home screen by default.

      Google's support (and ordering process) is pretty awful though, I'll give you that. I just went through a lot of hassle to get a Nexus 4 and I'm not sure I ever want to buy a device direct from them again.

    6. JaitcH

      Bad quality, poor reliability, no manual or charger

      You speak of Apple, I presume.

    7. Dana W

      I have to disagree, and I had both. I personally prefer the iPad Mini, but the Nexus 7 is very well made, "for a plastic thing" solid, good battery life, genuinely robust, and it does comes with a charger.

      A manual wouldn't hurt it so the slower people could get on with it a bit easier, but it was hardly difficult to use. It was my first Android device and it was not exactly hard to use.

      The one gripe you may have valid is customer support, I didn't have mine long enough, but support is not Asus's strong suit.

  4. Johan Bastiaansen

    It will cost $99

    But it won't be available.

  5. Ammaross Danan


    "Google managed to up the memory on the low-end model to 16GB in October."

    Writer fail. "storage" =/= "memory" Should stop spending so much time reading the boxes and actually know what you're writing about.

    1. Fuzz

      Re: Memory

      Storage is a type of memory, in this case flash memory.

      storage ≠ RAM

      but that's not what was said

      It's quite clear what the writer meant as no one thinks the Nexus has 16GB of RAM.

      Saying the device has 16GB of storage isn't really correct since that implies there is 16GB of space to store stuff. In reality there is much less due to the way Android partitions up the available flash memory for use by the OS, installing programs and space for your files.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @ Fuzz

        Ahh, granted I'm being pedantic (because it's the end of the world today, and because I like it), but 16GB of storage is still 16GB of storage regardless of whether it arrives already half used, completely empty, or whatever. It's just not 16GB of usable storage...

        Anon, because I'm annoying even myself, and I don't want to be attributed to this post.

      2. Ammaross Danan

        Re: Memory

        @Fuzz: If storage is a kind of memory and thus capable of being used interchangably since "no one thinks" something, does that mean we can advertise a 4GB Android device as havi g 4GB of memory, or perhaps I should sell you a desktop with 8GB of memory...that actually had 256MB of RAM with an 8GB sd card. Of course, you wouldn't be confused or misled at all, since anyone would know....

  6. Mikel

    Newer, better, faster, cheaper

    Choose four.

    Now that the Wintel monopoly is broken, choose four.

  7. Dave Bell

    Does thinner make sense?

    So they use thinner technology for the screen. Probably lighter as well, so it is a benefit. But does a thinner case make sense? I'm not sure, but that feeling could arise from how I hold the thing. I have one of those rubber case-things from Asus, and that thicker package sometimes feels awkwardly thin.

    The tech gets thinner, but human hands don't change. And a thinner object is easier to flex, which can be a problem. If the screen component is cheaper as well as thinner, does a thinner case cost too much to design and make?

    One interesting thing I have seen is a tablet sold for kids which has a case designed to easily hold. And I wonder if the Nexus-style case is pushing the limits of that particular element of usability. It is a little too easy to touch that touch-sensitive screen with so narrow a bezel.

  8. JaitcH
    Thumb Up

    Goggle, two little letters for your new Nexus


  9. Richard Lloyd

    Would be nice if the Nexus 10 was actually purchasable

    I have a Nexus 7 already and am quite happy with it - this rumour of a new one isn't the end of the world and will be 9-12 months after the original one, which is the sort of time period you expect a successor model to come out in.

    What is upsetting though, is the complete balls-up Google have done with the Nexus 10 launch. Unlike the Nexus 7 (which was available from many online retailers - I got mine from Tesco Direct in the first week of its launch), Google are *only* selling the Nexus 10 on their Play store (and throwing in a dubious 10 quid delivery charge to boot).

    Now this would be OK if you could order or pre-order but you can't - the Nexus 10 is almost permanently sold out with tiny periods (less than a few hours) where it re-emerges on sale, only for the Play store to be crushed by the wait of people ordering it.

    I can't understand why IT sites aren't screaming blue murder about this every day - the most desirable Android tablet on the market has been basically unorderable since its launch over a month ago. It's a sorry state of affairs and one Google should hang their heads in shame about.

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