back to article Thought you'd escaped Twitter? Think again as Twits get email button

Just to make sure that anyone who's not on Twitter knows about Twitter, understands the coolness of Twitter and sees that everyone they know is on it and that they should be on it too, Twitter has introduced sharing by email. If one of the Twitterati sees a tweet they want to share with their Luddite unstreet friends, they can …


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  1. Pen-y-gors

    Spam filter

    content contains 'twitter'

    1. Darryl

      Re: Spam filter

      And some method of counting the 'twitter' spam generated from each email address, then permanently blocking the email address of serial twit spammers.

    2. Euripides Pants

      Re: Spam filter

      Twit filter. There, fixed that for you.

      1. hold2ransom

        Re: Spam filter

        Twitters are twats!

        For those who are unsure as to their standing:

  2. Chemist


    ..are your friend.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Filters...

      And it should auto-forward to or (don't know off-hand and I can't be bothered to find out)...

  3. JimmyPage

    More ways

    people can be sued for libel ....

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Oh Great!

    I now have this urge to rip the network cable out of the wall.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I've been doing this for ages

    Ctrl+C -> Ctrl + V

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I will be seriously ...

    ... pissed off at anybody who gives twitter my email address.

    And if they get my email address from somebody and send me a single unsolicited email (apart from the tweet) I will be complaining to the Information Commissioner.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I will be seriously ...

      I concur, I can ignore spam about Viagra, and winning the lottery in a far off land...

      But twitter? no thank you... that is just vile filth to be emailing...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I will be seriously ...

        My e-mail is spam free due to careful use of e-mail addresses. Each company/online registration gets a unique e-mail alias on my domain and if they abuse it, they lose the privilege of emailing me.

        My friends have my proper email address and this is how it's going to get "out there". Looks like friends may be getting the same treatment if that happens.

        1. hold2ransom

          Re: I will be seriously ...

          Looks like my free hmamail will be working overtime. Companies get given it as a contact address and unless the filter is set to auto-forward the mail gets deleted after 24hrs. When I have finished a transaction with a company I remove any auto-forward filter & their mail never troubles me again! Leaves me in control.

          I will be truly pissed if I start getting emails from all and sundry just because someone who has my email address is a twat and uses twitter & decides he should send me a twatter from his twitter account.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Tweeters are "Luddite unstreet friends".

    Twitter! Bollox! It's rubbish, conceived for and used by the brain dead.

    Facebook is for chavvy Jeremy Kyle wanna be's.

    Prefect for 90% of british citizens then.

    1. Test Man

      Can you repeat that but this time in English?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "Tweeters are "Luddite unstreet friends".

      Twitter! Bollox! It's rubbish, conceived for and used by the brain dead.

      Facebook is for chavvy Jeremy Kyle wanna be's.

      Prefect for 90% of british citizens then."

      That, presumably, was a word from our style, education, literacy and mental stability correspondent. Tweets about bowel movements suddenly seem a lot more interesting in comparison.

  8. joeW

    "a friend who isn’t yet on Twitter"

    Yet? YET?? Mr Filip, you assume too much....

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Similar to the viral spread of facebook where people email friends to say they've picture on facebook and when they try to look at them they find they have to sign up first.

    1. The Alpha Klutz

      and if that's not creepy enough, Zuckerberg is sharing your photos with the cops/ad men/marketing gurus/private mercenaries/bureaucrats/technocrats/elite bankers and the new world order...

    2. An0n C0w4rd

      Just remember, for google, twitter, facebook, etc:

      you are not the customer

      you are the product

      The customer is the advertisers that are buying access to the networks to spam, I mean, promote their valuable goods and services to you

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Sadly, you're not even the product - just the unpaid data entry clerk who gets to create the content, type it up and then upload it to the server. I imagine MUG is the acronym for that role within the data bubble ...

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @AC 17:11GMT - Oh, but I received this type of emails

      However, I'm perfectly able to ignore them and still have friends even though they are on the social herding site while I'm not. When they ask me if I saw those photos they posted in FB, I reply "sorry but I can't because FB will not allow me to see them unless I open an account". You might be surprised but it works every time.

  10. The Alpha Klutz

    learn how to use a computer

    who cant copy and paste 140 characters into an email client.....

    fucking hell i could type the whole thing out from memory. are people really so inferior to me these days?

    1. Moeluk

      Re: learn how to use a computer

      Sadly yes, we hit 'peak intelligence' somewhere around the mid 90's, it's all downhill from more and more generations know how to do less and less, and the elder generations spoonfeed them more and more and more.

  11. bigpond

    bye bye.

    describe PR_TWIT massive avalanche of twits

    header PR_TWIT From =~ /twitter\.com/i

    score PR_TWIT 20

  12. RegGuy1


    ... what's that then?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Twitter...

      Check your e-mail.

  13. Charlie Clark Silver badge

    Barely concealed personal information grab


  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Send this tweet to friends*

    * By giving us any email, you give us authorization to spam the bajeezus out of that email, no matter what the owner of that email wants.

    Twitter not responsible for lost friendships or bodily injury due to us spamming any email you give us.


    Makes me want to create a bunch of Sneakemail addresses, print them out on perforated paper, and keep in my billfold - "Oh, you want my email address? [rip] - here you go [/me scribbles their name on stub]."

  15. Triggerfish

    Human spam filters

    None of my friends who have my proper (non forum, etc etc) email address would ever do that, that's why I let them have that email address.

  16. Anonymous Coward

    Twitter wants to know what a Luddite really is?

    1) Receive email spam from Twitterati

    2) Get animal trap out of garage

    3) Trap one of the local skunks

    4) Do not feed skunk for 3 days

    5) Throw about 20 jalapeno peppers laced with ExLax chocolate into trap with now-famished skunk

    6) Drive in to San Francisco

    7) Step into elevator at 1355 Market, press button for 9th floor

    8) Liberally shake trap on the way up

    9) Open trap and throw into 9th floor lobby .

    10) Go home with a big smile on my face.

    With the exception of the electronics in the car and elevator, I don't think I have used any technologies that are less than 40 years old!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Twitter wants to know what a Luddite really is?

      You could walk and construct a trebuchet outside...

    2. hold2ransom
      Big Brother

      Re: Twitter wants to know what a Luddite really is?

      Don't forget to wear the anonymous mask because their is bound to be a CCTV camera around.

  17. Rick Leeming

    First Person who uses this on me...

    Gets the biggest .BMP file I can create e-mailed directly to them with the words "Don't Send Me TwitterSpam" written in it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: First Person who uses this on me...

      I prefer the offline approach, blow up a huge picture 10x10 and leave it next to the entrance where their offices are.

  18. Martin 47

    Ah, Hmmmm can I say that, er, I quite like twitter? Used properly its like having your own forum populated by people you find interesting.

    There is no way that I would ever give them anyone else's email addy though.

  19. Martin
    Thumb Down


    ...just don't get it.

    As far as I can see, it seems to be used mainly so that when someone dies, a celebrity can say "OMG so sad xxxxx has died loved her stuff RIP", and the news media can fill space with this drivel.

  20. Big_Boomer


    Used by people who want to follow someone/something. The rest of us call them sheep and use them to provide meat, clothing and sexual partners. ;-) Like everyone else said, use Filters, and if that doesn't work, then use lawyers. (Ewwww, must go wash my mouth now!)

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