The calendar on my wall ends on Dec 31st. OMG, we are all going to die... Not.
People need to stop being idiots and deal with 'what is' instead of 'what could be'.
Five NASA scientists took time out yesterday to assure the public that the world will not end on 21 December. The astroboffins dismissed claims that a rogue planet called Nibiru will smash into Earth in three weeks, killing us all. The planetary smash-up just before Christmas 2012 was allegedly predicted by the Mayans. A wave …
The calendar on my wall doesn't even start til tomorrow!
Therefore, the world ends tonight and the 1st ushers in a new era, a new phase of humanity that provides a little piece of chocolate every day, until the world ends on the 24th (which happens to be a double sided door and looks like an epic chocolate).
For some time now I have challenged the loonies who believe in this rubbish with a very fair offer. Sell me your house now for cash at 50% of its market value and I will allow you to live there rent free until 31st December.
Suddenly their sincerely held beliefs become a little less secure when they turn down a chance to indulge in a few fantasies with a big wodge of cash.
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I think that, having gotten rid of the idiots, use of scarce and scarce-ish resources such as power, food, petrol and other hydrocarbons will significantly drop, and greenhouse gas emissions and thus anthropowhatever global warming with it. There may be some transient effects from burning the piles of corpses though.
Oh, and it's just pitchforks being wielded by that crowd. Flaming torches would run counter to their stated objectives.
"I'm concerned about the young people who write to me and say they are terribly afraid, they say they can't sleep, they can't eat. Some of them have said they are contemplating suicide.
So while it's a joke to many people and a mystery to others, there is a core of people who are truly concerned."
Please make public the indentities of these people. They are clearly a danger to the public and to themselves. Lets ensure that thier rantings and beliefs stay in their heads and do not corrupt the rest of society.
"It makes no sense, because if it was there we could see it. We'd have been tracking it for a decade or so. And by now, it would be the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and Moon. You can dispel this rumour yourself, just go out and look at the sky."
But what if it's coming from the day side of the Earth?
fair point - but then, being magical, it's probably invisible. stealthy like a ninja. so could be coming from any direction
we're doomed! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!!!!
(actually, don't bother, that's not going to help any other than leaving you out of breath and unable to scream as the seas boil and the skies turn as blood....)
"fair point - but then, being magical, it's probably invisible. stealthy like a ninja. so could be coming from any direction"
Latest theory is it's that rogue planet that was found a few light-years away and which will travel here via a wormhole. That or it's hiding behind Saturn and is going to fscking leap out at us.
I'm not making that up by the way. I have a sense of humour that is fed by occasionally running a search to see what these bozos are currently frothing about.
It's just sad fantasy, built on desire for a sense of superiority. We are 'sheeple' for not believing it, and their egos are fed by being privy to the secret knowledge.
"And that's different from Linux/Android zealots how?"
Truth be told, it's not very different to any sub-culture segment. All have lexicons and rituals that separate them from 'outsiders' and distinguish membership of the group.
It's just that this particular group is full of bat-sh1t crazy irrational people with heightened desires for attention and a need to be 'special', probably caused by an isolated life and abandonment issues caused by the fact that everyone has always considered them to be bat-sh1t crazy and irrational...
"It's just sad fantasy, built on desire for a sense of superiority. We are 'sheeple' for not believing it, and their egos are fed by being privy to the secret knowledge."
And much good it will do them in three weeks' time, as in "Oh, boy! I'm so superior that I am soon going to be annihilated!"
Then we would still be able to detect it, as it would be blocking out stuff behind it.
Now, if it was entirely transparent (and not acting as a lens either), or shielded with that invisibility cloak that boffins now manage to erect around sheds (as long as those are cylindrical, 1cm tall and looked at from a particular angle), or surrounded by a SEP field, then you'd have a serious problem seeing it.
It doesn't need to be coming form the "day side".
I translated the Mayan texts myself. They are actually surprisingly specific on this subject. They clearly state that Irnbru was ejected from the galactic nucleus of Andromeda at a velocity of 0·99573528C
Those malevolent Mayan munchkins received a tip-off about our impending apocalypse in the form of a radio message sent by (now extinct) inhabitants of a planet towards the edge the Andromeda system. The archaic Andromedonians witnessed the evil ejaculation as it occurred - some 2·5 million years ago. They calculated the terrible trajectory of the ominous orb and its inevitable impact with our paltry planet, and, seeing that our beautiful blue ball was supremely suitable for sustaining sentient species, they were kind enough to send a warning message our way. The message, travelling at ~C, soon overtook the slightly slower moving "planet" and arrived at earth on the morning of 11th May 6022BC. It stated the precise interval between message arrival and impact. Hence the "calendar".
