A bug in Borderlands 2 has spread like virtual flu, permanently killing off characters if they die during a game. Worse, some players are deliberately spreading the infection to gamers they don't like, it has been claimed. The issue only affects Xbox 360 players - the sound you can hear is our very own PS3-loving 'Anonymous …
Why would you program it that way?
Why would you leave it in the game?
Just why? Why would a player who joins a game determine game modes that permanently affect other player's (who WEREN'T using those modes) data? I can sort of understand it accidentally being left in the program because you didn't know it was there or think people would find it, but everyone knows the system is hackable anyway.
I just don't get it. Why?
quote: "Why would you program it that way?
Why would you leave it in the game?"
Probably because they tried it out during development, didn't think it polished enough to release (yet) so decided to leave the code for a possible future release... likely as part of more DLC (buy DLC #3 and get Badass mode! It's teh awesmoe!).
Another article I saw on this likened it to a Diablo style Hardcore mode. People I know (myself included) have played Hardcore in D2/D3 for the hell of it, and I'm sure I'd give it a go on Borderlands as well, if they ever officially add it. From the sound if it in the article here, while in that mode it also boosts your shield / damage output, which seems to be why some players are hacking the savegames to run it like that on their consoles.
The assumption would be that players are not using modded consoles and therefore anything not exposed by the UI would be inaccessible. Clearly MS need to start ban hammering people again who use XBL with modded consoles and the devs of this game need to nail the bug or use it as a clue that the person is a cheat and to permaban them from the multiplayer functionality.
>use it as a clue that the person is a cheat and to permaban them from the multiplayer functionality.
Nope champ as the bug can be triggered without ever using a modded console which makes it pathetic this bug ever shipped and why it needs to be fixed asap.
>Clearly MS need to start ban hammering people again who use XBL with modded consoles
While I agree from a legal/ethic standpoint it seems to be sales this generation were directly related to how easy the console was to hack (WII trivial, Xbox harder, PS3 damn hard).
"While I agree from a legal/ethic standpoint it seems to be sales this generation were directly related to how easy the console was to hack (WII trivial, Xbox harder, PS3 damn hard)."
Wii launched in 2006 @ £179
360 launched in 2005 @ £280
PS3 launched in 2007 @ £425
I think that is directly related to sales in this generation.
Those were sure as hell not the prices in the US where the WII and XBox were nearly the same price at launch and the PS3 was way more. Don't think the price you pay in the UK has much to do with the market. Seems to have a lot more to do with the whole euro VAT scam and corrupt politicians.
-- Cartman in "Make Love, Not Warcraft" (full episode)
This doesn't rely on modded consoles. A save game modifier program was made available on forums, to anybody able to get their save onto a USB stick and onto a PC. A flag could be switched on, enabling the uncompleted 'Badass mode', and then the save put back onto USB and onto any console. So basically anyone could do it.
If you're infected you'll be booted back to the menu screen, and if you don't go to continue, and then save and quit, your save gets renamed Graveyard.sav and your character is gone.
Also it spreads from any player with the infection, no need for a modded console, and only triggers when you die - so if you play with 3 others in a session, they get it, pass it on etc etc.
There's a fix with Microsoft now, so should be patched soon. Anyone with Graveyard.sav is done for, but an infected save which hasn't gone that far can be fixed - unfortunately this uses the same modding tool that caused the problem in the first place...
BBC News has a budget of £350 million and 3,500 staff members, 2,000 of whom are journalists. I dont think you can compare a huge corporate pedo-supportive firm like the Beeb with reghardware, which I believe has just three team members. Meh, what am I saying? The delay is a total disgrace... fire them all.