He's much cuter than Justin Bieber..
No idea if he sings better but I wouldnt be surprised...
President Obama beat out Justin Bieber today to become the tweeter with the most retweeted tweet in the history of the internet. His victory tweet "Four more years" accompanied by a photo of him hugging wife Michelle has been retweeted by over 637,000 people and favourited 215,000 times. Barack Obama's most retweeted …
According to the horrific radio station at work (which I sadly have no control over and is fiercely guarded by a team of stapler-wielding co-workers) that has already happened. Apparently he's now "grown up", which presumably means he can perform autotune assisted ramblings about kissing girls instead of just talking to them.
"the most retweeted tweet in the history of the internet"
Because we had Twitter in 1969 and every decade through the history of the Internet, didn't we.
Since "tweets" can only be tweeted using Twitter then where is the relevency in comparing it to the "history of the Internet"? Twitter is only 6 years old.
quote: "Because we had Twitter in 1969 and every decade through the history of the Internet, didn't we."
I understand your point, however the statement is factually correct. The most "retweeted tweet" in the history of Twitter, is also going to be so for the history of the internet, the history of the planet, and indeed the history of the universe. The only relevant time period is the 6 or so years that Twitter actually existed as a product, but sensationalism is rarely concerned with relevance. It sounds so much better to say "most retweeted thing in the history of everything ever!".
Unless you include noises made by birds, of course. I suspect that there may be more retweeted tweets (and tweets retweeted more times) by avian vocalisation, than during the existence of website-that-publishes-inane-ramblings
Every place that I travel to in the U.S.A. all I see is pain and suffering of the working class. Four more years of this administration and the U.S.A. will likely to be in worse economic trouble than Greece or other countries on the brink. From what I have observed the U.S.A. does not have any economic nor energy policy in place. Their government is basically hobbling along without a clue and throwing money at crony projects under the guise of creating new jobs only to have the company CEO take the millions in tax payer money and then declare the company is bankrupt a year later. There are numerous Obama funded companies that have done this. What I see is not pretty and getting worse all the time.
Having a pissfest over politics is a waste of time and energy.
There is no doubt that a lot of people are hurting in the Colonies as in Blighty. Obama is good at blaming others but in four years he has done nothing to improve the U.S. economy. Unemployment is higher than when he took office and the U.S. doesn't even count the unemployed who's benefits have expired after 2 years of unemployment. The stock market dropped at staggering 2.4% today and the Dow is down 1,000 points from when the president took office. The U.S. is a country deeply divided economically and politically. With Obama's slim victory I'd expect there will be serious political consequences. The next four years are going to be a whole lot different than the last and Obama won't be able to blame his predecessor for the problems.
OK, I'll say it: I'm glad Obama won.
I'm British, living in Scotland BTW.
Thank you citizens of the United States of America for choosing the sane option. Your country still has an enormous effect on the rest of the planet and I'm glad Obama is steering your ship, rather than Mitt Romney.