back to article IBM plunks Power7+ processors into Flex System servers

Big Blue has trotted out the Power7+ processors in its p260 server nodes in the Flex System modular server lineup. Back in October, when IBM debuted the first servers to use the Power7+ processors, the company put the new 32-nanometer chips in high-end Power 770+ and Power 780+ servers, then said that it would be next year …


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  1. King1Con

    How late was it?

    I am surprised TPM did not comment on the timing of POWER 7+.

    With POWER 7 coming to market on February 2010, an expected POWER 7+ debut on August 2011, does this make POWER 7+ about 15 months late?

    TPM discussed the possible POWER 6+ failure, when the last POWER slip occurred.

    Is POWER 8 going through the same turmoil, or is it coming in 3 months?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: How late was it?

      Power7+ was out on October the 3d. Look at the 770/780.

      Fun site you have there. Is Kebabbert your fact checker?

      I especially like the post where a Sparc discussion is taking place in a museum. How appropriate!

  2. Dare to Think
    IT Angle

    Nothing new, actually...and where is the USP?

    Looks in concept very similar to the RS/6000SPs back in the 1990s. Interesting, though, that the network and the SAN switch are moving into the chassis.

    Similarities can also be drawn to the nodes of the Dell PowerEdge C Servers.

    IBM usually does not sell server hardware on it's own, rather, one has to buy a service and maintenance contract with IBM which comes with a bit of hardware, thus I would put a question mark behind the prices quoted here. If we take these additional costs into consideration, let's assume that a POWER7+ core costs at least 100 times more than an Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge-EP-8 core. Is POWER7+ 100 times more performing than the Intel Xeon?

    Where is the USP for the POWER platform today?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Nothing new, actually...and where is the USP?

      Gotta be something in the high availability space. The UNIX systems have in the past been more resilient with better end-to-end integration. I haven't touched one in a while and I don't know how much better has Wintel/Lintel become.

      You are right about support and services. those are the money makings for all Unix vendors especially big blue

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