The Google DeLorean hits 88mph to visit Jamestown, NZ
Here's the prestigious waterfront location of 66 Lake St, Jamestown - complete with property boundaries so you can check if you've got more beach than the Jones' next door:
But before putting a deposit on it, check the satellite view: hut, not so many roads, even fewer Jones' for the BBQ meet & greet. As the 1966 Encyclopedia of NZ relates:
about this time the shipping service was discontinued and, as the road had still to be commenced, Jamestown had to rely on the extremely irregular calls of a Government paddle steamer. The inevitable happened. A steady exodus began, and by 1879 the struggle was over. Tilled fields went back to bush and scrub, the rough dwellings were deserted and sank into decay, and before the decade came to an end only sagging eaves and gaping doors and windows remained as a reminder of what might have been.
Yet somehow - charmingly - Google acquired the Jamestown map along with all of the other cadastral data for NZ and so though already a ghost 130 years ago it lives on - it'll be a sad day when this error is expunged.
(Google also shows the Lower Hollyford Rd extending to Lake Alabaster, which thankfully it doesn't, despite the very best efforts of tourism development wankers to get a thwacking great highway bulldozed through Fiordland National Park down to the Tasman Sea and up the remote and magical coast to Barn Bay. Probably the road end is rutted by confused fishermen turning around)