I'm sure we've all got some horror stories of interviews and first days
I had been out of work for a few months, got an interview at a place supporting SME's - interview was fine, server admin job was pitched, I'd be on a contract for 3 months as a probabtionary period.
First day, I turn up and am led into what can only be described as a "boiler room" setup with half a dozen young lads in shiny suits and spiked hair juggling phone calls. I get stuck at a desk up the top of the room and handed this binder about 6 inches thick - oh documentation I naively thought, I was almost right. A set of rules for techs covering lunch breaks, tea breaks, when to use the photcopier, sending in timesheets, mileage allowances, how to reclaim parking tickets (so you could park close to client sites and not walk down the street with kit apprently)....all of which had a phrase "failure to follow this process will result in disciplinary action"
I asked about how this applied to me as a server admin, turned out I was expected to be on the road from 8am till 6pm as a field engineer, They had a box of kit for me to carry in my vehicle, timesheets every day had to be faxed by 5:45, but if the job ran on I was expected to complete it (asked about the rate when past 6pm, oh it's your day rate).
I sat down, told then this wasn't what I was recruited for, if I'm on contract they pay per hour. One look at their faces and I just said goodbye and good luck - the guys in the "boiler room" had heard the lot and they looked terrified when I came out.
tl;dr If your spider sense is tingling, walk away