back to article Apple rejects NAKED HIPPIE ebook, despite apple coverup

A Danish author's ebooks documenting freewheeling hippie nudity have been rejected from Apple's iBookstore in that country, even after the author and publisher covered up the offending naughty bits – with images of ripe red apples. "Apple founder, Steve Jobs, marketed himself as a child of the hippie movement," author Peter …


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  1. An0n C0w4rd

    Does the iBookstore have a large market share? I've never bought anything on there, I prefer other avenues which aren't tied to Apple/iOS.

  2. tirk

    If my kids are anything to go by...'s probably the pubic hair rather than the nudity they objected to. Seems to disgust anyone under 40 - weird!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: If my kids are anything to go by...

      It's not that weird, picking pubes out of your mouth is tedious.

      Actually, it's one of those voyages of discovery with a new partner.. "ok, no topiary, so far, good start... well hello there interesting piercing" (none of which is said out loud, if you value you life- and in any case have your mouth full, too).

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: If my kids are anything to go by...

        Classiest. Post. Evarrr!

    2. Tom 7

      Re: If my kids are anything to go by...

      Never quite understood the idea that you turn your body into something that should, by rights, only really be attractive to a paedophile - pubic hair indicates puberty has been reached after all.

      As for big breasts try the all male macho bar in the pub...

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: If my kids are anything to go by...

      "Seems to disgust anyone under 40 - weird!"

      I have to say that wanting your sexual partner to look like they haven't reached puberty is a great deal more disgusting to me.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @ Robert Long 1

        By your argument you must refuse to shave your beard off for your sexual partner...

        Dilapidation has been practiced around the world for generations, and the primary reason was hygiene...

        And while pubic hair may appear at puberty (hence the name pubic hair), removing hair alone does not make someone look like they've not reached puberty, and being bare has advantages for your partner...

        (although the hollywood look is barren and boring...)

        1. Qwelak
          Paris Hilton

          Re: @ Robert Long 1

          I think the word you were looking for is depilation, dilapidation is what happens to houses.

          Paris, well because...

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @ Robert Long 1

            > dilapidation is what happens to houses.

            I dunno, at my age other things get pretty dilapidated too...

            1. Pat 4

              Re: @ Robert Long 1

              Funny how a story about censorship turns into a debate about pubic hair...

              What are you guys? Like.... 14?

        2. O RLY

          Re: @ Robert Long 1

          And while pubic hair may appear at puberty (hence the name pubic hair)

          Pubic hair is named for the pubic bones, not its appearance during puberty.

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: @ Robert Long 1

          "By your argument you must refuse to shave your beard off for your sexual partner..."


          "Dilapidation has been practiced around the world for generations, and the primary reason was hygiene."

          Wrong; fashion and religion have been the prime reasons.

          "And while pubic hair may appear at puberty (hence the name pubic hair),"

          Wrong way around. Puberty is so named for appearance of the pubic hair.

          "removing hair alone does not make someone look like they've not reached puberty"

          No, but it is enough for me to question their motivation.

          "although the hollywood look is barren and boring"

          Agreed. Like so much of Hollywood.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    That's funky tech. I used a coin and was able to scrape the apples off. Took a bit of work, but nice surprise!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      But did you win anything?

    2. Thomas 4


      Was it Scratch 'n' Sniff?

  4. Captain TickTock


    illegal in Australia anyway...

  5. Self-evidently!


    This people are just D U M B S H I T E.

    Is this the best that crapple can do????? A bunch of hippys!

    There crap is so over nothing to see here!

    1. Steve Knox
      Thumb Up

      Re: Honestly!

      Overzealous hatred? Check!

      Unnecessary use of capitals? Check!

      Excessive punctuation? Check!

      Spelling and grammatical errors? Check!

      I do believe we have a FotW candidate!

      1. Kit-Fox

        Re: Honestly!

        Close but no cigar, it's just a Daily Fail reader who got lost after using this modern new thingie called 'gooogle'

      2. Mako

        Re: Honestly!

        I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks this, but Self_Evidently! looks a lot like a parody of El Reg poster Obviously!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward


          Registered only yesterday to make that post as well.

          Why use a different name to be the same character?

          How sad.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    cultural and geographical limitations

    I'm guessing this is a case of

    1) Apple not getting that pictures of people with no clothes on is no big thing in Scandinavian countries.

    2) Apple getting that sticking apples on to cover the alleged naughty bits is the authors taking the piss out of the aforesaid uptight company

    1. dkjd

      Re: cultural and geographical limitations

      Or its a case of a fairly dull book, that no-one much buys, getting a shit-load of free publicity in Denmark! Its easily available already as a epub (e.g.from (danish publisher), has been for yonks, and its funny how this happens JUST before christmas present buying time.

  7. Darryl

    THERE's yer problem

    Those apples aren't McIntosh... Looks more like Delicious or maybe Royal Gala

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: THERE's yer problem

      I was thinking maybe Pink Lady ?

      1. Ed_UK

        Re: THERE's yer problem

        "I was thinking maybe Pink Lady ?"

        ...or maybe Cox?

        ~Consults list...

        Or Buff?

        Or Bushey Grove?

  8. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Pictures are childish

    So is Apple (in lots of respects).

    1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Re: Pictures are childish

      Hmmm two downvotes.

      Is that two prudes, two fanbois or one of each?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Eating your cake and eating it

    Fandroid checklist:

    1) Apple bans stupid publicity seeking book/app/whatever - Slate Apple for being control freaks

    2) Apple lets through stupid book/app/whatever - Slate Apple for allowing through to many things

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Eating your cake and eating it

      I have never been to 'many things'.

