we'll see
How long she stays at apple will demonstrate how serious they are about security
Apple has added to its growing security team with the hiring of noted white-hat hacker Kristin Paget, who broke and then got hired to fix Windows security, Wired reports. Kristin Paget, formerly Chris and originally from the UK but lately of California, is the inventor of the term "shatter attack" in a 2002 paper on a system …
In this instance I'd say it does.
I think it is reasonable to assume that this isn't a 1, 2 or 6 month month hire but for a reasonable length of time (2+ yr).
If it finishes before then I also think it would be safe to say that one party is not happy with the other (Hmm - wonder which way that would be). There will be the inevitable spin that paints it as all rosy in the walled garden...