We are put out some feelers to determine whether you, our beloved readers, fancy some extra comments icons to add to the mighty arsenal available to better express your feelings on topics of international import. It's been 18 months or so since we last had an iconography shake-up, and your input proved invaluable in the …
A snout in a trough (for the sort of graft that the UK now does so well)
A bishop's mitre (for all sorts of religious and unscientific beliefs)
A justice statue with scales that don't balance (where there's one law for us, one law for them)
Some police line tape (for "nothing to see here, move along!")
And most importantly, what about the ability to combine up to four icons? So if discussing some spurious technical angle to Margaret Moran's expenses, we could have a snout in a trough, a thumbs down, an imbalanced justice, and some police tape.
I would like to have Steve Jobs with a halo back again.
Also, can we have a different icon than the Anonymous mask for anonymous posts. They're not the same thing.
Also, can you put a block on Bob Vistakin using the Linux logo? Some of us Linux users find it embarrasing.
Add in other trollface type meme images, including but not limited to
Cereal guy
poker face
rage face
me gusta
Facedesk (possibly animated)
rotten apple / apple core
broken android (best example http://www.iadea.com/sites/www.iadea.com/files/images/broken-android.jpg )
I miss the hand grenade icon. It allowed a warmer and more personal response than nuking from orbit.
Also, how about a "Where's the bacon angle?" icon, possibly featuring a perplexed pig.
Finally, perhaps an icon of a toilet obscured by a red ring with a diagonal slash, indicating an objection to toilet humour etc, to be used whenever that Hard Reg chap feels the need to squeeze a peurile and lunch-ruining bodily functions gag into a console review and we need to remind him that El Reg isn't Viz.
I wish to second (or is it third?) the Tony Blair/hypocrisy icon idea.
For some reason I felt it was appropriate to post my choice of new icon here. Can't think why...
I would like a vomit icon please. The new keyboard please is more coffee than sick. For those times when the sanctimony or 'think of the children' are getting to me, or when some bootnotes story comes along involving penis self-surgery or the like.
A man laughing his head off would also be nice, for those times when Apple have to re-post an apology 17 times, because they were just too childish to get it right first time. Or for when someone custard pies Larry Ellison.
Perhaps we should have one to indicate the passing of time (Dinosaur?)
Definitely need a new one for all the political debates - crossed pitchfork and flaming torch?
How about one "the end of the world as we know it" - suitable for any new release of software, iDevice, Daily Fail readers etc.
Gun barrel and sight, as seen from the business end.
Reticle over blurred/blurry subject/target/object of affention.
YTF? (in addition to the WTF? sign)
Pram/Carriage (for nanny-statisms).
Hand grenade (consider ripping off/riffing on Diane Arbus: http://iconicphotos.wordpress.com/2009/08/12/boy-with-toy-hand-grenade/)
Better pedant, Big Brother, Think of the children, Windows icons.
A cheerleader (not discernibly one, the other, or the other other gender) in lieu of a Fanboi icon.
A caravan (trailer/mobile home) with trash can.
'Hands off, bitch!' (this one is mine, and I'm already in the process of patenting it.)
In addition to work on the icons, I think some thought should go into parallelisation of the text equivalents/analogues.
It might also serve to have an option for multiple images where, for each image checked at the moment the post is submitted, a smaller icon appears in the top line of the post, suitably spaced, rather than just one icon in the left-hand margin. In this instantiation, the multiple icons could (possibly) be read as a shorthand summation of the overall thrust of the 'tards view on the subject(s) at hand.
Can we please have a 'in my day....' icon? seems nearly half the comments to any given technology thread are by people complaining how difficult something was back in their day... or how hardware never broke back in the old days (in IT that would be what.. 4 years ago?)
I think it should have an icon with a hole-punch-card in it..
>In light of the recent OED entry, I suggest an icon to represent 'onmishables'
>Not sure what though.
A coffee machine.
In the original context, Malcom Tucker continued to express his exasperation thus: "You're like one of those coffee machines... from bean to cup, you f*** up!"
How about a handbag icon for use when a comment thread descends into petty a tit-for-tat hair-pulling bitchfest?
The way I see it is that party A and party B slug it out getting increasingly off-topic until innocent bystander C pops up with the handbag icon to say "you girls get a room", at which point A and B are embarrassed into silence and we can all get on with our lives.
Only problem is I see it getting worn out very quickly...
A gremlin in a microwave, for software bugs/gremlins of fail, and to represent my smouldering and probably irrational (it's hard to tell anymore) seething bubbling-beneath-the-surface everytime sir runcipal spoon uses "Sir" as a title to a reply, I feel as if he's going to ask for more porridge
before adding icons (unless you add a "please fix it" icon).
