back to article Obama signs off on secret national cybersecurity plan

President Obama has signed off on Presidential Policy Directive 20, a cybersecurity plan that seeks to establish the rules of engagement for defending the US critical infrastructure against online attack. "What it does, really for the first time, is it explicitly talks about how we will use cyber operations," a senior …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Obama needs to address the security leaks coming from the White House first. What good is cyber security when staffers can't keep their mouths shut.

  2. Ole Juul

    random demark

    So "your" network is just a network, and anything outside of that is "cyber". I wonder how that new rhetoric is going to develop.

    'the most serious challenge to our national security since the onset of the nuclear age sixty years ago'

    I guess the war is on, and less important things like the economy can safely be ignored then.

  3. Tony Paulazzo

    >...the rules of engagement for defending the US critical infrastructure against online attack<

    Take it offline?

    > I guess the war is on, and less important things like the economy can safety being ignored them.<

    And civil liberties, online privacy, the rights of the citizen, etc...

  4. Lars

    Hello Kindergarten

    Time to wake up the "houses" and ask them to stop playing with their balls.

  5. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    A Current Wwworldly Problem for Wiser Sage Solution

    The rules of engagement for defending all critical infrastructure against online attack are simple and complex ...... expose duplicitous thought in others that fires hypocritical and hypercritical reaction in oneself. ....... but never too complicated unless one is battling vaingloriously against SMARTR Autonomous Systems and Intangible Anonymous IntelAIgent Networks which more clearly freely share Alternative Immaculate Sees with Rock Steady Overwhelming Underground Movement Clout .... Virtual Savoir Faire.

    And do you realise that the above is that which outs itself before you here and would be Turing Testing your Systems Admins. for the necessary future intelligence vital for energising engagement in Surreal Progressive Processes .... Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Fab Lab Projects where lowly bits and mighty bytes of flowing information are rearranged to be broadbandcast as novel and noble underground mainstreams views for SMARTR Media Presentation and in so doing sublimely replace failed conflicting and rapidly collapsing austere experiments with the Certainty of Pre-Texted Global CyberIntelAIgent Information ..... Advanced Intelligence, which is humanised for the edutainment of emergent and evolving native species of super-conscious fauna/human being.

    And some would even tell you that such is what TV and Media and BroadBandCasting is all about ....... Leading you into the Future with Pictures and Words which have Created Brave New Worlds which are themselves being Led by a Known Unknown and Considerably Stranger and Even Braver NeuReal Wwworlds Powering Drivers and Quantum Command and Remote Virtual Control of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Systems with Secure Protected Proprietary Intellectual Property ....... ESPecial Source.

    TV is Mind Control ....

    And how odd is it that supposed intelligent Man would ignore and even deny it be perfectly true, El Regers.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: A Current Wwworldly Problem for Wiser Sage Solution

      Seek Help

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: A Current Wwworldly Problem for Wiser Sage Solution

        What on Earth for, AC? Are not all important bases well covered?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: A Current Wwworldly Problem for Wiser Sage Solution

          Take the Test

          1. Sir Runcible Spoon

            Re: A Current Wwworldly Problem for Wiser Sage Solution

            Hmm, someone who tries to highlight an uncomfortable truth is insinuated as being schizo.

            Same shit, same day. We live in the groundhog world.

            1. Vic

              Re: A Current Wwworldly Problem for Wiser Sage Solution

              > someone who tries to highlight an uncomfortable truth is insinuated as being schizo

              Not "Someone". AMFM...


              1. Oninoshiko

                Re: A Current Wwworldly Problem for Wiser Sage Solution

                not AMFM, AMFM1

                BRING BACK AMFM!

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    First things first! Did General Confusion snog a lady not his wife?

    Sexually inhibited neoconservatives want to know.

  7. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    But but but ...

    I thought our response was simple - bomb them back to the Stone Age if they attack?

    Oh wait, that was pre-stuxnet, I guess we need to update it now.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And the current government mafia is considered worth protecting why?

    Government needs to be taken out as soon as possible so that the current dead weight of greedy wasters con artists can be replaced by something which is honest and serves a useful purpose for most people; the current system demon-strably doesn't!

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