Why is Ubisoft still producing games?
I really don't get it. This isn't a dig at the quality of the games or their gigantic hard-on for DRM. It's about the fact they really, honestly can't stand their customers.
We've already seen previously their views on their PC owning customers, with the phrase "thieving pirate scum" taking a prominent role in that discussion. Now, they seem to be saying "Oh, the AC3 Collector's Edition's got lifted and pre-orderers won't get their shiny medals. Who gives a fuck, right?"
This seems to go beyond mere contempt and veers into actual dislike. Maybe they should do what their hearts are telling them to: leave the gaming industry and settle down on a farm somewhere and raise sheep. They bleat less and they don't need as much copy protection software installed on them.
Do the right thing Ubisoft. You'll be happier in the long run. =)