Comment #124 which nobody will read...
There's nothing 'new' about the iPhone 5 except for rather boring hardware upgrades.
The innovation is now coming from Android devices - the galaxy s3 for instance, has turned a *lot* of heads.
In my small circle, I've seen three former iPhone users switch to it and they are *really* happy with the choice.
The OS is nowhere near as tightly controlled. Whilst that does have it's downsides, the flexibility and choice you have simply runs rings around Apple. Want to slap a widget on any screen? Go for it. Heck, chuck three or four on there. Change the theme? Yep, no problem.
iOS is pretty solid, but it's starting to get dated. I had an iPhone 4S for about a week and found it ... dull. It wasn't that different to my ageing iPod touch 2g. Yes, there's something to be said for continuity and yes, later versions of iOS have multi-tasking - I get that.
What I really don't like is how truly locked down the devices are. Apple may think they know what you want and maybe 8 times out of 10, they probably do. It's the other 2 times which piss me off.
There's three things which have *hurt* iPhone sales:
1. Maps
2. Perceived lack of innovation from the 4S to the 5
3. Android devices have got *damn* sexy
The iPhone - yep, it's great - but really, I like my devices with a serving of freedom - and I reckon a lot more people feel the same way, despite what Apple may think is best for you.