Kafka's Trial and peonage
I've read it, and it's a depressing book, describing circumstances seen through the paranoid imagination of someone suffering a severe mental illness made worse by cruel parenting. What they are putting her through is similarly inhumane, but unlike Kafka's imagined trial, this one is really happening outside of her head.
Peonage is all too depressingly a real form of debt slavery which keeps being reapplied to vulnerable people in order to exploit them for profit. "I own my soul to the company store" is part of a song describing this bookkeeping trick being used to keep vulnerable workers in a lifetime of servitude to their exploiter. It's a systems used by loan sharks very openly today, and by those pimping off illegal immigrants and child prostitutes also.
Effectively the US courts are saying to her that the RIAA own her, and everything she ever earns in her lifetime belongs to them. It's a form of slavery brought back in arbitrary manner reinforced by the US feral courts, and entirely at odds with the intentions behind the US Constitutional Bill of Rights. I hope she wins a legal battle against the form of slavery described as peonage more generally.