The people who count will give the USA a free pass on acting like China on this
Those people being US citizens, since the rest of us don't get a vote. It is routine for them and their country to criticize, impose sanctions on and even invade other governments and countries for doing what they themselves routinely do.
They're our self-styled world police and they act with the same monumental hypocrisy and disregard for the rule of law that we in the new world sadly have come to expect from our police.
The big question in my mind is whether the USA has broken into UK, Canadian or Australian government networks, and *IF SO* was the lack of reports of this due to incompetence or "patriotism to a foreign power".
Hopefully the USA did not, *BUT* if they did, (a) would it be discovered, (b) if discovered would the individual discovering it and his bosses pass that information up the chain to elected officials of their own country, and (c) would anyone let voters know the USA was spying on an ally?
I hope I'm not being too strong here, but I have strong concerns on this issue and the extent to which the patriotism of too many Canadian and UK government-employed security service and military people have to their own country is questionable.
I'm a dual citizen, Brit living in Canada for a long time. I can tell you that in Canada loyalty is questionable for a significant number of people I've met, but I've only met a tiny percentage of the total number of such employees. So patriotism to Canada taking second place to patriotism to a foreign power is something I've seen, but I have no idea if it is a big issue or tiny. Canada only sent a tiny contingent of snipers to Iraq for example, and them going was done covertly without the knowledge of voters at the time.
As far as the UK goes, well we had that dodgy dossier, the guy in charge of it got promoted, there was that attack on Iraq and Tony Blair has still not been sent to The Hague to have his guilt or innocence judged by a fair impartial court. So from here it seems to be a bigger issue back there.