      I feel like I am missing out if through is allowed to go there.

    2. Old Handle

      Re: Eating your cake and eating it

      With the possible exception of privacy violating apps, I have never, ever heard a "fandroid" criticize Apple for allowing something to be published.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hippie Company?

    Candidate for oxymoron of the day.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hippie Company?

      Candidate for oxymoron of the day.

      Kind of like the Haight Independent Proprietors (HIP) from "back in the day, man".

  11. Anonymous Coward


    Not only can you have almost any e-bookstore on the iPad (even Sony in on there now) but iBooks also works with standard EPUBS just fine.

    No bookstore has to carry books they don't want to. This is clearly a publicity stunt.

  12. This post has been deleted by its author

  13. Frumious Bandersnatch

    Just another reason...

    to get rid of Apple(s).

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I don't get it...

    Are we to suppose that the reasoning is that Apple are themselves too embarrassed by these pictures, or object to them on some principal grounds?

    Cause I doubt anyone would object much to them from Danish side?

    I of course realise that the reason must be some general rule that got them rejected the first time.

    Second time probably just Apple being mad at someone slightly taunting them.

  15. Paul Hovnanian Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    Strange coincidence

    I cover up Apple logos with pictures of my junk.

    Paris, wondering which computer logo is a banana and two peaches.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Paris Hilton

      Re: Strange coincidence

      Two peaches?

      Paris... sending you to see a doctor.

  16. Anonymous Coward

    Funny about that...

    Years ago the front page girl on the news papers has good looks and great tits etc..

    And now - "OOOOhhhhh fuck no!!! TITS - got to BLACK THEM OUT - cause people might be offended!!!! Ohhhhhhh Noooooooo!"

    AKA Janet Jacksons nipple flick that went live to 80 million American homes - where peoples eyes were bleeding after they saw it!!!!

    Ohhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... a NIPPLE!!!!!!!

    Blowflies share about 97% of our DNA, and our sexual habits too.....

    Except for the moral neurotics - blow flies don't have closets to masturbate in, nor shame, guilt and rosary beads.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Funny about that...

      blow flies don't have closets to masturbate in

      Maybe that's the real driver for all this nano technology: build blow fly closets.

      I'm a tad puzzled by the (IMHO very, very artificial) US attitude to nakedness - unless they are busy banning breastfeeding as well, I can't see a way to avoid kids knowing what a female nipple looks like..

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Funny about that...

        Exactly, Americans are big prudes...

        When I was a lad, I discussed the artistic merits of nude photos in an art book I had with my teachers, they were not offended, and this was a British State school!

        (although for some reason they did not let us have a life art class, that was disappointing..)

        1. Triggerfish

          Re: Funny about that...

          Yep my A level art teacher recommended we buy porn to get a proper idea of skin tone.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Funny about that...

        An American ex crystallised the situation for me rather cleverly, when she observed that in American media, you could only show a breast being shot off, not fondled.

        1. Swarthy
          Thumb Down

          Re: Funny about that...

          It's your fault, you know. Someone sent the puritans over the pond in a sturdy boat...and they took over.

  17. JaitcH

    Cameron's UK and other Nanny States, plus Apple, are most likely ...

    delirious knowing that millions of Fanbois' puerile minds are protected from seeing Nature's handiwork.

    Not surprising when you consider Apple found t necessary to make their latest connector non-polarised as they believe their clients can't figure how to mate USB connectors.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's a book store, not the thought police!

    The decision is about the Apple branded store, not about the book. You could say Apple was being inclusive by ensuring their book store is acceptable to a wide range of cultural norms. I bet you can't find this book in most book shops. But does Apple care if you want to buy and study this on your iPad? Of course not.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's a book store, not the thought police!

      but I bet in most book shops they will carry books on photography, and will have plenty of nudes...

  19. Desidero

    If fate deals you figs, make fig newtons

    Oh right, Apple can joke around with a court ordered admittance that Samsung didn't copy, but can't take a joke when someone uses the Apple as a modern fig leaf.

    (hey, nice reversal - maybe the fig leaf is an allusion to marijuana leaves and knowledge, while Apple is the uptight skinphobic deity police censor, peel intact. It is the Jesus phone after all, and Jobs is God from what we've gathered. I can imagine emblazoning Apples on all the Roman and Greek statues - so aesthetic and sleek)

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Judging by the photos...

    maybe the book was rejected because it was just plain.... crap.

  21. Torben Mogensen

    Warning labels instead of censorship?

    I can't see who Apple is trying to protect (apart from their own image). You need an Internet connection to use their bookstore, and it is not exactly hard to find sexually explicit images on the Internet.

    I would much prefer warning labels ("This work contains nudity, swear words and violence" and so on) and a rating system. The default could very well be that you are only shown works with a "child-safe" rating, but you should be able to set the filter details yourself, so you, for example, can avoid violence but accept nudity (or the reverse, which seems to the American standard).

    And, yes, I'm Danish, so censorship offends me more than nudity.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Warning labels instead of censorship?

      I had to tick the box to download the Tesco app for my iPhone as it contained "references" to alcohol.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Flickr site showing before and after photos

    Bear in mind towards the end there is a pic of a childs bum, strict liability offence and all that

  23. Chris Parsons Silver badge

    Isn't this more of a US thing?

    When I lived there, it seemed you could see pictures of people getting blown to bits in slow-motion, but the sight of a nipple was deemed deeply offensive.

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If the State wants me to use hands free ..

    .. than it ought to leave me something to do keep my hands occupied with.

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