Imagine my disappointment
At finding out that the ability to shoot frikkin' lazor beams out of one's eyes isn't possible
Humanity has entered a new genetic era, according to a newly published study, with well over half the mutations found having occurred "recently". Potentially troublesome genetic changes are particularly common among those of European heritage compared to those with African forebears, the research shows. "The recent dramatic …
What's this? A Niven/Pournelle fan? Well met, sir!
I've used the gripping hand reference around my work and not one person gets the reference, even though we ar ea bunch of technophiles, and most are Science Fiction fans as well. I still need to read The Moat around Murcheson's Eye some day...
Chalk up another one who using the "on the gripping hand" reference. Then again, I also tell people "we'll burn that bridge when we come to it" (making them wonder if I'm being cynical or just unintentionally mixing metaphors, if they catch it at all) so maybe they've filed me under "not to be closely listened to".
In America "The Moat Around Murcheson's Eye" was published as "Gripping Hand". It included maps of various star systems and their Crazy Eddie Points.
I knew I had to read it when I saw a short extract published online - very short in fact - it was just a few lines from a message Bury was writing. He signed off with "Horace Hussein Bury, aboard the starship Sinbad, somewhere in the Mote system. "
self and a mate, lying on sofas in our student house just over a quarter of a century ago, came up with a theory that this was happening and would eventually be shown to occur.
We weren't (and aren't) scientists, but were ably assisted by the consumption of a sizeable quantity of, err, things that one is not strictly speaking meant to consume.
We even theorised that at some point organ transplantation and the like might start to be considered, err, let's say "not flawless", as it would enable those with genetic weaknesses in organs spread their genes more easily before they died off.
Who knew that L(ying on a) S(ofa in the) D(ark) gave you Nostradamus-like powers!
Or maybe me and him are just mutants.
Who knew that L(ying on a) S(ofa in the) D(ark) gave you Nostradamus-like powers! ..... Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 29th November 2012 16:15 GMT
And now that you know, AC? Who is able to wield it understandably, with Admirable Control?
Regular Army, Navy, Air Force or Special Forces in the Field? Manchurian Candidates for Candy Dates in Private and Piratical Places ..... Super Spaces would be Perfect Play Team Mates.
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Hmmmm not surprising
I heal incredibly fast - fast enough that doctors and nurses after operations have commented on how quickly I've recovered. I also recover quickly from anesthetic as well.... leading to some weird effects when I wake up far sooner than they expect.
Genetic mutation? I'd think so, and its quite common too..... though it won't spread much as it doesn't really give any ability to live longer/stronger/faster than anyone else.
Sounds like you've got an unusually fast cellular metabolism which'd make you metabolise drugs faster than normal or you just have hyperthyroidism. It could also cause you to slightly overdose on drugs that rely on you metabolising them into their active form at a certain rate.
I can square root numbers in my head but only accurately if the root is a whole number. That's not a mutation, I'm just sad.
...but I expect the reason(s) would be altogether more mundane.
I blame the weather. Naturally.
The more shitty the weather, the more smoke-filled one's hovel... and the more time you'll be spending in it... especially those interminably long cold wet winter nights. Lob a crapload of magic mushrooms and dodgy mead into the fug to help pass the time and... well... after 10000 years of that, I'm amazed we didn't do a lot worse than blue eyes and gingers!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I'm afraid I'm about to poop all over your parade too:
I seem to be able to do things that (most) other people can't. For example I can increase/decrease my heart rate and blood pressure at will.
We can all do that! For example, somewhat ironically, when pooping.
I can regulate my own temperature
Yep. We all do that one too. Been around for millions of years I'm afraid.
I have an above average lung capacity.
You swim/dive then? Being active is jolly laudable and all but I don't really think it qualifies you as "mutant"
I have a well above average beer capacity ;-)
Being a Scandinavian, I can break down alcohol faster and cleaner than most people. This extraordinary mutant power undoubtably comes from selection pressure: Any viking, who procreated, could handle an axe, a woman and someone calling his mead poof while being drunk ...
Back before I gave up alcohol I could drink insane amounts of liquor and not be affected overly. I once proved that I could down a fifth of whiskey and then pass a sobriety test (though it wasn't administered by cops). On more than one occasion I managed to remain on my feet and able to walk even after imbibing quantities of alcohol that left men triple my size sprawled on the floor (such as, in one case, a full bottle of tequila), and no matter how drunk I got (which was a pretty expensive proposition, so it didn't happen often) I was stone sober an hour after I quit drinking. This despite the fact that at the time I was skinny by any definition. Unlike with most heavy drinkers, I did not build up a resistance over time: my first drink was when a group of friends thought it might be fun to get me to pass out and failed when I drank them all under the table.
Does that qualify as a mutant power?
"......as with the Europeans as they moved out of Africa and became more pale-skinned to cope with the lack of sunlight."
Really now - that is why they turned white? Pray tell what smell had caused the nose to become narrow and prominent IN FRONT of the teeth and chin line?
And what had caused the frontal brain box to assume the flattened, barely slanted and exceedingly forward position in line with the chin?
And what had completely reshaped the totally different ear shape and geometry?
And what had caused the totally geneticaly new ability to design and build structures like bridges and wheels and develop writing which in two million years to this day had never occurred in Africa?
And ALL the above in an astoningly momentary revolutionary flash of evolution over about 16 000 years? My word... truly amazing, some scientific opinion is.