So, you see, it's all true. And no... We certainly can't see it coming. I don't know how those NASA "boffins" can have missed something so obvious. Perhaps they got their translation from Google.
Even the Mayans used dates after Dec 21st 2012!
If people are too stupid to realise that we can add digits to a date then they are too stupid to be taken seriously.
Frankly if people want to find a reason to worry themselves to death, suicide or otherwise, then they should be left too it and not have NASA waste their time wet-nursing them. Good riddance to their stupidity!
No, I think this date is just the end of that counter and just rolls onto the next one, in the same way we did at the first millenium (i.e., going from 999 to 1000), not counting down to 'day 0'.
Also, (according to wikipedia at any rate), other Mayan inscriptions do refer to dates further in the future, one in the year 4772 for example, so they clearly don't expect the world to end next month. Then again as their dates seem to resemble IP addresses (albeit with more sets of digits), perhaps they were predicting when we'd be ready to move to IPv6?
"It makes no sense, because if it was there we could see it. We'd have been tracking it for a decade or so. And by now, it would be the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and Moon. You can dispel this rumour yourself, just go out and look at the sky."
What, trust the evidence of my own senses over the interpreted writings of some ancient folks who made their astronomical observations with rocks? What kind of crazy do you take me for?
What's the more likely?
1) The world is going to end and NASA know this to be true, and a public message to advise us all to spend the next 4 weeks kissing our backsides goodbye
2) The world is going to end and NASA know this to be true, but they issue a public message anyway to tell us all it's not going to happen, thereby avoiding 4 weeks of chaos as mankind descends into hell, rioters taking to the streets, wide spread looting, law and order breaking down, mob rule taking over as no one bothers to go to work and many people dying horribly?
Well if the world is going to end, then a few rioters stealing the neighbours TV and people running around like a bunch of headless chickens doesn't really matter. Whats the point of trying to save civilisation when in a few weeks the planet will be nothing more then pile of space junk anyway. I say let em have their fun.
"Then the government comes and taxes you." -- Maybe you could try to claim that whilst your sausage and cheese selling arm of your business is based in France; Your profits are actually accrued in another country and that their tax laws are not applicable to you.
"Girlfriend has suggested that if that place exists, we go there on the 21st to watch the doomsdayers gather"
Leading to the amusing situation of having 12 doomsdayers and 30,000 amused spectators, unfortunately misidentified by the media as doomsdayers.
"...for UFOs to land or something. Girlfriend has suggested that if that place exists, we go there on the 21st to watch the doomsdayers gather. This could be entertaining!"
Your gf is right. However, you can forget about gathering there because the local mayor is apparently not a doomsday thinker either and has already ordered that the village is to be closed during those days; surrounded by a cordon of police to keep all the rif raf out.
So I doubt it'll be worth the effort to go and look.
The local Mayor has been quoted as saying they have had a few more than usual enquiries about places to stay in the local area from people who might be doomsdayers, but he's expecting far more news teams than actual participants.
It's gonna be 1980's Top Of The Pops all over again with frantic producers herding small groups of "victims" around in front of the cameras to make the crowd seem bigger than it really is.
"It's gonna be 1980's Top Of The Pops all over again with frantic producers herding small groups of "victims" around in front of the cameras to make the crowd seem bigger than it really is."
But without Jimmy Saville herding any of them into his dressing room.
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"4 weeks of chaos as mankind descends into hell, rioters taking to the streets, wide spread looting, law and order breaking down, mob rule taking over as no one bothers to go to work and many people dying horribly?"
Sounds like it could be the Police are on strike, the Electricity has went off or Chickens are extinct.
DateTime fileDate = DateTime.Now;
Assert.IsTrue(fileDate.CompareTo(new DateTime(2012, 12, 21)) <= 0 && fileDate.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) > 0);
I've been using the upper limit of DateTime unit tests as 2012-12-21 for years now. Guess I will have to pick a new doomsday date..
shortDateTime 2079-06-06
Although that seems a little far off, how about the time of Roys death?
Thursday at 3pm ?
It's beero'clock.
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"There's nothing we know of physically that would allow the Sun to switch off for three days and then switch back on."
Has our schooling system failed so utterly that people actually believe the sun is like a bloody bedside lamp?
Sometimes i despair for humanity, i really do.....
And when Jan 1st rolls around and nothing happens, You can bet your last pound that some numpty will `reinterpret` the scriptures or `recalculate` the dates and set another doomsday in a few years time, and the same idiots will start fretting all over again.
Lets see:
Despite being discredited (and i think de-registered) many people (esp. Americans) believe the dodgy DR that wrote the MMR vaccine=autism was right. After all jenny mccarthy agrees!
