Yet another hack at pushing BYOD.
<Quote from Forrester>"
"But we do expect that employees will force IT to have a formal support policy for Windows 8 for employee-owned devices. Windows 8 will accelerate BYOD demand. "
So we have now decided that the only way to make changes in a company is to use a back door/low level trick of getting the employees to "override" the upper management decisions - because the employees "want" to bring in their own devices !!!!!!!!.
Some problems here :
* The employees don't hold the purse strings.
* The employees don't generally understand the importance of budgets.
* Employees will look no futher than the end of their noses.
* The employees do not have to support Device X, Y, Z etccc...
* Companies buy devices in order to get jobs done, not to simply please their employees.
* An employeee bringing their own material probably won't bring it for the purposes of working.
and finally
* Employees are just that - Employees.
Side note : The term "employees" is used in the Non Management, Non Decision making kind of employee.
Who profits from BYOD, probably not the company and definately not the employee. Therefore, this push of BYOD is stemming from whom exactly, the manufacturers, Microsoft, Gartner et al ?
It would be more interesting to ask the employees:
* Would you like to bring you own devices to work : 90% would reply Yes.
* Would you like to bring you own devices to work for work purposes : 5% might reply Yes.
The <ul>majority</ul> of employees probably want to BYOD for their own purposes, Facebook, Twitter et al.. There probably are one or two that have a genuine requirement but it may be more advisable for them to simply change job if the correct material is not being supplied.