> you should be writing this article in languages found in India
Wiki wisdom words:
-- "The official languages of the Republic of India are Standard Hindi (41% of the country speaks Standard Hindi or another Hindi dialect) and English. "
-- 2008 figures have Indian CO2 output as 1/3 of USA, Chinese 30% greater than USA (total figures, not per-capita)
But your underlying point is sound, that as the 6/7ths of the world that aren't members of the first world pursues a standard of living closer to ours we can expect resource consumption and pollution output to soar. Lowering our output isn't automatically futile: it can pioneer ways of achieving a given quality of life for a lower pollution output, develop technology sectors that may prove lucrative, and provide a nebulous moral example (weak, but without it we're even more screwed - imagine trying to persuade anyone else to reduce output if we're not attempting it too)
Beer icon because contemplating the future drives me to drink...