Decline of Facebook?
So first off, I don't really use Facebook -- I have an account JUST for single sign-in on a few sites, but never use the rest of it. If you value your privacy you will do the same (or not put anything on there you don't want everyone on the planet to know.)
But, anyway.... this seems silly to me. Having people pay to have BETTER visibility of their post (like maybe pushing it to the top?) Sure. Changing it so the people who "Like" you (and haven't blocked your posts...) don't actually receive your posts, unless you pay for them to get them? Ugh, it seems to me that breaks a whole tenet of Facebook, just like having Twitter only send tweets to SOME of your followers would break the whole point of Twitter.
As for stock... well, I figured (before the IPO) that fair market value for Facebook was approximately $9 a share based on a reasonable P/E (price to earnings) ratio of approximately 15 (meaning basically that the overall value of stocks is 15 times the current years earnings.). The IPO used a P/E of over 60, which is VERY VERY high -- over 20 (or 30 for a risky investor) is considered overvalued and a likely bubble unless there's some unusual reason P/E doesn't apply*. There's still hype so it won't surprise me if it still sits at $18-20 for a while, but Facebook WILL sooner or later have to bring in more money (or hype it better) to stop a slide down to $9 or so. As for the investors, sorry, but those of you who bought this at $40+ did not follow BASIC economic principles, so I feel for ya and all but it's really your own fault for buying stock based on hype.
*I'm no investor, but off the top of my head P/E could be inaccurate if 1) A company chose to invest profit in some one-off expense like a new factory, rather than taking out a loan for the factory... this would save the company interest and such in the longer term, but make earnings look terrible in the short term. 2) Tax games with deferred earnings and shell companies and such.