Re: I fucking HATE telemarketers, ...spammers, ...robocalls and ...stupid fucking people.
Your right - but telephone marketers / survey takers etc., in ANY form are a different kettle of fish.
See if I go and buy a news paper / magazine / read online articles / watch TV etc... it's a given fact or understanding that there is a trade off for my wanting to see a program by feeding me advertising, in the hope of making sales, as a way to generate revenue.
If my tolerance for bullshit is at it's typical low point, I don't buy or read the news papers / magazines / watch TV, and I read most online articles with add blocking etc., because I am quite happy on my bicycle and don't want or need 500 adds a day telling me I am a failure for not buying their rolling bucket of over priced shit.
BUT ringing me, it's essentially trespass, - past the front gate, past the front door, and directly into MY home, in MY time and space, usually interfering with my attention to my activities, of doing things I like, with people I like.
It's also completely different to someone dialing a wrong number.
It's a calculated act of intrusion, a callous lack of respect of the dignity and rights of people, and it's not one call every few months, some people get dozens of calls a day - be it either from the same company or a whole range of companies / people / organisations.
I bought my phone and I paid for the connection, so that I could communicate through the magic of electricity, with the people and business's that I want to be contacting, when and where I want to be contacting them.
I never bought and paid for the services, to have an open party to the telemarketers of the world, by their wholesale intrusions into my life, in my time, pushing goods, services, surveys, and other fucking crap, that I didn't want, need or asked for.
It's like that shit hole of corporate idiots called the Commonwealth Bank, who every time you contact them, they then send YOUR personal information to A.C. Neilsen - a telemarketing / survey taker company, who then rings you to ask you about your experiences with the Commonwealth Bank.
Yes - the people running the Commonwealth Bank really are stupid fucks.
And the likes of the people in A.C. Neilsen, I don't want them ringing me up in my own home at night.
When I tell them, "Fuck off and don't call my number ever again" - these arseholes are ringing me, every night for the next 6 weeks.... "
Like I would not do it, but I really am perfectly OK with the idea of some other disgruntled person walking into their offices and shooting the management and staff in their faces at point blank range, or fire bombing their business's etc.
And these fucking idiots into all this telemarketing bullshit, it's like door to door hawkers selling interesting little office nick nacks and useful things.
If one were to appear, say once very three months - that would be good - I'd enjoy that. But when the transition goes from once every three months, to once a month, to once a week, to once a day, to 3 or 4 times a day, to 10 or 15 times a day - well at some stage comes a tipping point; where the interaction ceases to be interesting and useful to being a fucking pain in the arse, and then to that of shooting the fuckers on sight.
The big sign in the door - "NO HAWKERS".
It's like that with the telemarketers - it's not just one calling me once, it's dozens of them calling me and others, dozens of times every day.
These arseholes do it with FAX's - there are so many people who just switch their faxes off when they are not at work or they only switch it on to receive a known fax from a known company, otherwise they get to work in the morning and there are dozens of faxes from all these fucking arseholes piled up in the tray, pissing away their money, time, paper and toner, on shit that they do not need or want, from people they don't need or want to have anything to do with.
Well with the phone, in your own home, in your own time and in your own space - on a land line, you should not have to have these arseholes calling you, and you should not have to go to any measures to stop them from calling you.
It's when the avalanche of marketing, from every fucking idiot doing the saturation advertising campaigns, coupled with gross insensitivity and the intrusive nature of the badly timed calls, from people who by and large are fucking idiots.....
In Australia we have a corporation run by dumb fucks called Telstra, who gouge on line costs, call costs and internet costs, at about 3 to 5 times the going rate - like you can get cards that enable you to call the other side of the world for 1c a minute, and yet the scam artists in Telstra, charge you $25 an hour to call someone in the next town.. then when you fuck them off and hire another company, with far better services at a far better rate, the morons in Telstra then start calling you up, asking you to sign back up with them.
When they are asked "Are you prepared to make me an offer that is as good as or better than what the competition is currently delivering (at 40% of Telstras costs) they answer "No" - so I say to them, "Well what are you calling me for?" and I then tell them "Take my number off your list and never call me again."
Three months later they call me up again, and I tell them to fuck off and never ring me again - three months later, another call etc.. Only I tell the idiot calling me, "You tell your fucking boss, that if I ever get calls you you fucking idiots ever again - I will be going to his own home and pounding on his front door at a time of my own choosing, and demanding an answer from him, as to why you have not taken my number off your list, and why you have continued to call me, when I have repeatedly told you to fuck off."
"You tell this fucking arsehole and his idiot marketing campaign that I mean business - don't ever call me again."
There are some remedies in some countries, for some people - like do not call registries and similar, but I just think they should be burned alive at the stake.
As far as I am concerned they are all vermin that ought to be exterminated.