Why would twitter limit its data to a handful of resellers? Do they get more for exclusivity? Surely it is their own interest that the market for their own data be as transparent as possible…?
Twitter was slapped with a temporary restraining order yesterday, preventing it from terminating a tweets-for-cash contract it has with the data analysis company PeopleBrowsr. Twitter wanted to end the million-dollar-a-year contract tomorrow, 30 November, but a judge in the Superior Court of the State of California court has …
So the lesson here would be not to base your entire business upon someone elses data.
At the end of the day, it's Twitter data, that is generated by Twitters users, you can't really complain if they then decide to change THEIR business model, and you are stuck because you didn't think that those nice people at Twitter would ever end your cosy agreement.
Saying "But I was here first!" doesn't really mean a great deal TBH
Based on the article it looks like there is a contract between PeopleBrowser and Twitter, and it looks like Twitter wants to unilaterally change the contract. If that's the case then I can see how PeopleBrowser would be a bit miffed. If however the contract is coming to the end of its term, then it sounds awfully like sour grapes.
[[ At the end of the day, it's Twitter data, that is generated by Twitters users, you can't really complain if they then decide to change THEIR business model, and you are stuck because you didn't think that those nice people at Twitter would ever end your cosy agreement. ]]
Sure, unless Twitter made some guarantees at some point. Like, maybe, if they said "our data will always be free and open. Always." Or somesuch.
Yes, if Twitter has a contract with peoplebrowser, they should have to keep up their end until the contract expires. The courts should not be able to "Order" a company to do business with some entity if there isn't a contract in place.
I find the -Those contracting partners include the US Department of Defense who has a $3m three-year deal with PeopleBrowsr to provide analytics and information on Twitter users.- to be much more ominous.