What did Apple get for it's money?
Apple bought Siri, and it was fairly near release state, even though it had a few lumps in it, is passed muster.
In the map fiasco, Apple bought a number of companies and since then they have been incubating their Crappy Mappy app for years and it is still junk, according to iPhans.
What due diligence did Apple do when they bought these corporate entities?
It also has to make you wonder what Quality Assurance Apple employs when it has had a series of problems from Antennagate through the Crappy Mappy app. Does no one in senior management even check out the latest product? It wouldn't take much. How many 'enhancements' were there, including the failed Version 5.
Even if they only put their home address in, it would reveal a lot!
And what's with these ancient black and white satellite images? I bought sat pix of my home and business in DakLak Province, VietNam and said I wanted latest copies. The sat company gave me an ETA of the month they would be taking the pictures.
I did the place up, made sure all the vehicles were parked nicely. There were several passes - some were from extreme angles but the best shot was just when the liquid propane man decided to top our fuel tank, something he does once a year!
Really, IMO, the release of Crappy Mappy app lies right at the top of the executive chain and it wouldn't have taken much effort to test things. Of course, Apple painted itself in to a corner by comments about Google, which only highlights it's immaturity.