You *used* to be able to "view post in context" when reviewing your own posts. Click that link and it took you - amazingly - to see your post in the thread.
You took it away over a year ago - and looking in the user forums, I'm not the only one who misses it.
Please ?
Please ?
Please ?
I rather like the ability to only edit your posts for a short time (otherwise the comments can become meaningless). Especially when I'm using a system where my pet hate (Autoscrewup Correct) has been left on, posts develop errors only when you click the "post" button, which is why you get so many delete-and-repost entries.
Android taking a much bigger bite out of Apple.
A wrinkled old Apple full of maggots
Microsoft - just a broken window with rats leaping out of it will do
Nokia - similar, since it's just a microsoft department now, but make that a sinking ship sailing away from a burning platform..
How about an old piece of bread with rounded corners that's gone a bit dry and is curling up at the edges...
... because jokes about rounded corners and patents are getting a bit stale now.
(and yes, I'll admit, I've joined in with the masses and made the odd rounded corner comment in my time!)
-Bring back the Steve Jobs icon - but turn it horizontal, and make it appear as though it's rotating.
-A patent lawyer hanging from a noose.
-With Windows 8 and WP8 hitting the scene like mr creosote doing a bellyflop, how about a Ballmer icon? To express general loud noises mentalness (maybe replace the megaphone with him).
-a "here's an idea..." icon would be nice - maybe a lightbulb, Einstein, etc
-I rarely use the ROTM/foster parents icon, but that's mainly due to an unfortunate lack of stories that require it, rather than an innate dislike of it.
For "When the revolution comes" and "Grumpy old man" (Yeah I know but I can't bring myself to use any of that bloody smiley crap)
And weed out the others
Smiley's (come on Reg - really - smiley's in 2012?)
Joke alert - cos if you use the icon it isn't
Paris - so noughties
Pingu, fanboi and wuser - just replace all of these with a zombie icon indicating braindeadness and fandroids, arsefacers, chromeheads and fans of korean and norwegian hardware can all get on board
Yes, I would like to propose a "What you talkin' about dog-breath?" icon. Yes, I do know that it's a variation on Colemans catchphrase from "Diff'rent Strokes".
As for what could go, "a divine being" and "the spawn of satan" along with the 3 smileys and "Your foster parents are dead". I agree with the need for Linux, Windows, Apple, and Android fanboi icons as well as changing Paris to Lohan.
Do we really need individual fanboy icons for each type? Surely a general one will do.
Also I want a smiley face icon for when I'm being politely insulting. Instead of the few times when I get a bit more grumpy and tell some other commentard to get stuffed. Only used when justified. I hope...
You've suggested that you'll go to the pub AFTER the new list has been produced.
You should be going to the pub NOW to discuss the options - that'll produce a much more biting selection for commentard consumption and will avoid lots of Political Correctness rubbish (there's a point - a political correctness icon?)
How about a "nuke the entire site from orbit" icon? Could be used in situations of security flaws, webSITES that people don't like, or just generally when the poo has hit the fan or someone thinks there is no hope for a certain technology/company.
It would probably end up looking a lot like the "Eat this" icon though.
Some sort of Brazil icon (the Terry Gilliam film). This will be to signify that even though we fear we may end up like 1984..e.g gov creates massive id card database. The follow on story a few weeks later detailing the inevitable cock ups and overruns and idiocy of bureaucracy can then have an appropriate icon.
Because everyone knows that asari are 'hot'.....
and the Pirate Queen of Omega needs an icon for her posts.........
Usefull for all those stories about alien weirdness and uncertainty principle machines which make female undergarments jump 3 feet sideways......
Just look for images of asari & Aria T'Loak if in any doubt.....
The extant one doesn't have the same cultural "baggage" as the Picard facepalm. "Facepalms" on the net have become a stratified thing. There are :layers: to their use. Which one gets used depends on the level of fail involved. We already have a "fail" icon. I posit that this is roughly the same "rank" as our extant facepalm icon. Thus they are completely redundant. "Fail" + Picard facepalm is two different layers of fail. The Picard facepalm has traditionally been used in between "regular facepalm" and the "Picard + Riker double facepalm" which is itself one layer lower than the "meta-Picard facepalm" made up of hundreds of smaller facepalms.
For those comment threads that get taken over by obscure Doctor Who trivia, Goon Show references, etc.
Being a hardcore sf fan, the first icon that suggests itself to me is the multicolored propeller beanie, but I suppose you could go for wider mainstream comprehensibility (at least for British readers, anyway) with an anorak.