Careful you don't drop your keys down that hole...
Polar drilling effort hits snag: Boffins' search for life put on ice
The British boffinry team hunting for life under the Antarctic ice-sheet over ancient Lake Ellsworth have run into trouble. Deploying the drill down the borehole The scientists said today that they have a "serious problem" with the main boiler, used to generate hot water for the drill. The drill works with 90°C water, …
Monday 17th December 2012 13:42 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Service plan?
I have to admit I was thinking it was quite courageous that having suffered a pretty serious problem they just lobbed the spare in and went ahead anyway.
But on the other hand, I guess that when your in the Antarctic and have presumeably a pretty limited window to get anything done, there is also an element of "use it or lose it" so you might as well have a go ...
Monday 17th December 2012 12:58 GMT Thomas 4
I sometimes go months in between drillings. =/
Being serious for a moment, I really hope the project doesn't have to be scrapped. If they can prove the existance of life down there (and hopefully take some photos of afforementioned subterranean world!), it might convince folks at NASA to send the next rover probe to Titan. That'd be freaking amazing.
Monday 17th December 2012 16:10 GMT Bob Merkin
Requisite pop culture references
Lovecraft's already been covered, so I'll knock out the rest of them to save everyone the trouble:
Are you sure the crew isn't Norwegian? How many dogs do they have? Are they all accounted for? Because that would be just like John Carpenter's movie The Thing. It was also about digging things out of the Antarctic ice. Spoiler alert - The Thing was a shapeshifting alien.
And for the two people that saw it - what if they find some ancient city/hunting ground/temple used by an interstellar hunting club to grow sentient biological weapons to hunt for sport? Because under the ice in Antarctica is also the most logical place for said hunting club to locate their lodge.
I'll let some other Stargate SG-1 fan talk about the chair.
Monday 17th December 2012 19:04 GMT Bleu
Re: Requisite pop culture references
Carpenter does and has done a lot of great stuff, but I don't think you'll find anyone who knows and has taste loving any of his *remakes* more than the originals.
His version of The Thing was alright, but the original is a lot better.
If they should have the temerity to drill, they may well unleash the many-angled ones, OH NO, just as we approach the 21st (OMG) and the eternal winter solstice to follow.