"A male housekeeper living in Paul's home has said he didn't hear anything out of the ordinary on the night in question, but did say that it had been raining very heavily."
It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out...
John McAfee, the founder of the antivirus software firm that still bears his name, is wanted in Belize in connection with the murder of American expatriate Gregory Faull, who was found dead on Sunday. Marco Vidal, head of the country's Gang Suppression Unit, told Gizmodo that McAfee was a prime suspect in the case. Faull, who …
An eccentric millionaire with a grudge next door... a Luger (!?)shell on the floor... why do I get the feeling that the McAfee's body is in a crab net on the bottom of the ocean and the perpetrator is fleeing Belize in McAfee's military surplus submarine and $100 million in cash piled on the floor?
"So he stole a few items and left did he?
Who are they kidding. They will probably find him face down in a river somewhere or else never find the body and then close the case."
So an eccentric paranoid IT security guru worth $100 million who hangs out with drug dealers neatly one shotted his neighbour, took an obviously traceable phone and laptop and totally disappeared in a South American country, and the police assume murder?
My first thought would be kidnap!
Technically, it's in Central America. It's also a friendly tax haven for some UK peers, a few of whom are even nationals.
I can think of worse places to hang out if you've not much better to do: there are something like 200 Caribbean coral atolls to take your pick from if you can stand the odd hurricane blowing through.
"I can think of worse places to hang out if you've not much better to do"
Both worse and better. But a country where a neighbour waves firearms around in a threatening or careless manner and doesn't go to jail doesn't sound so great!
It's a bit annoying: All the countries with great human rights and high standards of living seem to have all the cold or wet weather! If I had enough in the bank to live a life of luxury, it'd really annoy me more!
I've not heard of the fucker before now...just some dude who stated a software company and won. Then this week I read about him (a link off of fark, if memory serves, but could be wrong) about how he was living a mad lifestyle -also paedopilia- and even the locals thought he was going too far.
And now this.
I want to see evidence. The guy could be dead guilty for all I know; but the sudden media attention smells of poo.
If you don't get a man on a drugs and firearms charges, the murder of a foreign national is the logical next step. I am not saying he is innocent, but I have seen and read one too many spy/thrillers to follow the most obvious conclusion.
Besides, any man that fails to hear a Luger go off in a house has got to be guilty of something.
Giveaway is that despite claiming the government raided him twice, wants him dead, poisoned his dogs and set him up for murder he still doesn't want to leave the country, because it's nice.
There's more on this story at wired, he's been regaling them with his tale of how he outwitted the Police by burying himself up to his neck in sand and disguising his head with a cardboard box.
My gut says he's tripping his balls off and is a danger to all and sundry.
McDonalds might be impressed....
By the way, as for brand name dropping, we get iPhone, and we get Luger (much, MUCH longer history than Apple).
But, why no ID'ing of the laptop? The phone brand is UTTERLY irrelevant to this story. The gun brand IS, however. Yet, another bit of free advertising....
And, is he a variation of Sasquatch? "large feet" and slow running could be code for Bigfoot, :-)
Quick, put Steve and Jamie on the case!
Here's the link to the Gizmodo article: http://gizmodo.com/5959812/john-mcafee-wanted-for-murder
At the end, it mentions that his claims had been discredited on the Bluelight discussion board. His prowess in creating drugs was overstated. Seems to be a narrative of what happens when a BS artist is hoist by his own petard.