back to article Sam Sung found in Apple Store SHOCKER

The business card of an Apple store employee in Vancouver has gone loco on the internet as the world delighted in the fact that he was called Sam Sung. Toronto Web Developer Shaun O'Toole tweeted a photo of Sam Sung's Apple Store business card two days ago and it has been reposted all over the web. Despite rumours that the …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Should change his name to...

    Sham Sung

    Sam Suing


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Should change his name to...

      If you'd ever worked in Silicon Valley, you'd know if there's any company in the valley synonymous which "sham", it's Apple.

    2. Matthew Smith

      Re: Should change his name to...

      I think the punchline you're looking for is that Sam has an Apple coworker called Sue Yu.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    In other news an employee for Samsung (Miss A Patenttroll) is also getting unwanted media attention.

    Apple patenttrolls parents Banana and plum were unavailable for comment

    1. Captain TickTock

      Not her real name...

      it's Miss Pat Enttroll

  3. Bill Neal

    When I first saw his card...

    it was suggested that Apple may have a spy working for them

  4. Reading Your E-mail

    Reminds me of the Citroen press release about Charles Peugeot being appointed Sales Director for UK.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      re: Citroen press release about Charles Peugeot

      Except Peugeot and Citroen have been the same company since 1976.

      1. Reading Your E-mail

        Re: re: Citroen press release about Charles Peugeot

        You're right, that so much funnier than my comment!!

  5. Khaptain Silver badge

    Not what I would have imagined

    If El Reg had reported that a Spanish "Arsh Ole" or a Finnish "Somec Unt" worked in a Apple store now that would have made my day.

    1. hplasm

      Re: "Somec Unt"

      Isn't there one of those high up in Nokia?

      1. 20legend

        Re: "Somec Unt"

        Yep there sure is - right at the top of the pile

  6. Keep Refrigerated

    He had better not go abroad on holiday...

    After Dec 6th. He might find there's an injunction stopping him from entering the country because he looks too much like Apple employees.

    1. dssf

      Re: He had better not go abroad on holiday...

      No, no... Look at his smile... He has many, natural, rounded corners, hahaha. Everybody laugh...

  7. JDX Gold badge

    Why on earth would he have been asked to remove his LinkedIn page, and why on earth did his employer have the right to force him to do so?

    1. Evil Auditor Silver badge

      @JDX: and who on earth told you that his employer forced him to remove the LinkedIn page?!

    2. Psyx

      "Why on earth would he have been asked to remove his LinkedIn page, and why on earth did his employer have the right to force him to do so?"

      Why on earth are you assuming that happened?

      I'm guessing because you don't like Apple. Classic case of bias driving cognition there, though!

  8. jonrross


    I had dealings last year with an Apple Executive Relations office valled Vincent iBot!!!!

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So....Samsung needs to hire......hmmmm, let's see, Christina Applegate? Another person named Steve Jobs? (hint, look on Facebook). Johnny Appleseed?

    Or, find a celebrity with the last name Apple:

    1. Amorous Cowherder

      Oh dopey British rock stars called Chris married to skinny talentless US actresses who named their daughter Apple!

  10. AceRimmer

    Almost as good as "Kim Yoo Suk"

  11. John 104

    If steve was still alive, this guy would have been fired already.

    1. Ole Juul

      Except that would result in a human rights case. Perhaps he's hoping to cash out on something like that though.

    2. dssf

      If Apple fires him, he could sue, and if Sam won, and could sing,

      Then, in the news, what song would Sam have sung? (One of my silly Samsung jokes I made up around 8 years ago.)

      Bada bing (Band and big.. Just coincidental here...)

  12. Anonymous Coward

    This reminds me of a generation ago, when I lived in Sacramento

    There was (still is I think) a local taco stand chain called "Del Taco", and they found a local housewife named Delta Aco to be their spokesperson. Her droll sweetness made for quite a funny series of commercials!

    1. LateNightLarry
      Paris Hilton

      Re: This reminds me of a generation ago, when I lived in Sacramento

      As yes... Del Taco is still in business, and expanding... Passable Fast Food Mexican.

      Paris, just 'cause...

  13. TRT

    Nice looking guy...

    Good, round shoulders.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Nice looking guy...


  14. Phil Endecott

    How old is he?

    Is he young enough that his parents must have done this knowingly?

    1. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      Re: How old is he?

      I don't presume to know anything about him but around here a lot of East Asian migrants adopt a western or westernised name because it's too difficult for the locals to pronounce their birth name.

      If that's the case, bonus points if he chose the name himself.

      1. Chicken Marengo

        Re: How old is he?

        Aye, I've seen that phenomenon.

        Best example of this was a lass who chose the to call herself Ophelia.

        Her surname was Coq.

  15. Michael Leibensperger

    Sam Sung, CEO

    I see this chap rising right to the very top of Apple Inc., much like Major Major Major in Catch-22.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. TeeCee Gold badge

      Re: Sam Sung, CEO

      Except of course that Major Major could not rise to the top.

      His promotion to Colonel was turned down on the grounds that the Army Air Force were delighted to have a Major Major Major and weren't about to lose him just 'cos someone thought that he deserved a promotion.......

  16. Ilsa Loving

    How many...

    How many macs could Sam Sung sell if Sam Sung could sell macs?

    Hmm... don't roll too well off the tongue... Oh well.

  17. Rukario

    I'll have to go there tomorrow! I work across the road from there.

  18. Gamrith

    Except that Samsung isn't properly pronounced Samsung

    It's pronounced Samseong Geurup (Samsung Group)in proper revised transliteration of the Hangeul 삼성그룹.

    Nitpickly annyeonghi


    1. It wasnt me

      Re: Except that Samsung isn't properly pronounced Samsung

      Eh? Its still spelt exactly the same, and therefore very probably pronounced exactly the same, you pointless little fool.

  19. crayon

    If a Scotsman named his daughter Apple Macintosh would Apple sue?

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