Is it related to proximity to the Tropics?
Engineers are being kidnapped in Mexico, not for ransom but to build and maintain Los Zetas' radio network, as criminal gangs need reliable connectivity just like everyone else. InSight Crime reports on the spate of kidnappings, which haven't resulted in the usual ransom demands and do seem to have been targeting engineers …
The trouble is the cartels' DTA attutide. The last thing they want is a mole, so the only way out of the cartel is feet-first. The only reason this is possible is there are plenty of engineers for the cartel to grab. Once the supply goes down, then they may be forced to husband their engineers, probably by resorting to threats and blackmail.
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Why? Tap into it and collect intelligence.
As a bonus, that will reduce the demand for engineers needed to replace the confiscated equipment.
If the military can hack into the Zeta's system, they might even be able to insert (or enable) tracking apps into the portable units. Or even inject false messages into the stream. Imagine a 'all hands' meeting ordered by the big boss. Out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by artillery.
Clearly, we currently have the anti-libertarian paradise. No surprises here.
In other news:
Charles Bowden, who has written several books about Mexico and drug trafficking, said policy failures have exacerbated the problems. “The war on drugs is over,” he said. “There are more drugs in the U.S. of higher quality and at a lower price." (...) “In the U.S., murder is bad for their drug business,” he said. “In Mexico, it is business.”