Re: I find this...doubtful
I can't help thinking that the dismally slow processing power, poor input devices, and utterly crap software built into every smart TV I've yet seen are the problem. Until the TV and computer merge to create a competent unit then smart TV's are going nowhere. In the highly unlikely event that anybody from a TV maker were listening, here's my wish list:
1) Non maker-specific OS able to run proper programmes (Android, Windoze, Ubuntu...whatever)
2) Processing power equal to an i3
3) Integrated recording capabilities
3) Wireless keyboard and trackball (and a normal remote for run of the mill stuff)
4) Proper high speed device networking (plus Freeview/Freesat tuners, and arguably Sky-in-software for those that wish to pay)
5) Arguably graphics capability for gaming, although I recognise that most of the peasants prefer consoles to PC gaming.
Having said that, the merketeers will continue to claim that sales and demand are climbing astronomically because so many TV's now offer this faux functionality, even though most of us play with it once, think "that's crap" and never bother afterwards.