Hardly catastrophic
Just very disappointing.
Boffin Peter Higgs said yesterday that he's confident the particle discovered by the Large Hadron Collider last July was the Higgs boson he first predicted in 1964. "I think it will turn out to be [the Higgs boson], but it's just a question of getting out the additional information," he told reporters ahead of a speech to the …
As far as I remember it was called the "God Dammit" particle, but no one (in science) would print that, so it got shortened to the God particle (which sound a lot more scienty). Apart from that...this is just the usual scientist "we dun good, geius more cash" story whose probability (no pun) could have been equally "we dun bad, geius more cash." The certainty from a scientific view point is the "geius more cash" bit. Idle money-suckers.
"The certainty from a scientific view point is the "geius more cash" bit. Idle money-suckers."
Yes, they're awful, dedicating their lives to furthering the knowledge of the human race, while other people do terribly important things like shuffle pieces of paper with faces on them from one place to another, etc.
My lecturer in particle physics at uni was one of Higgs' Ph.D. students at the time he came up with it. Apparently Higgs left a note on his desk on a Friday afternoon to say that a) he'd thought of something interesting and he'd tell them all about it on Monday, and b) he was off mountain climbing for the weekend. Luckily he didn't have an accident, or there'd be no theory or particle found...
No, no, no. I think that's the anecdote about Bjoerken who was out mountaineering while Feynman was in town and thus missed the opportunity to look at a plot and deduce that quarks are for real.
Actually, I hear the Higgs Boson is not such a big deal as it's an immediate consequence of weak symmetry breaking. It's just that its presence indicates that the math looks good.
I don't think the qualities required for The Higgs particle to explain the standard model is there, and I don't think they will be found.
Neither do I think, that supersymmetry will be recognized in futuristic science.
I know I am a pain in the butt, but I believe in a complete different approach to high energy physics in the future. My vision is that future science will engulf consciousness. The mind and the spirit will be explainable through physics.
I have been a fan of Sir Roger Penrose for many years. He was the first scientist to say that consciousness should be found in the quantum field rather than in the brain. I am so much a fan, that I made my own theory out of the idea that consciousness might be explained through a better understanding of antimatter and multiverse dimensions.
My idea is that antimatter is the mirror of this universe, and that antimatter might be where memory is located.
I think that the subconscious mind and consciousness are located in multiverse dimensions in the form of antimatter.
The original standard model predicted no mass at all. That made no sence to scientists, so Peter Higgs predicted The Higgs Boson, purely from mathematics. I think the original standard model was right, particles does not exist. The physical universe is a flow of energy from minus infinite energy to plus infinite energy.
If you would like to know more, then you can watch a full videopresentation of my theory on my blog: