At least they will be even more famous when the images are used for advertising.
Swedish kids rioted and blockaded a school after someone put photos of Gothenburg's teens on Instagram and tagged them as "sluts". Children as young as 13 were so offended by the online slur that they formed a mob to hunt down a 17-year-old girl believed to be responsible for the controversial Instagram account. Police …
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Ah girls hockey, where someone decided that the solution to the latent aggression in groups of hormonally charged teenage girls was to hand them all lumps of wood and have them learn to hit a small very hard ball at lethal velocity.
What (to coin a phrase) could possibly go wrong?
having been on a rugby team that ended up playing the school hockey team at hockey, I can say an awful lot can go wrong :-) Absolute blood bath. I expected the backs to get broken, a gentle breeze normall does that, but even a decent prop goes down after taking a hockey ball between the posts. We learnt a lot about hiding fouls from the ref that day.
"having been on a rugby team that ended up playing the school hockey team at hockey, I can say an awful lot can go wrong :-) Absolute blood bath. I expected the backs to get broken, a gentle breeze normall does that, but even a decent prop goes down after taking a hockey ball between the posts. We learnt a lot about hiding fouls from the ref that day."
I guess the "ladies" felt a little intimidated so decided to get their retaliation in early.
They're just not used to how vulnerable the male anatomy is (unless like a sumo you've practiced being able to retract them back into your body cavity, which is fairly rare).
Someone I suspected this was not going to end well.
Well, there is also Camogie. It's alleged that the schools that play that, field those teams on inter-school hockey matches. The Hockey players think they are a little rough.
Then there is the REAL Man's sport. Very like ice hockey, but since there is no ice they use a ball in the air. It's called "Hurling". The US "football" armour might be appropriate.
Hockey is civilised.
There is worse than hockey? Even lacrosse isn't that violent, hell goat vs t rex in Jurassic Park wasn't as violent as our hockey team. Rugby has a few scrapes to it, the odd punch in the scrum, boots to the ribs etc but generally it stops at broken bones. Those 'girls' were absolutely manic, hockeys sticks to the shins, groin and face repeatedly not to mention their ability to crack ribs with the ball. If there is worse I'm not sure I want to know about it.
Can I introduce the uninitiated to the Irish game of hurling, best described as a cross between hockey and murder. Like hockey but no restrictions on where you can swing the stick. Examples of this fine sport can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfa3j1OwLlY and at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es2nH_HWoCo
Ironically, the pupils at Plusgymnasiet are "helping build a safer environment for homeless people in Gothenburg". Presumably the slut list wasn't part of this initiative.
The name of said project is Lamp Post - though they may have to change that now that they have been kicked down.
FWIW Plusgymnasiet have 15 schools in all the major cities in Sweden, so there is plenty of scope to expand the slut list for nationwide mayhem and rioting.
They're a for profit commercial outfit, the kind the gubbermint wants to see more of here and often held up as an example of success. As an aside, the Swedes are far from happy that companies are profiting from education while Sweden's international table position is slipping in e.g. maths.
Intriguingly, their website says parents and "affected pupils" will be contacted shortly via "schoolsoft". So there's another IT angle if we need it. Schoolsoft's website www.schoolsoft.se disappointingly makes no mention of sluts or riots.
"As an aside, the Swedes are far from happy that companies are profiting from education while Sweden's international table position is slipping in e.g. maths."
First of all, kindly speak for yourself. Surely, there are many people here in Sweden who think like you, but not everybody is an envious social democrat or communist who misses the times when Olof Palme was flirting with the murderer Erich Honecker.
And please elaborate why making profit on education is inherently bad? Is it bad, for instance, if a printing works which prints text books makes profit? What about a paper mill which supplies it? Should everybody in the whole supply chain operate with losses merely because according to certain fanatics it is a mortal sin to make profit on education?
So you ARE happy the quality of Swedish secondary education is plummeting like a stone then? Of course you are - more unskilled, semi-literate knobs to populate minimum-wage jobs so Reinfeldt's and Borg's pals can siphon off the old Kr to the Cayman Islands - what's not to like?
I suspect there's probably a bunch of shakily-filmed close-ups on Youtube, and some sepia-toned shots on Instagram. Or 'evidence' as the authorities might call it.
I'd like to think that no matter how hacked off with an individual I was, I wouldn't use it as an excuse for vandalising nearby cars by jumping up and down on them. I never got the urge to as a child, either. I get angry, but spraying that wrath around like putrid vomit onto the lives of bystanders isn't really ever excusable.
Again very true, but mob mentality is a very complex thing. People do tend to get carried away, especially if there are a few real nutters in there to stir it up and emotions running high. I'm not excusing their behavior by any means! Apologies if I gave that impression. I'm just not overly shocked, the lamp posts thing was a little crazy!