Many people still believe the man in the white house is a muslim
Most people would trade their passwords for a chocolate bar
<insert pop/music latest moneyspinner> exists (i don't believe in giving them free publicity which they crave and adding to the posts of "x sucks" seriously posting about how canadian teen singers suck on every thread in every type of website?)
People think the world will end in 2012 due to an ancient civilisation yet fail to want to believe said civilisations other "sciences" were right
Cancer patients being told (and beliving) that coffeee enema's will cure them
The whole "They will never cure X there is too much money to be made" and "doctors are evil they only want your money now buy my herbs" despite the fact that most western nations have some form of socialised healthcare and would do anything to cut the bill down and i doubt most people going in to medical research care about the profits of the execs.
Need i go on?
"Has our schooling system failed so utterly that people actually believe the sun is like a bloody bedside lamp?"
Please drop the superiority complex, we all went to school and none of us are claiming the Sun works like a bedside lamp. We know it's a ball of gas on fire. We are just saying that if a particularly big gust of space wind comes along it might just blow it out for a few days. Remember It was quite windy the other day, but where has that wind gone now? could it have swooped upwards instead of sideways and now be heading towards the Sun carried by gravity as we speak?
It may be that piece of wind has been circling the Earth ever since the Mayans first saw it. They might be wiser than we think with all their calendars.
"There's nothing we know of physically that would allow the Sun to switch off for three days and then switch back on."
What's stopping someone from pulling the plug on the Sun's printing presses, and hide the power cord for three days? Or even throw a spanner in the works at a point where the expected damage will take three days to repair?
...the world has already ended. It did so on November 6th.
Then again, the Mayan calendar just needs another digit. Kinda like a Y1K problem when we went from three digit years to four digit years. We will get over it, simply because Christmas is a joyful holiday, which is close enough to the winter solstice (the reason for the holiday) for the church's purpose (why let a holiday go to waste!).
As for Nibiru - the legendary planet which the Mayans believed had a "3,600-year-long orbit of the Sun"...
The Mayans believed no such thing. Nibiru is a fantasy concocted in the mid 20th century. If you could go back and ask the Mayans about it you'd get nothing but puzzled expressions. Likewise they did not believe the world would end on December 21 2012, or, or whatever name they assigned to that day. It's simply when their long count calendar starts over.
That's right. Starts over. Just like ours does every year. All this rubbish about the Mayans thinking the world is going to end is nothing more than modern fiction. Ask any competent archeologist and they'll tell you that the Mayans, were they still around, would be busy planning the biggest quasi-new years party in history.
Like I'd trust NASA. Everyone knows they're behind chemtrails, HAARP, the FEMA concentration camps, George W. Bush's hurricane machine, geoengineering, ESD, autism-causing vaccines, and all manner of other perfidy! There's no question in my mind that if they're denying it, it must be true! Time to bend over and kiss your asses bye-bye, suckers!
Some people have suggested these crazy people should probably die out as part of dawin's survival laws. However...
If you thought the world was about to end and your time may be up, what would you do? Surely this is a lot of scared and stupid people gonna get laid and possibly not worry about the contraception as the planet smashing will handle that for them. We may end up with more stupid, crazy people as a consequence of 'stress relief'.
Bored, were they? Nothing to do?
You are NASA - build a bloody spaceship, instead of sitting round the campfire with stoners and hippies! There are blokes in Bristol drawing spaceships, why aren't you?
SPACESHIP! MARS! ARK! STARSHIP! Come on lads, back to work.
It's not rock... oh, it probably is. But that's what you are paid for!
It won't end the way these doomsday movies predict, Way I think the Earth will be is like the frog in a pot of boiling water story.
Humanity, If things happen suddenly we all jump up and take notice wether it's a natural disaster or terrorist attack you name it, But if it's something gradual say cutting a tree down to clear for farmland,Then another and another and after we have cut them all down it's like ohh shit there is no forest left!
The Mayans believed that their God would return from across the ocean as he originally came. He was tall, white and had a beard, just like Cortez. They mistakenly thought he was their god returning to them and it was too late by the time they realised he was just a thief come to kill them all and steal their gold.
One wonders if the similarity and pattern of the digits has anything to do with the numbers of people who believe "something" will happen on that date. People seem to put a lot of credence into number patterns.
$deity knows what it will be like in a 100 years time!
A 100 more years of dumbing down and a date reading 2112212. (apart from those places where it will be 12212112...oh, that's a pattern too....oh noes!!!!)
1) Niburu was not a part of the Mayan cosmology. It was part of the Sumerian cosmology, who were nowhere near the Mayan's and were based in modern day Iraq.
