Still got that high power laser Lester?
Passport at the ready...
Students from the University of Southern Indiana are poised to make a second attempt on El Reg's Guinness World Record for the highest launch of a paper plane. On 27 October, a team from the uni's Engineering Design and Analysis class dispatched their Geronimo aircraft (pictured below) under a helium-filled meteorological …
Geronimo is the name of one of our native american warriors. Somehow it evolved into a slang term that is shouted by children when jumping from a large hight, like off the top of a picnic table. I'm guessing that's why they chose it but I can't say for sure.
Excellent coverage! I'm really enjoying the read.
-USI Staffer.
Hopefully you chaps at USI remembered to add a pilot, breaking the record is one thing (especially if Lester does manage to intervene with his laser....) but if you don't have a little plastic model then, well, it's just no where near as much fun! Anyone can build a PARIS, but it takes a real man to.... so many ways to finish that sentence!
Anyhow, good luck.