Computer Security - It's Not Rocket Science!
Computer Security - It's Not Rocket Science!
A NASA laptop containing personal records of thousands of employees and contractors was stolen two weeks ago. The computer, which contained a copy of workers' social security numbers among other information, was taken from a locked car near NASA HQ in Washington DC on 31 October, according to a leaked email. The laptop was …
Bill, you hit the nail straight on. Why do we constantly hear about laptops gone missing with loads of personal information on them? I would hope (I know, it's wishful thinking gone to the extreme) that files full of personal data wouldn't be allowed to go walkabout on some functionary's laptop. There shouldn't be a need for it.
You haven't spent much time in D.C. have you?
Not kidding, this summer I filled up a gas can to fuel up my lawn mower and walked around the car to air up a tire and when I got back around the car the gas can was gone. Poof. Gone. Taken by one of the zillions of thieves that inhabit D.C.
It is really too bad. The city could be so nice but you've always got to watch yourself or get your stuff stolen or your life taken. In two more years I'm outta here and I ain't looking back.