2) Niburu is meant to be on an orbit that is eliptical to the plane, i.e. it's at a funny angle to the earth's orbit, unlike the other planets that are more or less on a flat plane in their orbits
3) The Mayan's worked on a 360 day calendar. The calculation on December 21st 2012 was based on the modern 365 day calendar, which means the date is about 80 years out.
4) There is apparently a major alignment of planets around 21st December this year where all the other planets are lined up on the opposite side of the sun.
5) The Mayans prophecy was the end of the 5th Sun, with a sun being a cycle of life on this planet. Many people see this change as being entering an age of enlightenment, the age of Aquarius, where people grow in their spirituality and get closer to the Source of life.
5) The Mayans prophecy was the end of the 5th Sun, with a sun being a cycle of life on this planet. Many people see this change as being entering an age of enlightenment, the age of Aquarius, where people grow in their spirituality and get closer to the Source of life.
So, rather than the end of life on Earth we'll be entering a new and better age of peace and prosperity?
And maybe even Linux on the desktop?
Is that what you're saying?
"5) The Mayans prophecy was the end of the 5th Sun, with a sun being a cycle of life on this planet. Many people see this change as being entering an age of enlightenment, the age of Aquarius, where people grow in their spirituality and get closer to the Source of life."
The end of the Fifth World and start of the Sixth. Of course, the team at FASA said it would happen on December 24th 2011, when the great dragon Ryumyo was seen over Mount Fuji.
Mine's the one with the Shadowrun RPG in the pocket.
Solar flares are reported roughly 7 days before it reaches affecting the earth's atmosphere... Whilst yes, NASA's SOHO and SDHO does a wonderful job predicting the big ball of plasmic fire...
The weatherman can still predict things wrongly or discount the wrong statistics. However as NASA have stated its severely unlikely that the sun will swell to a supernova, morph into some mystical black hole etc.
Nor is it likely to splash out huge solar flares affecting humanity any time soon upon its REGULAR 10 year cycles...
Might want to clarify the Mayan Long Count Calendar was only made up to that date, because the mayans didnt scope for all of eternity something drastic must happen at the end of their calendar scope? (A bonkers theory)
Sleep well, sweet dreams and have a merry xmas all!
Just for giggles, I took a look at some of the wild hypotheses (let's call them correctly; none have been experimentally corroborated) concerning the "doom comet" or Nibru or whatever you want to call it.
One claims you can never see it because its orbit always places it behind the Sun relative to us. Now, first off, we've already flung many space probes past the sun and well out of our orbital position. And second, such and orbit would have to be spiral in nature given its supposed 3600-year period. No scientist has ever seen, let along calculated, a spiral orbit.
Another claim is that the planet is made of dark matter or is otherwise black. IIRC, the current theory on dark matter isn't that it's made of some novel substance but rather it's normally so diffuse that you normally can't measure it until it's dense enough to distort gravity. Second, dark objects can still occlude, meaning they'd just block out parts of the night sky: a phenomenon easily visible from terrestrial telescopes. And at this point in the game it would be large enough (relatively) that it'd be nigh-on impossible for it to pass through the sky and not be detected by its occlusion: a clear night sky has a lot of starts in the sky to pick out.
Want to continue the conversation? What other odd hypothesis about the comet of doom can you describe?
Aliens able to build planet-size spaceships, do terraforming, create stars and planets surely have the technology to hide themselves.
Cloaking technology is used 24/7 all around us. Otherwise people on Earth would see more than a Moon in orbit every single day.
It's scary how uneducated and easily lead some youth appear to be in this day. We've had so many 'end of the world' predictions that it would be comical if people weren't actually taken in.
those peddling such schemes should be arrested or something. they are evil, manipulative so and so's preying on the weak minded in much the same way as any other confidence trickster.
It is so much fun antagonizing the stupid people. Why does NASA have to go spoil all the fun?
But then again NASA's claims are bigger than their capability. Asteroid 2011 MD was only spotted when it was 4 days out. We'll have to wait until 18th Dec to be sure...
NASA probably wasn't very concerned with this one, given that something the size of a bus, while it would definitely inconvenience the immediate area on impact, would not be a world-killer. Most estimates are you need something a few miles across (the one believed to take out the dinosaurs and landed off the Yucatan peninsula is estimated at 6 miles across) or one that scores a direct hit on a supervolcano's caldera.
I saw a news article this morning (sadly, I can't remember where on the internet I saw it) saying that there has been a bit of mass wierdness going on in Russia over this. The Russian minister of emergency response felt obliged to come out and say that the ministry was capable of monitoring these things and that in fact the world was not coming to an end, and the Russian orthodox church felt obliged to come out and say the same thing.
Supposedly an Incan arch (made of ice) is being built in Chelybiansk.