Re: Prediction vs Observation
easy .. the UN / IPCC is a political organization, not a scientific one
representatives of UN member governments, that do not need to be scientists at all, must approve the wording of IPCC final reports and it's recommendations
IPCC does no original research .. produce no papers for peer review .. it parses bits and pieces from peer reviewed papers that support an assumption from IPCC's formation that CO2 increases causes global warming, that CO2 levels have not been this high in 1000s or 100,000s of years which is completely false .. it's a completely political agenda ..
again, government representatives from China, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Russia, US .. every UN member that is interested has representatives that MUST approve the wording of IPCC reports before publication .. it is political and the end purpose is to impose a world-wide carbon use tax that will create trillions$ in new phony currency held by the world's central bankers on "behalf" of the UN
If CO2 increase is a problem, the increased emissions are coming from China, the rest of Asia and India, which obviously are exempted from UN back *law* like the Kyoto treaty
Meanwhile, the US, Canada and most of Europe have been using less fossil fuel and using *cleaner* fossil fuels and therefore slowing emitting less CO2 .. the US is emitting at about 1996 levels today
IPCC's predictions are based in predictions of one nutcase physicist named James Hansen that were first published in 1981
yet the best data .. NASA's various satellites shows the atmosphere has only warmed 0.13C since 1980-1981, which is also 0.13C rise over the 30 year average 1981 through 2010
that is 0.043C per decade increase in global temperatures, and the trend has been ZERO increase for over a decade .. and well within Hansen's own very narrow assessment of natural variability
at the current OBSERVED trend, and there is good scientific evidence we might be entering a cooling trend over the next 20 years ( probably ) to 200 years ( based on long term solar cycles that are closely correlated to rises and falls in temperature over the last 9000 years ) ...
at the current OBSERVED trend since 1979 ... by 2100 the world's atmosphere will be 0.39C warmer than today
there has been ZERO increase in world wide cyclonic activity ( hurricanes / cyclones ) for the 25 years of good data available .. there has been ZERO increase in drought in intensity or number or area worldwide
Sea levels are NOT rising at a rate to be concerned with ( actually lowered by 5mm in 2010 per the data ) and that little rise observed is due mostly to thermal expansion .. not ice sheet melt
the sea level has been 2-3 meters higher in the last 9000 years a few times .. with out burning fossil fuels
according to Hansen's 1981 paper .. we'd need to have a 2C rise in temperature from 1980 to MATCH the medieval warming period temperature .. and 4C increase to match the peak temperature of the last 2 interglacial cycles about 100,000 and 200,000 years ago
the ONLY wide area with good ground temperature records is the USA over 80-100 years .. if you only count the stations with relible data over those 100 years .. there were WAY more daily high temperature records set in the 1930s ( 1936 in particular ) than any time since
and the Continental US is only 2% of the Earth's surface .. not representative of global temperatures
I don't deny at all that the world's atmosphere has warmed compared to 1910 or 1850 .. but it's completely accepted that it cooled from 1940 to 1978 despite steady increases in CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels, and the satellite data since 1979 shows there is no significant warming tend we need to be concerned about for centuries .. the observed temperature changes do not correlate well to the steady rise in CO2 emissions and those temperature changes can be explained with known natural cycles .. mostly ocean current cycles
what will NOT happen .. and has never happened in 100 of millions of years ... is RUNAWAY warming due to CO2 levels .as the computer models used .. predict will happen
this theory that by 2100 we will have a 2C - 6C rise in temperatures is neither supported by observation, the ONLY valid way to do "climate science" .. and is not evidenced by the history of climate changes over the last 2 million years, or 10 of millions of years