There is a very human response that any major feeling of offence needs to be assuaged by someone being held responsible. Unfortunately the mob mentality wants someone, anyone, to hang - so that they can feel "safe" again. Rational thought about any factual evidence of a nominated person's guilt tends to be an afterthought.
The tone of the police statements is interesting - and in my opinion very Swedish. They are quite candid about the unexpected escalation after they were initially involved. Their concern was apparently about maintaining public safety - rather than condemning the students per se. However my Swedish is too rusty to be certain of any nuances.
According to the Aftonbladet newspaper there are messages circulating for more disturbances on Wednesday. The 17 year old girl rumoured to have made the picture postings says she is innocent. The police have received forty libel complaints about the pictures.
Google Translate still amazes me.
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"Sounds like a starting point for a BBC4 swedish detective series ... anyone called Saga Noren (Malmo Police) yet?"
Ms Noren's very special conversational skills demonstrated that even Swede's can be embarrassed to the point of wishing the ground would open up and swallow them.
I'm sort of hoping there will be a sequel.
The effects of her interrogation skills on a group of teenage girls should be quite profound.
A post asking for pictures of sluts, aimed at teens?
Surely only a matter of time before the entire local population appeared tagged as sluts.
Including grannys, pets, farm animals and the occasional piece of architecture.
Could anyone swear that they could resist such overwhelming temptation?
Or really consider that the postings were in any way serious?
Once the posts started accumulating, there would be the irresistable temptaton to post something more outrageous than the last one.
So why all the fuss about one poster, but no hunt for the person who originated the whole thing?
Sounds like a bunch of bored kids looking for an excuse to trash stuff.
[Memories of the riots in the UK.]
Oh, my humble contribution top left ;-)
"So why all the fuss about one poster, but no hunt for the person who originated the whole thing?"
Unless you refer to Zuckerberg et al as "the person who originated the whole thing", the which hunt IS for that person.
And you seem to forget that to hormone-filled teenagers anything concerning themselves or their friends is very serious. Especially slander and unwanted publication of "selfies".
Icon for obvious reasons.
In a post modern twist the teenager, in an interview with the Expressen newspaper yesterday, said it actually started with someone else posting a photograph of her with attached slurry(?) verbiage on the now famous Instagram account. She then emailed the the account holder and threatened to go to the police if they didn't remove the picture.
She says the account holder/s then starting spreading the rumour that she was responsible. Riots ensued.
Police have questioned her, and she is now in hiding at a "secret address". Her mum is "upset", not surprisingly, and that she "knows she didn't do this". Further, "the person responsible should sit at home and be ashamed".
Sooo.... If she is telling the truth, who is the actual little toerag? Why isn't the police chasing the actual account holder? The mum is very restrained, I'd want to disembowel the little fucker.
Interview is here in Swedish: www.expressen.se/nyheter/17-aringen-talar-ut-om-instagram-upploppet/
".....She says the account holder/s then starting spreading the rumour that she was responsible....." It should be pretty simple for the Police to trace the real prankster just by access to the accounts. Given the reportedly large amount of racist comments on the original page, I'd be looking at any Nazi-loving gangs at the school. With luck the perp will be locked away soon.
"Given the reportedly large amount of racist comments on the original page, I'd be looking at any Nazi-loving gangs at the school."
Racism isn't the stand-out pointer that it would be here, because it's scarily common in Scandinavia. They might be good on human rights, but they seem to be about 20 years behind us when it comes to racist language and attitudes.
Not so sure about that one - Swedes are just increasingly tired of immigrant-related problems. That's what you end up with if you accept 5 times the number of immigrants per-capita compared to other European countries.
In a recent report it was found that 75 % of all members of "street gangs" in Sweden (that's including organised crime gangs) are immigrants. At the same time mainstream media do their best to hide this fact - so people get very frustrated.
Finally, reportedly the rioters as well as the "sluts" are mainly immigrants too. So there you have it, it's likely an effect of the "honour-culture" that is, now, common in Sweden.
Are they anonymous to Instagram, or merely other users?
If they are truly anonymous, then Instagram should be held liable for the content. If not, they should be willing to identify the user to the authorities.
Anonymity is an important right in certain situations. Using it to cover up for teenage bullying cheapens the whole concept and this should not be tolerated.
Was there actual nudies posted that refered to them as sluts...
Were people just posting peoples pictures calling them sluts?
One suggests they are in fact sluts and the other is common drama/humor mechanism.
On a side note...WTF are they more pissed at the poster rather than people calling them sluts? The person just re post what others were saying. I need a drink...