In a dig at Apple, Google said the 4 is the first phone able to take 360° panoramas
Theres been apps for that on Android for ages.
Nice price for the phone though, may sale my HTC One S to get on of these if reviews and good.
Google didn’t wait: it has just outed the Nexus 7 with 32GB of storage and the Samsung-made Nexus 10. The Nexus 7 line now runs from 16GB to 32GB - the old 8GB model is out, replaced by a cheaper 16GB tablet, for $199/£159, and the new 32GB unit, which will cost $249/£199. Google Nexus 10 Nexus 10: Samsung made with a 2560 …
A phone that is a Nexus device, has an sd card slot, a 4.3" screen at 720p with a decent camera, 2GB RAM and a minimum of 16GB storage. (essentially an upgraded Galaxy S2 but with software support from Google rather than Samsung)
I hate this obsession with ever larger screens, 4.3" is my sweet spot of screen size on a mobile phone.
Actually, you're wrong on that. The Nexus One had a microsd slot.
A few reasons why I like a large amount of storage 1. I have more than 16GB of music. 2. Google Music isn't yet active in the UK like in the US (as in streaming from the cloud, but I understand this might be available next month) 3. Streaming music over a mobile network is very expensive, because it uses lots of data. So therefore isn't practical hence I need to store it on an sd card.
I might hold back and see if Google release a 32GB or 64GB Nexus 4. I'm still of the preference about screen size though, 4.3" is my sweet spot.
"A phone that is a Nexus device, has an sd card slot, a 4.3" screen at 720p with a decent camera, 2GB RAM and a minimum of 16GB storage. (essentially an upgraded Galaxy S2"
1 - Buy a 16gb Galaxy S 2
2 - Install an AOSP ROM, which is built from the pure Google source code with SGS2 hardware drivers added, but all the Samsung apps left out - so it runs just like a Nexus.
Downsides are you miss out on full 720p screen (but its still an awesome screen), only get 1 gig of ram and will have to spend 10 minutes flashing software, but that is as close as you can get (and are likely to get) to the phone you want if anything bigger than 4.3 is a deal breaker for you.
I know it works because that's what I'm typing this on :-)
Movies now, Music (20,000 song free storage and local scan, no upload) available 13th Nov.
"On November 13, we're bringing music on Google Play to Europe. Those of you in the U.K, France, Germany, Italy and Spain will be able to purchase music from the Google Play store and add up to 20,000 songs—for free—from your existing collection to the cloud for streaming to your Android devices or web browser. We’re also launching our new matching feature to streamline the process of uploading your personal music to Google Play. We’ll scan your music collection and any song we match against the Google Play catalog will be automatically added to your online library without needing to upload it, saving you time. This will be available in Europe at launch on November 13 and is coming to the U.S. soon after. This will all be for free—free storage of your music, free matching, free syncing across your devices and free listening."
I read elsewhere that Android 4.2 includes something called Gesture Typing, which sounds exactly like Swype. Isn't Swype patented? How is Google getting around those patents to do their own seemingly identical version? Seems like this will eventually bankrupt Swype - why would someone pay for an alternative keyboard that comes builtin to their phone for free?
"I read elsewhere that Android 4.2 includes something called Gesture Typing, which sounds exactly like Swype. Isn't Swype patented? How is Google getting around those patents to do their own seemingly identical version? "
So how is Google getting around a patent that may not even exist, for a piece of software that others have already copied, for a keyboard that you don't know even exists (yet you somehow know its identical??), let alone released by Google?
With that kind of logic you should be a patent lawyer for Apple!!!
At last, El Reg reports on the actual launch which world+dog (including the BBC) has covered all day.
Pity Google don't seem to deserve the 1 article per device/minor feature the apple event received.
How about a mention of Android 4.2's tablet-tastic multiuser support? In my household that is going to be a rather big deal.
To be fair to The Reg, there's been no 'general' demo of the hardware, press conferences, goody bags, etc for them to pore over, be sarcastic about, and generally digest and write articles about.
They've got what we've got - the official android blog, and what other tech sites are writing about. And everyone'd be pissing and moaning if they just rehashed what TheVerge said.
Still no excuse for missing the online launch though, which was mentioned in the comments of the articles multiple times, across multiple articles.
Unless I was the only one who actually emailed them (as it was perfectly possible to have missed it and assumed they had postponed the launch, as I thought had happened till I checked the comments) in which case you all only have yourselves, and the El Reg Beer Fund, to blame, natch ;-)
About the only places who have played with the hardware are the major - *major* - tech blogs, or seriously pro-android sources as far as I can tell - and they would have been under strict NDAs till launch day and would be certain to give good feedback.
I'm currently umming and aahing about buying a Nexus 4 outright...if the 20,000 song thing is correct, that's pretty much my entire collection I can get on the go. Sounds like a pretty reasonable tradeoff for the low storage. And I missed that from the Android official I can't fecking talk.