How about we report on actual products, rather than vaporware? It's the same everytime - Apple's products get completely smashed by the competition, so the media resorts to "But there'll be something better along in future, honest!" I might as well say the new AmigaPad 2 will beat it hands down, honest.
By the time it comes out, if ever, Google with have an updated Nexus 7, at £80 less, just like they've done with the Nexus 10. And the rest of us don't care about super-high resolutions on devices that only have the functionality of oversized phones. I'm more concerned that netbooks are still stuck at 1024x600...
PS - why is the Reg now plasted with adverts for iphone and ipad "apps"? Sorry, like most people I don't have one, but use more popular platforms like Android and Windows desktop. I don't see why you need a custom exe to read a website, I use this thing known as a "web browser". And if the exe offers more features, why aren't there applications for desktop platforms like Windows or Linux?