back to article RETURN of the PLAYMONAUT: El Reg's space hero suits up again

We at the Special Projects Bureau are of the opinion that our heroic playmonaut - who guided the Vulture 1 spaceplane to Guinness World Record glory - has been a bit idle of late. Our intrepid playmonaut in his new spacesuit Back in May, he jetted off to Blighty to assist in the design of the Low Orbit Helium Assisted …


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  1. JayBizzle

    I don't know what i just read but the pretty pictures were nice

  2. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Advanced Space Shovel, and a cuppa.

    Well, so much for the secret asteroid mining plans, then.

    And even without the fearless Playmonaut, that is one seriously amazing picture of the ISS scenery.

  3. ukgnome
    Thumb Up

    Playmonaut - this country salutes you!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why don't playmobil females have waists?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Hmm, I dunno...

      Because Noddy won't pay the ransom?

    2. Harvey Trowell

      Perhaps...'s all the playdoughnuts?

      1. Alex C
        Thumb Up

        Re: Perhaps...

        Ba- Dum Tsch!

        Have an upvote.:-)

    3. The Serpent

      Some of them do have Playmonorks

    4. Zaphod.Beeblebrox
      Paris Hilton

      Re: Why don't playmobil females have waists?

      Because they don't have boobs and hips?

      Paris, cause she sortof does...

  5. Harvey Trowell

    I'm a rocket, maaaaaaaan.

    That's some pretty fly SPB tech in that Earth-to-Orbit backpack. Kinda begs the question why didn't he drop our latest spaceplane off along the way? He's not a team player, this guy. Evidently plastic is not "the right stuff".

  6. Gordo Rex
    Thumb Up

    I've seen him before

    I believe I just saw a documentary film about this chap. It was titled SkyFall or something like that.

  7. Silverburn

    Some say...

    ...he can't bend his knees elbows while being observed by humans...and that if he fell out a balloon, his visor wouldn't steam up because he doesn't breathe like other feeble mammals...

    All we know is...he's called PLAYMONAUT

  8. The Serpent

    Glad he hasn't needed to seek the opinion of Felix Bumgardener.

    Also, after Lester is inevitably incapacitated by hydrazine poisoning/coronary obstructions/falling in a hole/decapitation by laser/something I can't quite articulate at the moment but there are tits involved, how does one apply for his job?? Obviously I use the term job quite loosely!

    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Back of the queue, sunshine!

  9. lawndart


    Heated coffee cup holder?

    Regardless of the equipment failure, a plane's cockpit that doesn't feature a fully equipped tea-making facility en-suite is hardly suitable for a proper British pilot.

    1. Elmer Phud

      Re: says:

      I would hope that for a joint Russian and British venture they'd have a samovar on board.

      And no, 'tea making equipment' is never a kettle, some teabags and a pint of long life milk.

      There are standards and if the septics can fork out $30,000 for a coffee maker in a high-altitude plane then I'm sure we can stretch to a novelty teapot.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: says:

        Now you've got me thinking (tragic - but it had to happen).

        Aircraft pressurisation is lower than sea level which means the boiling point of water is lower than 100C - resulting in the tragic situation it is impossible to make a good cup of tea in a plane.

        Unless we can invent a pressurised cockpit kettle/teapot.

        Bugger the space race this is important!

        1. Mako

          Re: says:

          Most aircraft run a cabin altitude (i.e., the equivalent air pressure) of between 6000 and 8000ft. The boiling temperature of water at those altitudes are 93.6 and 91.6 deg C respectively.

          Doesn't sound like much, but since tea on aircraft always tastes awful, you could have a point.

          1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

            Re: says:

            Better to drink green tea on planes, it's not supposed to be made with 100°C water.

      2. TheRealRoland

        Re: says:

        I hope septics are kept far, far away from the tea-making equipment. Not good for the overall health of our Playmonaut!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: fully equipped tea-making facility en-suite

      and a Corby trouserpress

  10. Tim #3

    It's not all work and no play for our intrepid friend, he's been getting in some top notch biking too

  11. Fogcat


    Can I buy a Playmonaut t-shirt for Christmas please?

  12. Anonymous Coward

    So Playmonaut has a thing for blondes?

    Not exactly the Swedish Bikini Team, but he seems to be enjoying his R&R.....

    1. Gene Cash Silver badge

      Re: So Playmonaut has a thing for blondes?

      One is not blushing, I guess she's waiting for her turn...

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