back to article AT&T spaffs another $14bn on 4G cellular and fibre

AT&T will spend an additional $14bn over the next three years rolling out cellular and fibre optic infrastructure, accelerating deployment plans for both 4G and fixed internet connections. The blatantly-backronymed Project Velocity IP (VIP) will see an additional $8bn spent on cellular while $6bn gets dropped on fixed …


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  1. IglooDude
    Thumb Up

    "The blatantly-backronymed Project Velocity IP (VIP)..."

    And if there's anyone that is familiar with backronyming, it's the fine folks at El Reg.

  2. JB

    "AT&T can apparently afford this thanks to growing revenues across its portfolio of connectivity services..."

    $15 of that $14billion is from when i went 1.3MB over my measly 300Mb limit after going to 4G. These people really are joking!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      So 301.3MB should be allowed but 301.4MB should not then? Over is over, a billing system is nothing more than a computer and it allows 300MB and lower as within the plan whereas anything over, it will cost you.

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