back to article McAfee seeks asylum in Guatemala

Fugitive software millionaire John McAfee is in Guatemala, as was accidentally revealed yesterday by stray EXIF metadata in an image posted at lifestyle magazine Vice (first denied by McAfee who claimed he’d faked the data). McAfee has spoken to journalists in Guatemala City, reiterating his belief that the government of …


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  1. taxman

    Friend wanted

    Perhaps Mr McAfee should have a quiet word with Lord Ashcroft.

    Then again perhaps not.

    1. LarsG

      16 pages of the Royal Pregnancy in the daily papers, thank god for El Reg.

      1. auburnman

        "16 pages of the Royal Pregnancy in the daily papers, thank god for El Reg."

        Stock up on box sets while you can!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    As a Child...

    ...I found it difficult to grasp why there was political asylum and lunatic asylum.

    Half a century later, I'm confused again.

    1. Thomas 4

      Re: As a Child...

      In fairness, if ever anyone was in need of asylum right now, it's Mr McAfee.

      1. ItsNotMe
        Thumb Up

        Re: Re: As a Child...

        "In fairness, if ever anyone was in need of AN asylum right now, it's Mr McAfee."

        There...fixed it for you.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: in need of AN asylum ...

          Sadly probably very true. The story marches on from funny crazy to sick crazy. As in sick, needs help.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Bat. Shit. Crazy.

    That is all

  4. Richard Ball

    None of this stuff is true

    He's an intelligent guy, he's hardly going to be giving us a FACTUAL blow-by-blow account of what he's doing. That was clear from the outset.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo...

    mad as a box of frogs

  6. Anonymous Coward

    Gotta give another shout out.....

    To the idea that McAfee is should be seeking a type of asylum other than political!

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Gotta give another shout out.....

    To the idea that McAfee should be looking for the non-political type of asylum!

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Avoid research chemicals. They make strange shit happen.

  9. The Alpha Klutz

    I send all my decoys out on North Korean passports


  10. Annihilator

    "I faked that EXIF data!"

    aka "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

  11. Dan Price

    North Korea? Really?

    Even by McAffee's standards, claiming that he sent a decoy out on a North Korean passport is absurd. Travellers actually being allowed to leave NK in the first place is such a rare event I'd imagine anyone travelling on one of their passports is going to be subject to so much scrutiny that a decoy would be uncovered in short order.

    Besides, surely a decoy McAfee would have to resemble him in some way. A 6-foot white guy. On a North Korean passport. Yeah.... no.

    1. jonathanb Silver badge
      Black Helicopters

      Re: North Korea? Really?

      I think the idea was that the decoy would be arrested and the authorities would think the real McAffee was in custody allowing him to escape across the border while they were looking the other way.

  12. Displacement Activity


    I hear there's room for one more in the Ecuadorian embassy.

    1. micheal

      Re: Asylum?

      At least St Julian would have someone to talk to who's as headf****d as himself

  13. wowfood

    His dog

    He told the press conference that the persecution has gone on since he was arrested and his dog shot

    Didn't it say in a previous article that his dog had been poisoned?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: His dog

      The dog came down with Sudden Acquired Chunky Lead Poisoning.

  14. James Pickett

    "20-year old girlfriend"

    Not sure whether to arrest or congratulate him. Mind you, I bet things haven't turned out quite the way she expected...

    1. stragen001
      Paris Hilton

      >"20-year old girlfriend"

      Not sure whether to arrest or congratulate him. Mind you, I bet things haven't turned out quite the way she expected."

      Wouldnt surprise me if she is behind all this. I mean, the sooner he dies/gets executed/etc, the sooner she gets all his money.....

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      20 year old g/f?

      20 - 3 more like (Daily Mail so it must be true)

  15. Peter Simpson 1

    Remind me again...

    ...why I'm supposed to care about this tw@t and his problems?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Remind me again...

      Because you can't not read or comment on topics you're not interested in.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    14 comments before Assange is mentioned. Slackers.

    1. LinkOfHyrule
      Paris Hilton

      Re: WTF?

      Well if he does decide to hide in an embassy, I hope if he does a press conference he uses a more impressive balcony/window than that one Assange used! I was disappointed to say the least, it looked like a sort suburban Nuremberg Rally!

    2. I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

      No apple for you

      Errmm.. I'm only doing it for the downvotes.

      I do care, honest.

      1. Rukario

        Re: No apple for you

        It's about time Newton's Fourth Law was invoked!

  17. LinkOfHyrule
    Paris Hilton

    I heard this chap on the radio news earlier today - he was complaining that the authorities have a grudge against him and keep setting him up for various crimes he says he didn't commit. I imagine its a disgruntled senior government employee behind it if its true, who just cant let it go over all the shit those annoying McAfee update messages have caused over the years!

  18. Alistair
    Big Brother

    McAfee detects a virus in Belize Govt.

    Lessee -- been living there for how long?

    Only detected issue when?

    Yup, thats McAfee.

    And he's run off to Guatemala?

    Please no McAfee AV on linux ... god no.

    1. Robert Helpmann??

      Re: McAfee detects a virus in Belize Govt.

      Please no McAfee AV on linux ... god no.

      You state that like there is not already such a thing. Please don't kill the messenger, though.

  19. Mike Moyle

    “managing his asylum”...?

    Well, as long as he's managing the inmate as well, then I guess it's all right.

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